Viday sand Satuvdar From Sprlng Laib, Zie Rlb Roaut Cholce Cuts of Tendr, 9 Veal oast oneles, MIik Fed Veal, llb. Sausage Mea: UtMae 9 Bacon Swif sePveanlum ~45c, col d Monk) Black Waluuts, 2 c utter, Meadow Gold. 9 (in tkeli) 4 Ibs. 2. c ountry Roll, lb. Apricots, (tre. Ripen- Eggs, Strictlyr Fresh- md) 2 large cana... .5 Ail White, doz. -..739 Tomatoea, Gmst Paced, 3 No. 2 cana FPour, all adv. brandi, .4 Sc 24 IL.bag .... 6 9e spirituiLUd1 UCVCIUiiVieiLithi mea *(uies- cent child, giving a list of books for urerstudy. The ,class ivili ,meet Ibi-mnonthlv Ini one hour sessions be-)gining iiat 10. o'clock 'on the second and third. Tues- days of the month, .\,rs. Gullicks .on will lecture and lead the discussion, atthe first-session each month., The second meeting each month will he devoted to round talble discussions with Ifrs.' Hèctor. Dodids, president oif the group),'"as -chairman. Arrangements, for the, class %vere made' by 'Mrs. John Kinnear. pres- ident' of the Logan-Howard Parent- Teac her association, and:Ms R. E. Dalstrom. child Welfare ýchairnian of the association. HigherestCage Teani to Play at DesPlaines The boys' basketball teami of the Highcrest school vviIl go to Des Plaines this_ wNeek to play fthe Croa- tion school teanm. On Fridlay of nexi week the Highicrest bovs %N-111 meet the College Hill school, This gm will be played in the Highicrest gniu- end adUqutrUac~k respectivelv. Schun-man play-ed.guard for Newrfir last year.' TWo other members of this. sea- son's Nèw Trier, team, Bol) Sciler, halfback, and Charles Dostal, tackle, Were,,selected h)v the Daily Times for, places on. the ali-Suburban league second team. Party of Young Married, Set Attend Horse Show A! group of 'younig people f roni Kenilworth .attended .the .Interna- tional Horse show held at the Stock yards last Saturdav niight, after. bav-- ing dinnier, at the Saddle and Cycle clu."argaret, the young daugitcr, of Mr. and Mrs. Harold, F. Tideiuan.---- o f 138 Abinigdon road, rode Bi Bo,~thie horse om-ned b1* Leon 1T. Ellis. Aniig the party -were Mr. and Nrrs. Harold F. T'idenian, Mýr. and Mrs. Harry J. Williams, -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Peterson, Nfr. and Mu- s. julius- A. Peterson, Mr. a.nd Mr. Frank W. Ketchain, NMr. and MIrs. Clavton Burchi, Mr. and MNrs. Joh'i Nuveen, Jr., and Mr. and \Irs. Lcoii T. F-llis. The partv -,as arranged ',.v Harrv Wiiliarns. IO~range Marmalade <(Crose am Blcwl1ljar 2c, 3 jar& 55S PàCkgo . .... Juice, (Wèlch's) i Pt. btl, for, I GCHRISTMAS give a veek with a three-day sale on Thurs-. day, Fridav and Saturday. Starting a vea r ago in the smiall corridor shopê in the *Brown building,. h has gro-wn steadilv' into thie greatjy, enlarged and attractive shop next (loor at 1157 Xilmette avenue. 1"This healthv, growth in tthese times of econonluc depression," Nfrs. MNannerud says, . is. very: encouraging. The carefullv se- lect ed merchandise 1 i 1V s.hop, 'she rernarked, "Is intended to me vr 1166 Wii. 1061 Remember the Food Barrela Mr. andl Mrs. J. A. Paasche, 310 eenleaf avenue, entertained a 'oup of friends from Chicago at mner Thanksgiving day. Le I il. I.lCen-L-Itatlon (Dog Food) cans 290