Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Dec 1932, p. 8

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Am.rica's Most SHIRTS Arrow 1 Sainforiz.d- sliru n Trump - $1 .95 Paddock .$2.50ý Wbeihe'h. invftaton r e a d s ARROW DRESS SHIRTS Now $2.50 and $3.50 Gloves. ied -Capei..&#$1.li5 Ofher Gloyes $1 to $5' BOYS' HORSEHIDE COATS On. 12 size,$45 woollined ...$48 One 14 size, wool $4 ined, fur cotior.. $ 5.4 the promise of copiplete provision for onie famiIy at the holiday season. AiU contributions ho%,Vever snl.are gratefully. recei.ved and vlaesare, aske tiot to forget to -include toys amnong their (lonationls. Mirs.. Don- .aid Maxwell,' telephone Wilm ette 2986, N'ViIl heip miake. contacts for those villagers whlo are able. to, tgke care of a famnilv.at Christmnas tiiç or ws to miake contributions. Aug- rnenting the list oif. cases" publisied luilast veek's Ï.Ssue of WÏMTZLE is the appendeil supplied by Mrs. 11axwell., This is, the second. -car that a- group of WVilnietteý womien ha' undertaketi to assist the United Charmtes ini securit g aid at Christ- mas, tinie or needy Chicago. families. Xou arc, ifvite(I to read th 'e ,"cases" idicated ]helow anîd, if you are able an4d wilig to joui,m .iu i.,pri>ratii, of holiday checer, to communicate \vtih Mrs. Maxwell at Vilirnette 298t). C CA'SE 13 1it Septî-Inher tof this yuat, atrage(ly oaîi. ' tthe Iteaki houshidinithe ii-athi <if Mr. I s.lit! \vas flot a mfan <li le',s eharai-tur and on îîunIe'uroSj otyasîîî~lit. %vas apt to drink a bit 0or tuII I liesoul(l. I-le iwas a. tait andi strong if ait who loved is famiiiy agtl tlîy. ini turîî, adored hlm. Hi isj aIl>(cIIci' lt-av~eS anl enpty place ii 111e fiîi.This year, Chri.ýtrnas wil be e c-hil- CASEPl16 There Ivas .gieat jo)y bInUthe Ilssa househoId about a nionth ago, when1. daddy. came homie :gaiiî. I hi-ad goile aNvay. following ai disaigreenient ho- tween hlm iand Ri.osis anami<ltiing hlis absence, thfe childveii iiissed Iilmi tferribly. Nwthat'he lias retuinud(, hé, is going. arouîid ueîwer o 1s"eif hie uak1inOt find wîîi-k tu sîîppit bis fanily and, so fare, lias been'î uisuceas- fuI. On top of this ivori-y andhuiia tipen of tiot being able to support thênt, he is n6w eonfruînted with the piwobli-in Ofi C'hristma.s w.ihi<ble ili fot be nUle to provide. 1le lsaa-aî'î th;ît Alie.' who ýis 12. Alfiedl. i. ýatnd Tedciy, 6., arc, expecting theji, daildy to flo the inîpos- iible to .biing a. lhappy i'hi'stinas to tiieto .If lie i.aîîîot gî*t soine liel-î in doing tlî oi',i hejît, thîe lttie .totsý iiise their 1<1(1] tai lle-fi iii thil îij-vs. AL 17 Ills ul-n iuhaiîdle4-fi lit-i. lvii Jîlr5*aJ. iv cl liid l -dst i nîit heai-ci fi'uîîî lm sti i f.Th. i sistei cied, iaiîg to siîl): l .ld't jlmnuliie, 7. aIMy .Mrs. iiîiiwi àairo blas a yînî--ais(r g4îd i 1ý. 'î liais bee" n oua hie iio w<iik lt t h, present tiine. M It illieiis'mthel 1aîw, faîtlifl. to .Ifiniiiiiaîd Maîy, is wi inrg onre day a wei-k a îîd gi\ué.s e extra :nieholiuis ti'i thtliie ei wh-hlvevliii le 11ow. is lh uiîev iakes enotîgh to i t- i jii. f is iiii niiboard. IIelî'ii, M s. .hîlzsguI.- anid a ai-e ak ii i- ilf s;i ltai \il I brifig them i 't i(1411 . Jlîîîîiîît- is -i r CASE .21tielioig M 1s. v.'ik is a t illy, trdloii Bohemian iwldow who féor twio years hia,. up)>tdher four vidiî.James and M;atry. 18 and. 20, l1i ýok lettiently day after. day for iýWork boffligti litlp their niohe ,ith.the support (of the younger. iîrothe t-i an sister, Bill , and iJennie, [Jntil a year aigc, Mrs. V(ok w(rk'e4 1uîghts as a chawouîîaîi lit î4lowntow il The faîîuily- is living iii foui' siniali ro'îîîîsft. î whîch thc-y pây $» (i a înont.l. Theýy have made their littie fli t as hi)îîielike as they eouldid it. is ai- ways spotiessly d cean. 2%firy. w~ho sae vt u mother a great deai of the homîe epnili. satid that fast yvar l éIie rthierivelit, Out late C'hristmnaîs i-v. gî4ing frora store to store tuiti t asimall f 'hîistmnas tret- %N-aîs givcn him.,Il is niîotlier aîit( it Ma dtvc<>ra-ttèd it and, rouîuied un eil the ehuldrefi's 01(1 to 'ys, plaî-.ilîg them tri t(U*Il theé 'rita trîee for tlîexii the foi- lowing nlùrning. Tlhis yîa.r, 'tlî<-(,il,*,' flotevenoldtoys to bu îlayed Nvlth Iilg)l. îrlirig. Aie !Bilh axîd (l.1eî - n le, who ai-e 1hi îthexciteda ] îC fhrist1 CAE92 T lh is faily, oîl tig f five chil- dlreit, is (Ile 4)f tho.su picasant gioiij> vhi- bs rocta.ined a wiîeînefaîîîi1- fi fe in i nelglîbo)rhooýid th.tt is undesil-, aibie for roîn îhldîeîl. The filtht-r is dlead, the olîlesidauglîwr lais 14,imairrifd a iîd iii a hmrre (of lier 4,wn. leaviîîg 11w)<îl at()Iîouîw 'ho is eni- pi>loui-. Foeî 10, Frailk, ]*-, :ind -1001111.14. flf*i-(1 'lthîig fori' hoo. A - htr.17, laietui 1(otiLariu Tuchnical Iligh "IIO~col .îîeKt >scîje>ter, anti îvil needj înîvfor sUh~oi~~pies. The bo.im; wmiuld like to have.. osof t(l\entul't White. or black and white. MEN'S HNDKCHFS. In fiursand stripes. Other Nectcwear $1.00 - t-iîltii lu~isiiiit the n e tiLve loi iii~ ~~t "i stl uthe rest u«the wfaînly, aib<l atci val; jilit ia ver' littie girl jiki- ioys ihal uioîî dii '.. nid ni> iiidwill d,<i. tol lav s dh ifiuiit4u iinas as tii tlithev woud iI îketo havîe.but îvouIld l'e urfucithlyIappy î stoaille iittle, treilkî-t t bat thuy ý,c-ai n ;lditîtil' îiii l oiiul suppoîse thait if they N-cre al veî goidboyýs ainid gii'ilbtwui nom, aîîld 4i 'Ilist im;iS, sanltaî iliglit rellielliber t lollili? ""'1w Lit -jdIII I lut nle10 e 4,CASkE 23 iii lli,, hat îî.îîli îot îiidth~ii.v wîîîan. hald hieu happily niai-- ri-ed fiortlîîî-c- ya -,wbeii lier anibitiouis c i iityghatîlina between Chin-ago and this C'hîistinas î-iic itut tley ihink lh,,l HC îd M'.Bizan'a insurance barely W~ill do10 i 11i:11i4-11. îi iand i intilih . lx î-*ovei'eîî tie - funer;iI, expuneîia- ind back of: their miniis-tlit-i V)ietiiiCs wiiiilli oi l I n fact. Ms.Bizaîî later ound if he -w ill (1o)îîîthiîi" Neveit hole-u'saîrùîiti nilî his whNviî-h lie oived on the tbe-y ai-e hiîpiiig thut 1hi. W<ifl't q1ith trnr I an(]us lîenî quite woi'ric-d abouti forget fuTOP iare.tt i*a tiv h-eind hapl'YIlt hinsince. lifttie yoigstoî-s, w itti tht ir goieîi Two pionth.s after the fatheî-'s deatii, and bhigr bîtiee ec-s Iowev. the î,ux,.. . . I îîîîi'î.îîî nimi îy ana recent Ihome dutrlng his.wiffî"s confi.nen Cook County.ho.-piitail. During th Itî relief agency provlded a ae t 1 n $ eki ;L-ettjral town. )u ring the sljmimei», Mr. Zabo.tn ,ie the father. woî-ked for board anid'rooni ise- Ion farmis but at present he is apatienlt singîing and refreshments. - andi Santa Clatis says lie'Il lie there as tistial. The party is for the children ofail members of the Post and the Auxiliary. There is no charge. 4' I Phone Wi mtt. 2655,

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