Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Dec 1932, p. 9

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ciate It very niueii-I if yoll 1zaliéi? paeie in y<.i ft in, very trulv, received umtil next veek. acîrGeor>u o, ge !R. iarlir kigli. Mir. Moore. The ýveek openced witlî to.tal gifts f Dcibr1.13 (3.9000 Io hand froin thr&utghiot f H.onl'JT. jAes the counit,., or clo>se to '45 Percent of1 Couîtv seso tic fixed quota. >It wvas the exîlectation Court Homse tha t the m~fwvnark %voi > bi'nChicago, Illinois reached during the weei<. Activities in Dar .\r. Jacobs: the1 city ere augnnted this 1.c vt notice in, the Tribune tliis rnorn- thme heginning ôf the canipaiglu f iabout- ing that 1.361. resideuits of Win.eta 1,000 *w\onen t(>- ci ver ail smal'i retail enil%%orthi. \Viiette aui ('lencoe, sto)res that coid lmet be c.1ualc )y %vlîo escéape(l assessinîents agaist the main group. o1erating i Ilie bui- th eirprsai roct aebe rIcss and indi(ustr-ial,.orgalnîzati' 'us. placed on the 1931 tas rolis. and a "Teelias beeum a mucli butter mi- 5 I)eètla'l lace(i against tléie. ,derstanid-.ng.(if Ifurpose andl uuethîîd in iTi a te . lp 1 oue conversation itîî ;unr caipaigun ithe 1a.St ue said --~ester<lav. vo stated to nie that Mr. Moore. and ýf or .that reason . c etir' ra i vTirtwsi are cxpecting intncl freer gvugwithili had hen iornittecl from the personal1 Hicsmet fw dys.Mor an flre propertv returnlnmade bv nie as theè citizens arc reccognizing the urgencv townshi - 1)assessor. e4f tbis afpèal 'for silpport o f (lur wl fare work, and if subscriptins are I arn unabie to understand how 'tlîis .ced.we shah be inia pstionti re- cou](' be. as ini 1931 a house-to-house duce distres", îw a Nidc niargin in snrvcv Nvas nmade Iby deputies-under ,hoýrt ()rdcr. mv direct ion-a nd nainmes. addresses h"t1111h iilst( ndrtoo(l. i eCtlîit '111(1 estiniates of ecvresident in t lic tî ital qi<ita ()i $7,500,000. is tuec the tdwnlsliip -as obtaiîied and these :>11allcst piissil>le sunitht \,Ill caré ircs resses and estiniates were for t1w addéd l>rden,ý (oftu cliharities! nsed for the 1931 ýe-assesstment and thîis wîmter. and foýr that reasouîwere placed on the re-capitulation' 11m"t reacli the goal as qtuiCkly ýas Pos-t sheets, returncd hy nie tco your offce. sibie so that ail phases of \veifare work I The total' waq, Io the best of myv will be assuircd of .fuîll *upîîtand be recolection, soniethîing over 8,000. lîi,ýled efficien)t]N." *As>norrnukmin was madefr the what had becomne of the formier oc- cupant. Naturaiiy,. if the present- occupant. had flot resideci at that address' in' April, 1931, lie or she %votid not be -taxable, for personal prop erty aàt that addres-S for, 1931. There has corne to mv attention a niumber of cases where the personts had filed. an itemùized, signeil and sworni,schedule and.were given notice l1'y your office to appear and, showv -cause whiv thev, shottid flot be as- sessed. because of, omitted property. [lenarnes of .th' ese people also ap- peared ini the printei liist sent out by .v3our office, showing the ainouilt of' theirassessment. .Thiese,:,no. doublt. are inicluded in1 the> 1,361 aii.egýed to hlave beeh omitted.> 1 have requeste(l and wvould- 'l> pieased to receive a iist of these 1,361 omitted residetîts. so that 1 miglît examine saxùe and find. oui the areas which ïL..m sipposed to have omnitted, as it is mny belief that every resident in the townshîip, wvho w~as subject to taxation for personai property for the year 1931, was listed oi, the' re-capitulation shects rc- turned to vour office, witli an esti- mate of the amouint of his or lier personal property and .wiicre sclied- ules were returned. in compliance with the la-w, the\- were'so uîoted, but ini cach instance tiiere *wçs also an judging frorn the sho@win.g made in its two appearances,.to 'date, North--, western has the maki'ngs of another strong éntry for the Big Ten race. The team bas displayed more speed and 'versatility than those oùf the past two years. vhicli is taking in.' consuderable territory si.nèe the Pur- pie wvon the. Big Ten 'titie ini '31. and-- finished second last year. Coach .Dutclî L.onborg has appar- ently decided ol i e makeuip of his first string comnlinatiofl. The two regulars froin last year, Capt. Joeý Rieiff, forward, -and Elmer johnsgon, center, are firmllv entrenched in their positions. Three subs friom last year, Don Brewer,,forwvard, and, Stan- Cul- ver and Marvin Moonshower, guardq.' conîpiete the quintet. This group avjerages slightly over ~6 fëet in heiglît. R-eiff is thle tallest, being 6 feet 3 inches. Johnson is (0 feet 2 inches. while Brewer' and Moonshower are hoth 6 feet. Cuilver is the mnidget of. the outfit, l)eing .5 feet 9 inchies.. Dr. H. C. Carlson, veteran coach of the Pittsbunrghî teai, lhas another of bis typi.calIi fast breaking teanîs, ini the field tlîis year. The speed and fine niarksinansh.ip of the Pitt plavers has n1liced them zitnnL-the le2ainiz U'pen.EN. L.'i'rack Season against the cdaim. vhich yu ntkethis date Northwestern's track schieduie, an- (if you are correctiy quoted), that Yours very truly, nouniced this .week, will open Feb. 24 the( number of 1,361 residents, of the; George R. Harbaugli, xwith a quadrangular meet -%ith \Vis- townisi p were omnitted f roin the rolis. . Assessor, New Trier consiiî,«Purdue and Chicago. Purdieý A large nunber of schedliles; 'Township. has taken the place of Oiîio sinc e i B uckeyes were forced.to with.draw Hutclinson)-Storm Over Asia. because of the expense ôf sendiiig a Denisrnort-Chippewa' Customs. teani. Other meets 'on the Wildcats' Nvew Book~s . Muzzey-American' Adventure. schedule are: il. Sulivan-Our Times.' March 4-Triangular meet. North- 'Eberlein - Manors and Historic Nvesterrn. Mitinesota and '%Vis(ozisin ait The following lie%% books have beeu Homes. of the Hudson V-alley. 0 Isles. Mrs. Robert Ward and. son.,li Hughes-London at Hc are on thieir way liome to New Buchan-Sir Walter Sc Haven, Cotnu., werê dinner guests Bots ford-Helienic His Monday of the Roy Osgoodfs of 423 I3ourne-Revolutionaty Essex road, Ke'nilworth. Europe (1763-1815). ber of the l is 6 feet or par witlî respect. 'anitiier irst string lineup over. lacifg themn on a Northwestern in this Boys' Shoes Needed for Arden Shore Mrs. Frederick Tilt, 342 aveimîie, pIresident of the M amp, -o- gate university. Efie James, 701 Washington ave- nue, who teaclies in Sultins college Mrs. James' W. Sheddeii, 1215 oiiniatBristol, 'Va., wiil spend the holi- Chestnut avenue, wili entertain her davs with ber parents., bridge club at luncheon Friday. s.wierc solitcitation 1 ii

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