Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Dec 1932, p. 1

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Village Board LIOIT s to Burn A Childrcnl * *88**8*N.N êJLi5F . H i h7 o l'W ITuesdyp, ec Tre ihS ehool Gr 1 day bike racii Addrss ivi Grup thrills of the -- Garden,". in . The Wilniette Civic league is - food, and ,veg pecting a large. attendance at its 'turi-ed over t I Fridy of Iof Local Cii regu*lar mionthly lunicheon i among thef this week at 12:-15: oclock i ii 'Marshall1 village. Field and cmav State, Street res- Adults mnav taurant, w linS t (I;P affnie% <of tîhe regular a, Tc rier Iliîgh scliool iil spýeak. money raised The subject.of Mr. (afe% talk turned over. t will bc -Culture. the Stepdauigliter of1 Sam Meyerf Eduaton" Whcniiniterviewed this" mantager. veka'to .wlat the nature of bis In additioîl tak voild h)e, Mr. Gaffncy mmnimar- Gren" h îze< itbrîtlv. a tolô~s :groups have1 Warna.of utimeat. uesial "At present, because of the depres-1 Teatro del 'ion 1a1 the feeling thiat we shiouldl variety o f t ake stock of education and see whlat ý matinee startý can be eliminated. there is (langern Oft ture film lxe jumping to thie conclu-sion thiat the o'clock. Th( thlrcee R's" and' those tings whicil 1Local Chariti, ad(uits of the lireselit generation1 ity crowd wl learned whien thiev iere ini school fc~ are aIl tliat is necessarvý.i nchrtr -On the contrarv, somne of those ing 1heen giv feattules uof our edutcatlinal sy'stenx 1.ago on Tue whichi stand Mi the greatest daniger 0'_________ blinpattackel are reàllv the inuost I atten.ding the charity lie Teatro del Iago, on :embèr:20,%%rill get six- ing, wrestling and. other, film, "Madison Square exchange for can.s f. getables. %vhich, will be to the ý ilmette Board alrîities ,f Or distributio n needv. famnilies of the attend the majinee for admission l)rice,. and al Iin this maniner wvill he to the charit%. board by s, leatr() del L ago il to "'.\adisoîî ,Square ich l()cal Better Film recolmiyi(iided as a Pic- le -for childre,- the Lago wvill present a short. subjects. The ts at .3:30. and the fea- egins, shortly after.4. le Wiliette Board of îes liopes. that a càpac- iiattendl this, itS sec- miatiee, the first. hav- 'cli at tiie Teatro del esda\ oi this week. btreîLights; V u1a!ers Lomplaîn of - 'q - AL - *L %AU -7 Darlcness - Recreation Board, Ghurchi and AilL street lights in -Wlilmfette 'Will Civic Groups Amin. Spon. be turned on f rom ,dusk until dawriP durinig the holida esn teVlae Sur Community Event board bas decided, and after the holi- days ail of'the lights. will 'be on until The 12th annual Community Christ- Zocokin the morning., mas Carol sing, -will be held Christ- Several motitis' ago, as an economy mas Eve, Decentber: 24, at 7 :39 measuré, the Village trustees, decided o'clock around the publi c Christmas to turn off lighits in the middleof the tre e on.the Village Hall lawn. hlocks throughout, Wilmette and to' Each year: the civic organizations, 1kýeep burning.onily those:-oni the street churches, and individual citizens join corners. -This plan bas met wîth miany ...ith h lyrud n erain complaints -on thé part of residents. i board,.in, conducting this, half Jiu and the Village board bas been 'vork- 1 of Christmnas caroling. The weli ing n th prolemfor ome ime known Christmas carols are sung, tc. It basbeen agktsthe accompaniment of a band com It as eendecided to instaîl .100- posed of New Trier High scbool cadipoerbubsthouhot9 hee- students and alumna. The band wilI tire Village. including the business dis- trit.' The 1lbs noNvin use in the tJones,41002 GJeenlea ofavenue a business section are 250-candlepower iJon e 1002 Geenlef anetnih, Ibut these will be replaced u7ith the ilbecmoe ofJntWig, snille bul~sastheoldbuls brnHarry Minor, George Hunt, cornets; out. There is to bc no change ini the Ce oskandGe. orge one, Warn- residence section. The old 100-candle- CzesadGog oetoi power bulbs that were reinoved when )oes. I th ecnom pln wa adpte ar to George Bersch will lead the sing- benrplced. Addîtional huilbs have 1 î. R. D. Burtner, 810 Oakwood. be rered to take the place of those %Nho has been the song leader since that burned out.. the customi of public Chris:tmas carol- preciation ot everv situation meu-uv i1,cnuir -i-p~i cn IurcI,l iuneets in life depelid-,;entirelyoin thle beginning at 10 o'clock. AIl women abilitv lie lias developed to appreciate of the conumunit%, are invited to par-I and' undcrsýtand it. Mir. Gaff ney, be- ticipate, it is announicedl. levès__________________ AIl resîdeuits of 1-Wilnuiette liave been invited to attend the Ci'i league luncheon this week and vto hiear MNr. Gaffney. Everv \Wilmette ý citizen, by virtue of residence here,v is eligible to inenubershlip in the Civic leaguie, LIuev are uleucu. t was expiaïned. Art League Arranges, Black and White Show The winter exhibition of black and whites, original drawings and handi'- crafts (including art photography). will open Sunday afternoon, Decem- ber 18, at 2:30 o'cloêck, in the Ntbrtii ; v short talks by prominent citizens. includiuig Village President Dubbs. rThe entiré progrant will last Gnly thirty minutes, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, bas announced. ini order flot to interfere with the home Christmas celebrations and Iast minute shopping. Programs contain-. ing words to the Christmas carols to be sunz have as usual been do- nated hv WiiLMETTE LinE. Wilmette Will Remain, Open Evenings Until for* Christmas Shop pers

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