The Sister hood of the North Shore Congregatiôn Israel will have à pan- try sale, luncheoii, and symposium of wocmen 's activities at ifs Decemiber meeting next Monday. The sale will 6e open at 10:30 ai Will continue throughout the day. It is being given under t he auspices of the ways andI means 1 committee, of' whichl Mrs. Harrv A. Kahn is chairmnan and Nirs. Samuel Goodman and Mrs. Louis A.'. Suekoif The booths for the sale, will 6e decorated 1w rs Frank Soloion and. Mrs.14James Greenebaunii. Among the booths willbe onue foi. sandwiches. for the heniefit of the school. chiîdren of Chicago. Contri- butionis of sandwiches are requesfed.. There is also to be an industrial vv.orkshop displav of articles suitabl, for gifts under the supervision ni Nfs.Abel Davis. The prograin colinîiittee. of Nvbich Mrs. Sylvan .Hirscbberg is chairmnait. hias arranged a symposium on "XV'omn- en 's Activities" to bce pres;ented at the luncheon table. The symiposiumn will be participated ini 1w Mrs. Adolphi Stein ou. "W\onîiiiaiI the Homne": Mrs. Ravmiond Sinons, -Wonian ii, the Professions"; Nfrs. George Ktili. "Womian ini Art";:Nfrs. Lester R. Wellman, "W\omian in Business. tietka. The folloiving niiemnbers of fili cornmittee iil'be ini charge of thle various booths for the panfry sale: Bread anîd Noodles-Mrs. MNilton Grauer. Coffee Cake and (lSecclce-MNr.. ,Sanmuel Goodmtan. Mrs. Charles Sm.i- cere. Cakes-Mrs. Warren Shutster. Mrlr-. !$rnau Akelv (Mrs.1 Nate S .Ikcv of Iîlwt.a pion iàsi ll known on' the nnrtli shîore for her taie>zt both as soloisi anid as arco»if- l'an ist and -à/w bas a/'/.'arcd on rnQn3i Y4rMmras, db, socala44 radio, 'il supplv theimpnzortant >nwilçicol backyroua;d for the< read- in!, of -Thi, Other IWisc IMai," 'the stor *v l'y Von Dyke w/tich M11r:. Chai-les A. Broad will give at the Chrýist mais pfroyram ofte 1Woman's Catholic. club of Jilmctte on Fni- %aY afti-rnoon of this ek MNrs. Akely, w-ith Madame Sturkoxv%- ,yder, appeared on the pro-ram oi be in classic forin and 'based' upon Chopin nocturnes and compositions of Schubert, Schum~ann, and Rach- maninoif. Diversified Pro gram Is Chosen for College Club Dr. Max Cutler of the Michael Reese hospital will be guest of bonor at a dinner tif the &hicaz Co eu born Ban., building at 203 North Wabash avenue in Chicago. The manager of the building has very kindly given the use of a large space on the third floor for the event whicl' will be. held during the e'arlyeveiiing. The party is being sponsored 'by tbce board of directors and the niembers of the Volunteer, group *and an at- tendance of at leastone'huindred is anticipated. The Wilmette Womans club lias an active interest in the Service council wbich is a Protestant Big Sister organlization .formiedin,1925 at the requèst of Judge Mary Barteline by a grouplof club womfen inter.ested in girls' wo-rk and for the,,purpose, of being a friend and counselor to. anyv adolescent Protestattgirl in need Of such service. The znajority of clientsý ,are referred by the juvenile court and those accepted for care are as-' sisted with clothing, carfare, inciden- taI school expenses., help in obtaining medira1l attentiôn m aàIo in finding positions or homes. Various club and church groups assist by doing sew- ing. Donations -of filled suitcases and used clothing are also appreciatecl. The organizatjon is maintained bv contributions froni individ1uals. and groups and the offices are Iocatedl on the tenth floor of 203 Norîlî Wabash avenue. Mrs. Stella M. Tucker and M-\rs. S. J. Duncan-Clar'k are \Vihnette Ienbers of the board. Chicago ill hold their rgur mionthly meeting il, the 'Crystal room Of the Hotel'Sherman Wedniesdav-. Decemiber 21, af 12. Mliss Herma.1 Clark., author and lecturer, \,-ell knowýn for ber articles, "WVhen lCI.. cago Was Y'otng," curreut ini the Sunday Tribune, ,vill give an illus - trated talk on letters to "Dear- Julia," depicting the gay nineties. eWith Music, Dec. 16 The Worman's Catholic club of XVil- mette is.declariing open house for ifs next progra m and meeting' Friday affernoon,. December. 16, at 2 o'ciock, hin the large auditorium 'of the Wo'm- an's club,. and for the occasion niem- bers, have the privilege of inviting guests. A reading of a beaufiful ÇChristmas story, wi.fh music and the dancing, of little children who aàre the pupils, of the Hielen Rotova's School of Danc- ing will* provide the *àffernooni's pro- gramn, which Will be, followeéd by the 1usual social half hour around theç tea table. "isRotoa," if. is. stated, ."cre-. ates al ber dances and dance dra mas %vith the, art elements of- the (lance-.. the -art of music; the art of panto- mime: the lovelinecss' of, sculptural line., Her children show the po:ise and individual interpretations of the mxature artist; thie oveiy grace aind the refresbing beauity of their per- sonalities in every rnove and posture tbey create. Their training is coin-. plete. Tbey are coached in the art of the dance, then the technique and no talent is left utide\veloped»" Their dance program wili include: Waltz-M\i.nuet, country dance; Tre- pak, Russian dlance; Irish Wash Woman's dance; Gypsy; Nlariniettes' Tragedy; First scene f romn the dance reainug, the music for wv1îch wilI be' played by Mrs. Ernau Akely,. 'heir programn is announced elsewhere on the club page. SMiss Zettà Hughes, Mrs. Frank Kutten, and Mrs. R. D. Turgeoii.are hostesses for the afternoon.- B. P. W. C. Has Gay Christmas Dinner' Mrs. H-. .N for the 'am for the chli- forrnerly of Xilmette,- and h the club, with 'a fer, Mrs. Jack Lorenz, et key dinner, and some of their Wilmette f n. ' 'luncheon and bridge last Fi Ut y, uie ,nearts wu'tI r on Christmas, morn. toys y thé that much'