Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Dec 1932, p. 38

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1>iau:s for Yhriv ie hapJpi1jes i with less fortunate îîersons featured the recent mecetinig., of Girl Sccoùt troops inNew T,"ri.er council. Inter- esting. toys 'an'1 celciîous foodI willi brilîen hrsîrasfor zatvafam- 1 il>, f htGil Sc out's have theirar The t flio)Wîîîg rejàort s, sul>itt<I >y1 tro<qscribs, suiarw theactivi- lisof,«sv#-rai (;rl Siçoît ,î grcjups roop 18 e t au .iSkok it scluhoîItiti., tinte, as. %c vaîît.ed t<>ns le wàksîp %Vh é 1 1e Ir,,t g(jt111e r ce we ,arted to inakc Ijtt"il.It \,(-lîad t hellnla si year Iitj(l G<tK 1111,ilic.he lace to w3ich We sept tensaid I ,ltîtai tlîy liatli sed thefi al er, s4o we iui to iniake, thert agaut làits tar. \\"t- î.u iturcs ()ut of ixj uks and uitliebooks, tfiti glttti flotel) i t c.bas'rba< the wori<,liîop tl)ittliteS'lje.iol kirndly Ici Il- usv. *At 4 t'( lo k thi- i (r>l . e t- atteîîanc anî deI A fIer àa util more. pîîZAe« h. aktîzg, NIr. .Clark read ub a itory about hecky v .iàîuers andi tlc ht Cllîas tturke.y. 'Fli,,m. had a COUrt (if aad.Wc hl à 1a1f1g 1 re- niontv. Mitranda /%titlai. u Iimt - tr ilart, NIai lda.(l, Cla 1rlk , j (.;11 Mitchell an.d Jtani) tllrcev< Browuue ttg.,. l tlit c a Il , that theyv bccalin GIrl.Scutsafr living I * Irûç'nIu1 h<r /Ir.tt Pie, Mis Girl :s< A as .çProudfft<l a abille ribbo»e lok..Si' , ,u ide 1il for seoène Jam- il' w/unzv<ull v Iîse yfo, with- olot for Ch (tritmas mas Eciga Homne." writtcii by Griscribe o if .irl ig slorv.~hut Scot u roop Q Mrs. Iickson on1 (Christmas..eve *called the hide tatidNI ar.Nand Susn. he ai, 'iîidrcLset the' table ani put in thle blute and w-hite *table cloth.", Afier thcy ate their sup;ît)cr, thley started, for ,bcd. MI ary said, "i)ou't t f orget.to hang upyotirstockings." S they hung up ')their stocking. San Mary' told. thern she hoped SatClaus yvould briing tîci canidyý. toys and nuts. "I ill wvrite a list -(.f Mny p resents," sýaicI Mary. à au doil buggy, bal], ice skates,> ski-suit, jacks,'.watch .ani ol lgiS fo 3m l' atsyv do]l." That is what Mary wrote. Strsan vrote t'his :-Dioll buggy, dôli bc) dsl k-u it, jacks, fancv ice skates, b-allwtcî doll clothes for miv Pats,% "1c ,., go to bed," said Susan, but. Mary said, "Iarn going tb hide." Slde, slde. Santa Claus camxe downi the c. iey. Hte said, "Wlî'Iat is thatt 1 smtwobrown curly heads, peekingS aoethat chair. Corne, chlikren, got tobcd now.", JSanta Caus filled the stockings f ulli 1,1Ps week fin ds the Girl Scout ()<ps<f Wihinette piunged into Chîristmuas pl-ans. Many. of these plans take the forni of Christmxas .arti S* ati r nany are ini the forin r.f -S. () , I ic project. Troqp 23, for. instanice, is comhiin, i g uk th e tw o in terests; - the ,g irls plan té hâve a Christmas feast on the night :of D)ceniber- 22; at- tha-t urne eachi scout will bring some package or: cati ofl-foodstuff 'to go into a Christmas basýket wlvhith the troo0p is gvng tînder the sponsorship- of thé junior1 auxiliarv of the, Catlioli£ Wolnan's .club'. This is. thet. first. Christmas Party the troop lias lîeld, andl if its success- can be 'rn-aiu.red by the troop's Hallowe'en party, t hen each-girl is p)rti)ared for a jolly eve- nfig. 1Plan Christmas Party" Troop )24 will have its Christmas party on Saturday afternoon-and just whonj tht big 'affair is b.ing' staged for is a* great secret : but the scribe of tht troop-Dorothy Bnîch- hauser (and she lias been newly elected, by the way) promises to have more details' ready for publica- tion next week. At the last meeting. some new patrols wtrt added to the troop, under tht leadership of Agnes Bickl. Tht girls art also learnitig a number of niew and old Cliristinas carols which they plan to sing at their fl2rtv. ,jcib, îra K lîuu. jeaitK;tskillr and<ilatin drcs., ; (-craldiînc ldiou&ue, Itht ro<îî,. Aftr dittuer. w clîcs latutdre» Nand tiaî.r ilîtîder; ;iJ vanCbîk far , s wlî jeu w îinu toi gis e housckeeperl ;ti t., î<leiiz for sixi -v ;nhril at 11%%ard Neigji- kuttlu (Cla rk-, lt îîekejrlatmlrss Otinîd liîse.\\'(- are gtmig loira fiinl i . esagaf(.%%(tlggis «l(ai ci nexi uctiîig andi decidc<l divtl sang "Tlap)s" anditeîîî ht t4) 'l'liekie. htparty is bu be J ea ('a r. ~ ri>e. I )c'etuier 17 ani ail are loi, kinig for- warid 10gis'iug i lieni t agood tilnte, iii- 11'(inug ourscivcs. .uauî ccd Troop n u-w.cribec. ',rc otir 1 u r 'tlàl sîw e * iiirtttig lo U tIyli.v. sj)ngIiu C t.i.- - What Santa Claus Left Next nioring tht childreii woke upl at4 ,'clock. They got tlîeir dôlls, dolbuggies, doil beds, balls, caiîdy, nuts, jacks, skî-suits. ice skates atîd watches. Their stockitigs were filled' full of toys, catidy and nuts. 'After dinner let us ask mother if we mav TC. d'oIIXtTIth , lones fain-I topssecond scout ng yýear--.with a canîcle on each girl'1s slice. Aiter a noisy goodl time of songs, the cake w,%a.- eut an(l tacli girl made a %vish and blew out lier candle-and niay al of tht caîîdle wishes corne true. Of course, the troop plans another af- fair for Christmas, but thte;)Iails have flot been completed yet. ,ý rowwies in Story Land Troop 2 Monda.N, Iecemher 7, Elephant pàtrol PrePared the %Vhite Iinigs ditnrfrIms Lt' son children gave thleni eachi a brand Chiristmias as we fiave had by h, new toy. Mr. Dickson drove the cliii-I some poor child or ýfamily, too.' j

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