other ways to help utnfortunate stu- dents at the high school and to take care of eniergency cases. .Every parent of a New Trier stu- dent is a member of hie liigh school's Parent-Teacher. association. Unlike, most other organizations of its kind, the ass ociation lias' never lhad any dues, and for this reason it was decided to ask for contribuùtions as a tneans of taking carle of the, niany calîs for as- sistance. -Letters. %vere sent tô New Trier par- ents recentIv inforniipg theni of the plan, and William ýBaihatchet, 725 Tenth street. Wihnette, wvas chosen . treasurer of the association to 'take charge ot the n14)ey 'conitrihttd. Aithiôuglithe fund -las now reachcd T'k.k~.Go-'-Cc ..220. <mnly sixty' famnilies lhave coil- tribluted, it ý'\as reported at- the igh Stî1eui biho/' f the ' (hicag sch<>ol this wèek. -The Parcnt-TLeachcr <fiocese of >lthe E piscopil cl:irch, a(soiaton bas a large miemlbeiship' t -uusiwslpso and those who arce emploved and w~ho pi hrh idv echý 8 1 ave hiot already 'corîtribiuted are ble- i Y'~fCîoIrtwil codiu th ing mrge<I tC)lend t1'11<' of i-Ii ( io;firniiatio; avd Pre.ach the MNrs. H-ebert \eic.331Ese 'rnnali'-inrzg evc. road, Kenilwortlî, assisted 1)yv N 1r. Clarence XWieland of, Winette, -eni- Miss Lora Baugiman, -daugbiter of tertained four tables of bridge at _Mr. and Mrs. F. J ailna,10 lunicheon Thursdav of last week. J.ene Ba ue lil uhnxan, 16 Their guests were 'ýiLna Chii motîî- 'pne aeu,-ilrtr r ers. T'le next mieeting aiîandluncheon Oberlin \vednesdlay of next Nveek ior will bce January 12. the holidays. ________ S TOCP AFTER THE. THEATRE OR DANCING. TH E GRI LL SUPPER SERVEDJ TILLý 1:00 A. M. 'Waffles,: Oyster Stow, Toased Sandwiches end ailier delicces "f Off the Griddle." AMPLE PARKINGý SPACE: THE. EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL On Lake Michigan 5300 BLOCK-SHERIDAN ROAD CHICAGO- "I'mGiving NORTH SHORE UNE Ticket Books to my Household it. r as D"daoe approve their choice. 1 know, that North- Shore Line trctveI is three times cheaper than an auto. -and 1 get where 1 want to go on time in any weather 1iff,ý Phono,ý *Th# Road of Sevr-oe-<r ail thbe /amiy." J. C. Blown incorporai id ----------