Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Dec 1932, p. 49

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[ntC s-htunder 35 yrs, reference. EMP. AGEýNCy'. 44LTN3-Itc 47 PERSONAL -SERVICIE WýIl.L DRIVE ÏOU: TO FLORI DA, heiu o Cpen Your hoie or anv octher service in excuhange for, transi). Wl mette 436S. AdLTN32-1tp 81 FOR RIENT-WOlOMS -AN ATTRA,-'CTIVE FRONT BED M.. light., cleaxi. airy a nd quie t in Hub- ba rd WVood. -Wînnetka ll14. ____ ______ aLN 324t I OR2 LE. 1i~T RMs, N. AlL transp. E. .011 et,. itst, wtr. htr., ga r.> space. Aeeept tvelers' eCuupons. wilmnette 12r3.- 5lL32-ltp F.01-1RENT-2 il00OMs. 41,j EIGHT- St., W*Ilette 2 bleks tg) N: S. Eiec., 4 blo-cks to 'IL." ____51L32-ttpý IROOMN FOR RENT -7 ERTAS ortation.72 Prùri -e., l.4. 53 BOARD AND *OOM N J E' LARGE. FURN. ROM FOR 2. $5 wk. Ttoo and board for L), -1 C-. Providient Ave. Winnetkaý,. 56FOR RENT-PARTMENTU CHOICE AVARTMENTS ('orner EInî St. and Arbor Vitae 1. Four room (I bedrrn.) 1 Five r.om (2 bedrma.) GYREATLY REDUCED RENTALS SMITH & GOSS, INC. 72j Elim St. Wlnnet.ka. 142 1004-6 Emerson St. . Universit 0189 Established 1898 Evanston, 111. 86LTN32-Itc $85 TENOR. BANJO . AND 1CASE, used .6 zmonths, $25., Mahog. victrola and records,, $5. M.%ahog. rocker, $3.-$6 rattan brktast. table, solid wood top; $.Polychrome larrnp, silk shâde.$. Lge. hall mirror, $3. Gordon. motoi crib, $2. ýFootetlool, $1. Radiant Heat gas grate burner,' $5'., Brse bea, springs, mattre.ss,,$10. Eniamel dresser,- desk, and chair. $5).,SMall uphols. bdrm. chair, $3. Winnetka 2091. SeLT32eltp FOR SALEÉ- MAHOGANY HAN])- carved,wall chair. was $100, wlll seli fo 2.Cal Greetileaf 5531. 86LTN32-t FOR, SALEK USED FURNI TL"R E. dînette set, etc.- Fine condition. Ph. Wilmette 3360. 86L32-ltp FOR -SALE -8SOLID .MAIIOGANY dining table. Bargain. Caîl Glencoe 7f6. . 86LT32-ltp se FOR BLUE-MU@1EL1A toWu* 2 TRICYCLES, MED. ANI) LARGE, $4 fach; child's 8-pc. tweed coat, cap and leggings, $5: '.2 pr.shoe skates, sizes 4 and 5, $1.50 pr. Wilmette 2130. çSLTN32-Itp FOR SALE .- BARPI"1, 17 CTJT DIA- mond, ,in platinum setting. Cost $17i5. bargain at $40. Cal! Kenilworth 4774. SSLTN32-lte LION.'EL ,ELECTRIC. TRAIN, freight cars, switch, transformer, etc. Goiod . condition. Very reasonable. genIuiuxe '..ristmias spirit pervades the miany colorful performances tof dances. drills, gvmnastic perfor. mances. miusical selectionis, etc. T1he- bea utiful sacred Christmnas storv that alwavs lends a CIharm of its om-n. wvill aiso ieportrayed. Miss Geraldine at present one of 10ors, -was notifi.ed Alter of evanstin.. MNallifickrodt's en ofhathehe was onu cfth wnnrs,.-i u the NMarquette EssaY: con test, that *%*as sponsored b-v Lovola universitv. *Pere M-Iarquette- Chicago's First Citiz.en' W-as the titIt o~f 'Mis*k. Ater's,.theme, Irorn flL native COUnttrv torty .years ago, had been retire(j or a number of years.* He buit his home in Wil- mette eleven ,years, airô. .moving here ftom Evanston, iwhere he had. lived for twoô years after leaving Chicago. For' thirty years M-Nr. Zakowski had been a membher of. Constansia lodge, No. 783,' A. F. and A., M., in Chicago'. Hê w-as one 'of the lodge's oldest He is survived by hi$ widow, MMs. iHelen lGrabestock Z,,koiskci,'one d.caughte'r,__Mrs. E. L. zolchert, and two granýs-ons, Robert -and Clarence, Golchert. The luneral servýices were held Mohe ad auhtr ednesday morn ing at the, Rose- Die Within Three Da hl emtrShaei Ciao Mrs. John M. McGill, 1425 M\al H. S.,GemmilI, Pioneer ~ffiI ~I~1Qi ger, Passes Away morning, two days following the' VIa death of her daugliter, Nfrs. Minnie . Hoiward S. Gemmijîl of 829 Green- M. Lyons, with whom, she had livedileaf avenue,- an early settier oi \Vil- at the Maple-avenue address. M-\rs .i mette. died T.uesdav morning of heart Lyons died last Saturday at St. Frai-1 trouble at. the home of his daughter, ci ospital in. Evanston, where she Mrs. Helen Strickler, in Mfilwaukez:. Fdundergone an operation a fcW Services wlII e held at Scott's Fu- days before. !..I zeral home today (Thursday> at 2 Both 'Mrs. McGill and MNrs. Lyons o*clock, and burl will be in the had been rseidents of Wilmette 'for familv lot In Roý,ehill cemeterY. many years. Mrs. McGillIvas 82 M (nmlabo erFec vear~s old 2andi her. ernmi was bru nea Free .4 97 :OR *EMINt-URNI@HED APT$. '70R RENT - REDUCED, RATE ON" aýttactlve]y furnished 4 rm. and 1 ?m 1 apartmentB. Conveniently located. Ph. Wilmette 2399 or Wilmette 2427., ± LUR~IC TRAIN IN GOOuvvL, LNDI- '~i _ Jiemorii rak emetery. rvate tileci"4ingine asing o> li Ltt . <rtji tion anid reaçsonable, for 9-year-old burial. services for Mrs. MýcGill j,,ej-eShoôre lile thrJugh .W Ilmette. He b~v Phne innt~a179 -It held Wýednesday, afternoon.. aoe - the earlv members of 89L2-tp. JhnH.McGilI, 216 Brôadwav. ttRal\ranmaid h o WANTED TO BUY ' ENýGLISH CAB Wýilmette, son of Mrs. McGill and crii \\ oudutn. He alý,u waý an eari:;. doil!buggy,. Tel. Wilmette 3572. Lofisis theon]%- andactivc embrof teMethrdist 89LT32-ltc brother of Mrs. , t Liu ebe h GOQD FUR COAT FOR MAN e PT survvor. Episcopal church and wvorked dili- IAIse) auto radiOý. Ph. IKenil,rth -41 ýAgently to helri have. ere.cted the 89LTN32-lte NAMED FOR COMMITTEE eIwchu.rch." one of the pioneer BOY'S FULL, SIZE BICYCLE IX'aes goodconitio. P. Wineta 351.jThe \Voman's Catholic club of XVil-.1 edifices in theviles eveningz 8LN3-t mette has appointed Mrs. Arthuri B esides hsi daughter, _Mr. Gemmnill .Tohnson, 322 Fourteenth street.' and is Survived by a son, H. Glen Gem- VILWE0FWILIÈTE Mrsý. RusSell Flood, 210 Broadway, as «Ili of X-t,pinL,.Ti11 tiew, ai1"M> - range. IVeas HighlasidPark 1766i. ES.1 - - . . -27, to Mr..an rs T,1. Edvward Skillin., son o;NIM,;. Percy Knapp of Rio Grande. ltP 'Skillin. 1019 Sixth -street.. is; returr,- Knapp is the son oi f N-jing to Wilmette the last of.the wefi- Charles T.' napp. 6.33 F, -Ph.I from Dartmouth. Hanover. Mfass., to ;The babv ;s the 'senicr ltp pass thie holiday.-s %ith his mother. grandchild. ov emnb ùr '.f rs. Stearn was 75. years oic!. She alsAllen ihad been seriously ill for the past three and' MNrs. Miami last Friday, and the remains st avenuc., were taken to Sleepy Eye, Minn, Mrs. napps firý,t Stearn's old home. where burial took place on Monday. . -eý

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