i ng heartuay inthe celterations,' wiii tryý to :give the answer to that ques-, tion. * To mnost aduits -tbnift suggests rather 'a negative q uaiity, implying conservation rather than creation of resources. But the Girl Scouts, with the vigor of, their age (neyer' over eighteen), prefer to remember the :Icelandiîc origin of 'the word, whÎcb meçans vigorous purposeful growth. Gîrhs*rk"ad Eawm Very pat, then, f romn the Girl Scout standpoint cornes rule number ont of the ten suggested by the National Thrift committee for a happy. and successful if e. Work and earn! Every girl must work during school and study hours, but. earning is a different matter. Yet Girl Scouts, particulariy nowadays when parents have littie to contribute to troop c hests, must find ways of filling their own treasuries. There are cookies to be made and sold. The spring flower garden cati be profitable as weil as beautiful. A fair or bazaar can be fun in itself and a source of the wherewithal for more fun, possibly in camp, later. Patchwork quilts, made out of mother's rag-bag contents,. have been known to produce cash many a time. Bayberry candies which cost alnost nothing to rnake, bring in a useful ing 1933, and 50 a good part of the troop meeting is being used to. master the second class requirements. Trop 1 The meeting. of Troop Il Thurs- day, January- 12, prloved to be, a verY interesting and heipful- one. Prac- ticaiiy the entire 'evening was spent with a, gante pertaining to Citizen' menit badge.. it was conducted by Lieut. Martha Pennington. ýTh.e-girls were divided 'into groups 'and each given bher instructions. The first group laid, with the help of long paper strips, a -map of the miain streets of Wilmette. Papers were thengiven to another gr oup a nd cut put to 'represent the principal build-, ings of the business section. The re- maining groups had to make up short .sketch~es wich, brougbt in many of the requirernents of the Citizen badge. This was done with the use of tiny doils for pedestrians, small auto- mobiles to illustrate traffic regula- tions, and the like. The girls en- deavored to show the wrong way and then to explain the ight wvay to be good citizens. A nuniber of those present intend passing their badge shortly. \VeC closed the meeting arounid the camplnire singing some of our "l man ot their troop committee, an,& without whom there would have been' no party. flue.to thesuccess of the party,, the scoutsî were able to epro- cure the mnaterial for their uniformsi this week; they are holding a sewing. bee , at their regular meeting time, Friday evening, at, which .turne mnothers and scouts wil cut and baste the uniformns; each, scout mother is requested to corne, bring- ing daughter, scissors, needle, thimble and white thread. The scoutspromise to furnish them enough work to keep theni bus' for'the'evening! TrOop 24 Troop 24 is working on signalling, iearning a few letiers of the Morse code each week;. various sorts of games keep this requirerneni f rom being à drudgery. At !the Iast meet- ing, Miss Ortseifen promised the girls a surprise but niysteriously in- formecl thern that they must wait un- tii dark before shé couid disclQse it., Jane Ethel Newman, the scribe fori the troop tells us: "It was the best.ý surprise imaginable-a movie. The show was about a cobra and a mon-, goose. The mongoose scented the cobra and wouid corne. very close toý WIaiie looking forward to the 'day when they will be old enough to be- corne Girl Scouts, the Brownies do flot idly dream, but, 1111 their meetings with wholesome m agit of songs, stories, -and the fashioning of useful articles. Thé foiiowing news itemis affoôrd a glimpse of Brownie meetings: Tager Bell Pack --The Brownies of Tiger Bell pack are already thinking about Vaientine day,, and as a handicraft projec t are rnaking Vaientiné. booëk-mark 'S. At. a recent meeting, Brown Owi readi the Brownies stories whiie they wvere ,working-one caiied,"Valentines". and another caiied "Rootabaga Stories." There foiiowed a powwow in which the : Brow nies learned the. song, "John Brôwn's Baby." he Tinkcer Bell Pck TeTinker Bell Brownies had their new-year meeting on.- Monday, January 9. First wve had a powwow and piayed a game. Then eachi six- land represented a season of the. ycar and (lrarnatized the. activities during that season. In our sixland wvé iearned that each season %vould miake a treasure book (scrapbook) of al the pictures, stories and poemis dur- ing that seasoii. \e played a clock gaie; while Brown Owl told. a storv sputtung î xuitSI itrvimt ways, pet- haps, and ail good. That requires. study, rule number two of the Thnif t cornmittee, in order to plan a proper budget, the keeping of which is rule three. Every Girl Scout automatically obeys rule four when she takces lier seccind-class test and opens -a batik, accouný with a quarter, at least. Rules five, six, seven and eight are not for Girl Scouts. They learn what life insurance means; how to run At urmein usdyw hda write the story of .the 'Mongoose and At oor een tiTesdayi we hada the Cobra' and bring it to the next "coor ermon" fte whchwe admeeting where she wouid run the uniform inspection. We are ail try- film again s6 we couid see hôw ac- ing very bard to be in "perfect uni- curate we had been." form" every Tuesday. We played a_________ game after forming two teains and pîacing a handkerchief on a stoPol Leaders Stili Have midway between the two opposing groups. Our captain called a number.. lst-Aid Opportunity andear f the two ~sts bavinz îvarnecj a new-year song and' sang some ôld songs. Then we had a magic tunnel and hurried home. Pack 2 Seventeen happy "Brownies" and "Tweenies" gathered at their meeting place in the Methodist church on Wednesday. They were ail very eager to greet their new "Brown Owi" but she was not in siglit. How- ever, they started on a search for her is ooveteci tropny m McDaniels, whiie a ,went to Mrs. Lerg a n ioucn iN ers coflcci r group. J ad t51 or8 AUU. iL. P. iienoy- t benefit to aýIl Brownie ut leaders. for theil e office. area *Iwon Dy other ai