By rvi éer ------ On Saturday, February 4, the New Ne,.. Trier will be host next Satur- Trier Dramatic club will present as its1 freslimani-sopbiomore play, Lewis day,' January 21, to the enire Subur- Carroll's "Alice in, Woiiderland." ban, league in the inaugural of a. new There will be a matineeand evening interscholastic sport, p in g - pong. performance. So as to give as many This sportrose to the class ýof inter- promising actresses:a -chance as. po;s- scholastic last ýyear when Evanston sible, there will be, a double girls' and New Trier met in adual encoun- cast. it is àlways to see ter at .-innetka. the frosh-soph playS, for it is usually. Entries from 'ail the league schools in them that future Dramatic club haebenicedfo hs unusa stars make tlîeir. debut,. tun according. to -M. L. Child.s, .There are very few people who do the- athletic- director at New Trier, flot. know the story 'of Alice and ber wbo is in charge of the meet. Tbe astonisbing adventures in Wonder- schools will each seed one player,, the land and "Tbrougli the Looking- others. being matched by' draw. glass." These tales, wbicb are as Sixty-four player iIcmeeo crazy and hilarious as anyever writ- single elimination basis. ten,, were conceived. by a steru, prac- Altbougi' ping-pong bas been tical prof essor of mathemnatics at played on a higb. scale at Evanston Cambridge .universityý, for bis eIîttie and New Trier, mos t of the. otber niece, Alice. His ixame was Cliarles schools of the league have not to ,Lutbridge Dodgsoni, but lie will al- date -paid nuc attenation t-o tùsTap ways 'be knlownl to thousancis of peO- idly growing sport. At the Win- pie by bis nom de plume, Lewis Car-, netka scbool, intramiural ping-pong roll. It is too bad that Mr. Oodgson lias been played for tlie past tbree did not find more time to devote to years and bas proved bîgbly popular. bis nonlsense stories,- for tlîey are Arrangemients liave been made for some of the best examples of lhumor the use of sixteen tables on the stage ini ail Englisb- literature. gym floor with ample facilities. for Plan Geriteberg Version spectators. As tlhis sport lias been Several adaptations of thiis famous class;ed as neithier amnateur nor profes- book have been madIe for th.e theater. sional, thiere is no suich tbing as eligi- Tfie best of tbiese is probably the one huiit3- owilIt,-pigjuena by Alice Gerstenberg. Miss Geyr- tZ,~nnwilpn-og nueaa L k ur li aiy othier sport, it is day on the Iatter's court, 17-15, The Grey and Green quintet, losing -at the baif,, 11-6, beld Proviso to two baskets 'in the last haîf, to rally and beat. the*o o~nts by one basket. The :boys pae their short passing game; on wbich .so imuch depends, very well, few' inaccure or inter- cepted-passes being mhade. There were no outstanding scor- ers for the losers, -theirAfifteeén points beig quite equally divided; OIstn, Liptow and-Thelin starred for Pro- viso;, while on the New*,I'rien teami, Miller bad seven points to bis credit. Çlose behind him was Laing With 'ix poilits, and. Green and, Ross each ýmade:one 'baskcet. Sufmmanies:.> New Trier mutler,? Delnpsey,g- Green,g Meef 12 31 2 2 2 2i 0001 73 il. Proviso (IS) BFpp Urbels,g 1O Thelin,g -i1" Habercorn,f 1 O O Dandridige,g 0 O 1 6 34 United States Histor .Students Enjoy1 On Thursday, Taniiarv 12. IDy -aspirep Reporter The sophomore class party held last Saturday, january 14, was the greatest class party the school hbas ever seen. With the atmosphere m ade by a littie preceding eçntert'ain- ment, the party went off with, a bang, as the saying goes. Four groups of People gave the entertainment: firsti a musical nurn- ber, M argaret Jean' Cree, 'cello, and Ameri Edinger, piano; secon, two, selections of original tap dancing by Joaii McAdams accomipanied by B. j.* Bailey,; third, a comnical sketch. with fou r songs sung. and acted by- Bob Bislîop and Bol> Patterson.r,- accom- pallied. by Toi E ildebrandt; and last. "Jus t a Gigolo," sung, by the twýelve senior gigolos. Muoic, Sways Crowd After the.menrtertainment, a grand march, was 'iîeld, and the crowd ~starte<l to, swav -i tjnie with the ni- Sic. l'le presence- of the gigolos re- dic.ed the stag lines trenicîdously with their attractive p)owers and p)er- suasive .%ay's.'j'le gigolos stimiu- lated the atinosphiere and cauised înutchi heart p)alpitation anong the sophomnores. Refreshiments wverc punch and cookics-both deliciotis and appetiz- ing. -Tlianks arc sent to Miss. Alnma F Trier production andI will be' present gt one of the performances. That Miss Gerstenberg madIe a great suc- cess with ber version of "Alice in W,ýonderlaind". can best be shown. by quoting the revîews of its first pro- duction at the Boothi theater on Here's wbat Vogue said about- it: "To ma 'ke a stage version of tbe two classics of Lewis Carroll is a task The Iong-a waited ping-pong tour- t nament for girls was scheduled for t Thursday afternoon, january 19, at 3 ir o'clock in the main gym. Ab~out sev- enty girls have entered, and were to appear at that time to battit for tbe first girl's cbampionsbip. Miss Iris a Boulton provided sixteen tables andI plannecI to supervise the playing. It c( was to be run off by single elimna-u he leadîenship, Of <overlr -Win - irop, struggling to gain a foothold i New Englancl in 1630. INQUIRING REPORTER Question: "What do you think is weak point Of New Trier?" E leanor Chichester: "For the last ý)tple of years New Trier has been lable to put over -a student council 1ccessfully. I believe we are vervI have issed thîis party-youi doln't kiîo\v ihat. you imissej.' .XVoever. tlhotnght of tliat gigolo i(lea, thiik again-thiat idea wvas a First of Four Freshman > Gatherings HeId Jan. 12, On last Thursclay, January 12, the 'first of a senies of four freshmnan Eor dom." . .ý -Y JL-1 uu and -'m by the doughnut vendors. as you il ts' sicippçd,