IResolutiôina of coindolence, cards of thanks, obitu- arles, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge is. pubflehed, w111 be. charged at regular adverti-,ýing ratf-s. Grade Separatio ill Save Life I Let'Hasten the Day! I «inI Witnxette a movement is now on foot- to put into active. operation a plan whejre-. by partisanship may.-beeliiminated in:,se.- lecting village officiais. That How to such a movementis timneiv no Do, t.:,unprejudiced o b s e'r v e r, cati doubt.. For years much: valu- able tinie and energy bas been spent,' espe- cially at election times, ini conduct that cornes periio'usly close to. mud-slinging, in personal antagonisms that arc flot far re-, rhoved' from physicai eneounters. There * are niany reasons why such unbecoming. coniduct should be entireiy done away with. The elimination of political ambition in * village affairs wvould not only bring about harrnony but %would go far towards pro- rnoting public efficiency. If anvone doubts this hie should consider the history that the village itself is ini good linancial condition, a fact that in these times is re-' markably significant. In Winnetka "no elected officiai seeks the position, but is àasked bv his fio townsmen because of his interest in pub- lic affairs. and speciai qualifcations for public work. This tradition of uiselfish. ànd disinterested- service on the council is the keystone around wvhich the success mi, e for Michigani short will that are s eeng to bring Every property o w n e r on the north shore should signi the petition which re- quests the governor of Illinois and other authorities to give assurance the policv opposed to the widening and straighiten-. ing Sheridan road 1 e carrid-out..The pe- tition, aiso voices the: belief. as-a par*t. of tepoliex- that Illinois 42 'and U. S.. 42 shouid. be tran.sferred to a location wes of the north shore miunicipalities. A Vote of 'gratitudeý should lie expended: iothe officers a nd members of the North Short PropertY Owners' associationfo thieir eni(eavors ti save, the nlorth shore. .No,wadays every dav's experielc e,(ii-, l)hasizes the fact that we are ail depetndcnit another., We .are ail 'memibers of one great faiiv. ,If you suifer I soon suifer. [f4 piv(-sper vou reap sonie of ilhe beneCit. If onie brother cannot buy. other brothers ,vlic have goods for sale lose several sales. We are cheered by thi, fact of *brotherhood. If we were comipietel\- separate, how lonel-v we should feel! *Wilme1,tte*s "F Oôd Barrel" project SPOn- sored bv-thie Chiamber of Commerce iii co-op-eration wfih variouis food stores In the village is proving a1i'l oua enterprise. Shioppers are contribut ?gei- food ftor its tncreasiig numiiber of benie- ficlaries. 'A splendid piece of work thlat mnust and w~ill continue. \Ve agree with .Mr- Gaffiiex-, lhad of Ne rer, that the Deeds "of Dan episodes present proi)lemis that are.interesting and if workled on produce nmuch profit. As hie says, ne plan in volved in the presentationl of these stories is "consistent with the As ive write, xve sée coniing towards us in the near distance tax bis for 1931. If we ivere more consistentiy patriotic %ve migit flot feel an involuintary shudder at the prospect. *L.Y t. êim rnoêUL,> e re«t. l'o contention's strife and cry; WiIl tlie cherry blossorns, too. -StilI brin g happy dreanis té you, Or zc.lI soft spring zephyrs bear .4,auihedthauights frorn ozer there- PO Icars l'rim in almond &ys, In -.'itce of :1our1-so brazic disgitise?' Daintv nzid -of far Japamz If';t lti on>- ea, set, si(ks and fan. rllu'strative n f cild-like aitlî was the gentleman wvho placed his signature tri a document we sca nned the other day and. 10 vwhich fie.added the lune, signed-but fiotread7 W' too. havea feiv similaréd cunients upon hh -we rrnighit- well have inscribed 'signed and read bt flot understooçd." -~a1n4~1a Uar*eezes are waiting the o&: !news of the approaching Village caucus season. One siate of candidates in Wi!rnette bas been selected l-w" what a cunýiternporar% li î t-i terni the "hitidd:'e sytcm -just plain cli-ed1 caucuis tu yo-u,. And thi, '; ie ýY(ear. whjen we ,uare tc, vote upo)n vrosand mih-Y rvc*didates i( r to-wnship offces. "ris said there ý ili14 several a>pirants for variolis i thC, < lîs. VY ues dit-thuv carr%- remunera- tioIl, eniolument, or ývhat have you. GOD'S HQUSEKEEPING Th,- Wind's a vacium seee Gad ru ns across fhe c orld, T/uit sticks fip duSt alui toe> dolls And fo'c..ali Irozzutand. curlred. île/w an is a washer That sluwâes to and fo Aiid kcps flic bches 7'/ tc aJ Jea 1 lik'e te wa(ttk it go. Thze bine sky is a nianguc, !u% not se. tcrivtiPht, Ottnls tnougl-i we can, in n0 c *Night clothes we hav'e-and, so to bed.