Bent- DUTCH MILLçCNDE Thte Q 'dity Candy 0f Chicvago ýs-pzCA.L FOR, DOLLAR: DAYS, FEBRUARY,8.9 Choice off ail. varieties Maki your own seléetion - ,DUTCU MILL CM4IDY 1187 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2140 N. A.Ianna lInée 952 Spaniah Court S caris Former! y >riced to $7.50 costume and her. propensity for inanaging people, Miss Conklil and, her ten Pekiiiese, Lady- Eve LoWndes who is psychic and sees evîeryone's hale. Jimmie Mason who bas. a fondness> for muiicians :n amed Papadianuto:' poulo or Premysirkovitchm- ail of these people find tine: to be inter- ested in, their new neighbor, Miss- Susan Leg. Mrs. >. Mantrip pronounces Miss Leg' s« taste in. furniture fvrs. In spite of Miss Leg's evident wealth she is ignored as rnuch aes it is pos- sible to -ignore anyonec who bas a Ioud gramnaphone going day and night. Wben the neighbors discover, the rea iîd entity of Miss Leg their surprise is most painful. The story is 'Iigbt and amusing and xea4 .aed it is au 4xtreuelv cheerful tale. Mr. Benson 's %vriting is always good and mucb of bis humor cornes flot so much fromn the -humorous situations into whichbch thrusts his characters as from the way he views those situations. XYoi wil l ind yourseif chuckling and wish- ing to share with sorne appreciati ve listener the fun that, you are enjoy- ing. -Anina K. 'Whitchurch. DOLLAR DAYS WednesdaY--Tursdlay PORK LOIN, $ 81/2 Ibs.--. - .-$ 1 BEEF STEW, best, 5 lb.. . . . . by Lion Feucht- wvanger. >LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY, by Walter Pitkin. SHERMAN, FIGHTING PRO- PHET, by Lloyd Lewýis. VAN LOON'S :GEOGRAPH.Y. BARUCH SPINOZA "'ýAs a master of the art of higb thinking and plain«living," says P ro-, fessor',A. Wolf, "Spinoza, bas: but. few. rivais in the wbole history of mankind. His pbilosophy is at once so comprebensive and profound tbat even thosewbo do flot agree wvitb it. stili regard it as one of tbe very greatest inteilectuai achievements of of the lusnan race. ' If themain busi- ness of a philosopher is, as Plato tbought, to gain a synoptic view of tbe world, to see it wbole, then no philosopher has fuifilled his task so well as Spinoza. Add bis lofty charac- ter to his deep thought, and it wiii be seen wby no philosopher since tbe days of Plato bas won sucb admira- tion." Ilormat and price except that -in. the *trtecition ecd copy miIl be signed by the author and nurnbered, The first edition will be liuited Io the, nuniber of copies ordered by Febru- ary1. 'S LETTERS -t I 2dv o1f the A Il Purc hases for Cash Phone Wilmette 467 R 1 I li