nual ice skating mecet. was hield last Saturday morning at the Village Green. Despite -t1e shortnicet.o the, various contestants, this ycar's iCC meet, whicli was first, almiilccd for January 12, haàd thé largest entry ist of a local nctiinayeyars. Tiiere werc aboult 260 skatcrs contesting for hionors. The open events wvcrc irspe-. cilycrowded and iii the. one an,d two mile, races for menii ore thani twenty skaters iined up on the start-ý inig lne. Only in, a few of the. girls' events were theret any lack, of entries- due*to the 'Short notice' in arra.ining the meet. A .special effort wilI hé made to increase the entry list of these events in succeeding meets. Ail but three of the races wvere re- stricted to Wimette residents and, although there %vas no official time taken for the races, uinoficial record- ings. show tbat a numnber of previotns records were brokeni. The feature race of the events open i oly to Wil- mette residents wvas the one-haif mnile Silvsur W7inig Derby, %vhiclî vas wvon by Victor Schultz, 1209 Wasi-] inoton aveùu . th Larry Basting., Y. P. c. ý(18> '.. Kneip S. Kra ft. T. Hopkins R.ý Steffens, . Zopp '%Volff, retere. Flrss(28) R Brammer H.- Johnson E. Schucltt. R. Evans,, WV. Johnson. Jini.Hoffmanux1 HUIS Service Station (43) H. Speclit C. Hill C, Willhiams G. Moore E. Hill 'l'e,,, t stanidinigs in kethal league: Hoffmann Florisi s Winberg Drug.s Van Deusens His Servine Statimi F.Jones W. Young. ,-. Ru.-, i'.Young w ïii hrg RGosa 1 R. MacLealn RP. ltndsley .). 'Marshall R. -Fiidmaii W. Webster H-. Winberg Ainerican Legion (17) H. Peters A. l3auer .1. Jordan R. Steffens T. Shiniler R. Braun .1. Miller mnen~s~'F~bas- . l~ 'et. Il2 .846 il2'846 li ; .769 6S.545 T. Varncy J. ,(Cullen 1, Iih Ii <m a i %V. R4gerls V. Wyie lil. Iaufuii C. Varne.y. IL Ling. F, Waidner F. Lundberg R. Pencé R. Welch Fý. Ileitrnati 1 *Biork il. -Beninett M. Hardi R(agel- Ij. ernsitso ' 1,. i angdinn J;*.tm. ). 1f C. 26> .1.. Harrison H. Sieren B. Hurd Hoffinan F'lo1its (28). ~ skttrs(9 J., Hoffmanni J. Jordan P. Oelerich . Montonatra R. Huck . C.v~illims D. Oele-rich R Br.iiin L. Wolff J.NMiller* Teani standijigs ,i l* a.t Ille close eof lst N%-oek'.s gými.s . ir . 1- 1à Vx a4) li 1"cri I .923 2 .546 2 7 .l~7 S il .154 Il .154 Schultz and Nord of NVilmette hiave heen hiavung. a neck-and-neck race al thirotgli> the season and for the past five %veeks have been tked at the hea( pf thcic.eagtie.,11oivever,, since those t wo le anis play e cdi o ther tomorrow c.veiiing. a incw leader miust bû de- cirled. w:cl.according u> Recreatiots. atithiorîties , oie to bc "sgone gaine., PhîN- bcg;Iîs iltiicheNorth Shore, Ica'rtic at 7 o'clock oit Friday ev- nîings at the IloWard gvitîasium and. a niew gante, is« started ecry hour. Tomorowevcning's flrst gafie-will be, playeýd betiveen Wilmette, ieatid the Highland, Park Young e e's clubi a td the gamne beginninig at 8 &cçlo'CkI wvsll be hetween Hoffmanni Floris ts andl the Baha'i team., both local: or- ganizations. The tilt' between S,'chit-z andl Nord and Htiff Boilers is. sclied- uled.. for. 9o'Qclock The North Shore leagule is the otnlv recreative activitv for which therc îan admission charge. The pro- ceecls are applicd to the expenises -f the league. gytiî,iasitini renitaI and of-. ficiating. YB . 4 ' e 1lz - 1f;ý T. Schinlir Vr Deinleii F,. Thalnini us R. Biplser R. P4erd i i %V. Schinler Tr. Haberkoit G.Jonps hy Chandiers, Illc. The Golden Skates Dcrby, the fea- ture race for outside competition as wvell as local competition was won by Wilbur Marks of the Dennemark Skating club of Chicago with two of his fellow club members skating in, second and third places. AI Kucera wvon the second place niedal and Leo Freisinger the third place. The gold- 7yutrs of age: Jacqueline Michelsfii. fi-st place,. Nadine Brown, second pla<ce, aiid Peggy Peterson, third place. 220-yard dash for boys tindir t %--(,ve Years of age: Robert, DeVinniey, firt plaili't'a nk -Sutherland. second place, and Rlobert Schenk, third place. *220-yard dash for gir-ls tcv 0f age: Doris Pate.rson, tirst place : Btty Todd, second pae Adelaidle Koeiien, F. T"oscan9,1i r,. Zopp C. Kri.-toff R. Toscan i J.Scrimougeonur P. Tiggle, efr. M. 'Kumio(r, M. Weber Y:Johnsn~nW.Ll't V". <lifford MthîitS2.0 ,NNrd Bt t S 2 .80 Mélùier a F ,it 52.800 U. Clifford Howard P. T. A. 1 6 .400 Swedish Bu.shsn's I 9.10 S ix -Bits (9) N.S. i~IR. LEAGUE -fi.Allen WleteSchultz E. Zopp Life (26) Nord (16) P, Srhafehen E Brarnnmer -4f.Pattison Il. Iunt(er T.Montonarra P. MacLean R. Allen T. O14,eie.E Hardt~ V. Meter R. Nord ...........................................................i .5 v.. 14 to 15 years of age was declared open, entered it, to againz lead the feld for first, place, the only.person -vin Bremmer, er -Schroeder, Luattg.- e, Phillipa, retere.. A. Yc E. R.] E. W. L. tGophers...........i SHeavies ........ 8ea Lions. 2 1 Libts... 4 i