,worn inli er. own collge cotitrast l)etween the mwalki of N -ears ago and the ieo Yo u needn't waste a.minute 'O'vUI lov S fis of . wrca, iiCfudinq 1the' district eiclit", en i the <st ru -t fnne lar<': iiI hcdqates i IihlndIar iiiake their first ieors n the Scout drive, for J1933 p el:< x- penjse1s. The emà"tapui isj ç h efiile chd bY ki. A-rthur Wfood (be o f Ili el;ilnd Park. ol< cil %- 1- t - eiairmaii und IuuvJ wlrof I1,17111,11c, coupicil itçd ut ô-c AU cleven districts are prgusn %%Itihtheir drives wîhiitotal. in- anvt $19,000 budget to cover $7.500ý bacl, jndebtedness and $11,500 for j133 <pe)(ratiiig expenses. Because of thc ilttho(ls emp1l<<ved in this drive it is flot plamned to lie a -hasty canmpaign, but wv1 lie exteîided over a o(Tide. l period. Ç'ooperatîon ofScu parents is, being solicited thîs year. NMectiti-,, of lu.iders wvillhlie ldt adi . uuk. lt is anItIcipatcd. N. S. National Park Auxiliary Has Election *Mrs. Herbert Peterson of Wilmecttc was elected president of the N-orilh Shore National Park ailiarv at a recent meeting, the other new oHi-Cer-ý I)eing as follows : Mrs. \William Cor- nîany of \Vinnctka, vice-presideut: Miss Romnaine Rennen of Chicago,~ ýscorts at the cl The senior at the bomne of Eifanston. tlu precediifg mte class wiIl have of. Mrs. A. D. 2dieasitred by iivba4l il doesjfor youi -ibat. in boneor office oôsts s5 lhttleas your flplionel' tire business without leaving deskJ, You don-'t waste a minute when you telepho'ne. costiie 'n hîitchi if you telephonde., 1lance.. dinner Bruce