the mmesgetr etter acquamnted and 1 AL a,, ffod lîtiie pS: especially because there bas been: sucli a large added list of niew 'înein-2~rrd ttmn of c4nditi 'ink berships. Vilsi, \atigmalaI bnk. This party is schecluledfor Satur- jnitii<dre liiftU day evening February 25, and iin ad- . .ai i ii- fre ditiïon t onoe of the splendid fanions p<'1.e'ef it t fi w;m i OW 'Shawnee Club dinners. wiïl gooc4-)td îîîtiy iH(m1mî" müsic for dancing during the diii- miI' advêtkii. uer and after..the followîng stars are i sIjltm'îLSîu b ma n to entertain pî, ri.*Wimmtî foiîs.iitors, ara AuMcCabe. ternîi as ic ptà<Idli i :ind fah-e' busiiess projects. "Adorable Child of Song" in1 the- Chi- tî-. cago Dailv News, madle lier (Ichut ahe~Frni Photo ~C isrmt , ci i i iUi'W Ping oiigj: Ppidarat 2ew 'rie !t. 1to, fone isto ijudge "iiimrtant legisiauive mattei's the adoj- Amnerica at-the Denocratie National fr0,,: . -thie pictitrL Showci>ig a group of bois and tiirls flavnqic gaine tiibit of whieli directly' beiietitvd liuîealý conivention and is a star.,of . botît duiring 'thc noon rece.'s at the school. Jt's sof o/nh:*, :'fact, ànd 'tables aret' rade tconditionis. Coluinbia, and National broadcastiîi in1»suctd: demaid,'that doub'lés onilv re /erniti'dd -riuqi, l,,-, iods. i Avrie oîîîit' în d han..lica i press and out of tow n publica- I-ank Lislini andt> bis kimigs' .,Of Becauise of the great interest iin th'eI the foundiqg_ of- the Paeî'teîr jn A tet10. Fire> prevention work. rhythwnîthereare teti of, theni, .and .game thel Tri-Ship Boys club and t*e movenient and tie 2th aniniversaryv of il. CooperatCd with ma.nyu local chi- thysing over the CBS Radio book- Girls' club . of the highi schiool spon- riiusadotm-rgnztn lastat-the organization of our own- unitî odialrlgosaohrtt-g niz.,tt-r)- 'TeAdaire Twinsordapingpon touuuten>Of0 the beginnings of the, Logan-H-ow- tiion. girls direct froni the Roxv, theater ini "Ping pong," according to' W. L. ard Parent-Teacher association. Mrs. 12. Trade promotion work. New York, with a* very 'Duke" Childs, athletic director at New Toa .Topo, rtpeie1,13* ed oras gf ilene.ffildj niovelty dancing andi singing act. Trier, "is played andi enjoyeti by the was Iargely responsible for the organ- hiundreds of ont of tow i iiujiries, Bob) Lotz, the novelty dîgaret mani. majority of the students an;d many of ization of the Mothers' club at hie relative to local facilitie.s and i (l.' He produces lighited cigarets froinithîe faculty." "WVe think it is a good Logan school- which gradually developed 14own erpatd vant Unite everywhere and ini prof usion.' A gaine to prornote," Mr. Childs sas into a Parent-'Teacher association. Tlîýý uhamber of Commerce in affair. <of nove! act y:ou ivill lie sure to enjov.. 'lecause it is fascinating, lîlexpensive, Logan school wvas first housed ini a national importance. Evelvn 'Hp«ofmaîî, acrobatic (lancer rcquires verv littie space or equipinent. three-roomn frame structure just north 15. Constantly urged througi: publicltv and ont rti nis ex raor ina ~ r. Au ati he p aye i b an bod , an w he e, -s f tand direct com m unication the e mp ib- andremeontbetiftîl tati antetigi I e«el eeiseanti roty llwes rei li te present school, each teacher hiad. tint of local men.' -hreealning on RK anlintedI gbir lixpelanti sporsmandslino iend- îtwo grades and Miss Ferris, niow.prin- 16.Proinoted a more cooperative t--heaerig itRK adPu-i siis'n cipal of the Logan school,. was the fspirit among local mrchants. - r. lias is tôo - Exhibit Opens The beautiful exîibit of paintinIgs and sculpture by inienbers of the- Chicago Painters' andi Scuiptors as- sociation, still reinains on the walls andi in the ballrooni of the club dur- ing this nmonth. The opening of tlijs show occurrèti last Ive'ek with a re-, ception to the exhibiting artists, ini- cidental nmusic by the Hrusa trio anti a cinner at ý. At the 'speakers' table we e. noted 'M r. and Mrs. Charles l'he meeting ()f th2' Logatn-Howard Parent-Teacher association lielti Mon- day .afternoon, February 13, opened .with a selection I)v the Boys' Octet f rom New Trier Hligh school. They sang 'a Texas cowboy song, "Home on the Range," .a pirate song. ', Coast, o)f High Barbary, andi "Pol) Goes the Xeasel"-all 'vervy mucli enjeiyed- III - A er Mothers' clubs, then gettitîg a footý-j,2.Scrdwl nw ,ekr hold w6ildbe orehari iiat god, mionth for the discussion. of w"îrthwlxil, but lie assured 'uch fears hati long 2Sponsor of regular mieetings, wliehl since been laid at'rest andi the Parent- act' as -a forum 'for 'the, présentation of 'Teacher association has founti its place' irely topieq oft business ad cic ieii- ini the school.trst 22. Drafted, sales ordinance' amnds- Honor Presidents Curedj adoption of sanie by' Villagtv. M r Harper thien introduced the past This ordinamîce -fregrites .,atietionsae presidents who were seated on the plat- n n'tîî aspoet h'pbi iorm, each of vvhom lighted' one ' cantile frn i *d on the large birthday cake whi'ch wVas conspicuouisly niaceti on anablfl Ii Mr *k "'.- . \Ir.., f and understancu'i of that region', b acter. 'Walter how lie becamne mnt scentc anda char- and X Kraýviec ,describeti ' W. F,îi interestediniiipaint- îîcli, 'and u'. M.'JVeIltmai, A. C. Carpenter. the n-tr-eý- n - ceyciiiu n evvry state ini the theintret of' the 'Pre-srchool child; Union. CoMmunity singing of Aulti Mrs. H.* Delatîder, for.,'chi'1d study Lang Syne f ollowed. classes which 'help in the guidance 'of Mrs. Raymond of' the World's Fair youth; Mrs. Donald Maxwell, for the staff, spoke to us about the enchanteti, WVel fare Magazine; Mrs. Henry Brandlt, island in the Fair. grounds ýanti its iii lac of rs.H. '. Sorms fo may attractions for chiltiren.