mient. 'l'lie recent unexpected cancellation of fliinds which have been a regula., iiicomne.since the iniception oi.thewini- ter health camp forboys sent out to. the Lake Bluff camp bythe Chicago board 'of éducation and north Shore. * welfare, agencies, .and which have hitherto paid salaries of two teachers and the camp Cook, has brought about the nleed, for sudden decision as to the %visest disposaI of. the f unds, reniain- i.- available.. May Curai eatn l'ie major question confronting. the board just nlow-iýs whether to close the wipter camp this spring before the firs.t.uf. May or to shorten the custoîm-, ary 1t wo-mionths', summer, schedule. WAith hiealth improvemient 'the para- nimotnt object of both the. summer camp for inany convalescent nio11h&s and' gf.ri and boys, there is crying need confroniting Arden Shore now and it will be carried through the summer. The mnarvelous record in health and character-building that lias been made in- the winter camp, where, by reason ôf smaller numbers and longer resi- dence. there is ampler opportunity for physical and mental health-building, endears this division of the *work to ail inembers of the staff and board. i 'I'hev are rel-uctant to consent to any given on the north shore, is again con- ducting a* series of musical teas li the W~anut Grill of Marshall Field.& cern- pany's downtown store. Tue third program in his present series will. be WVednesday afternoon, March:22, at 3 'ok.. Mr. Smith's subject is "Music of the Future," and the musical programn is being planned by the local chapter of the' Interna- ticinal Society for Contemporary Music, which gives. its aninual conce rt in the .BI.ackstone theater' April 2.'. 1 Mme- Claire *Dux, Mrs.: Francis Johnson, Rudolph Ganz, Arthur Bis- seli,- Rudolph Reuter, and Dr. Wesley La Vio lette, 1mwnbers of the executivé board for the international society, are to, be guests of honor. At a- later tea, in côonjunctioný with the Friends of. Music, Mr. Smith will speak on "Chicago and the Worid of Music." FORMER RESIDENT DIES Funera~l servicesý ivere conducted Wednesday of last week in Rendalia, [owa, for Mrs. Gladys'Potter Steiner, 25 years' old, the wvife of LeRoy Steiner, formerly of Wilrnette. Mrs. Steiner was the daughter-in-law of MIr. and MIrs. joseph Steiner of 1451 \Vilrnette avenue. Death occurred 618 DAVIS ST. EAST 0F FOUNTAIN SQUARE ter Thur. rI. ami lSat * Faner, miIh led for roaatims, Ibo 161/2 MIUnstercroam, Wisco- sin Brick, Mild Aneri- cap or Mt. Hood Long- hora STEAKS Tender Porterhouse., Club or Minute »I O ROà81r *ostnougnt. HoId SpeciaI Meetings rhere have been a nunriber of special mieetinigs of the board finance commit- tee recently under the advisexnent of Mirs. Robert E. Gregory, honorary president of the board; Mrs. Iixgman I)iDtglass, its president, and Mrs. Joseph J. Siddall, its financial chair- mian, and with others concernied witli Arden Shore finances. Definite plans Iey T aylor, 244 ( worth, have mov hotel, Evanston. ham will be trave a few weeks,, o the Gt V.'\an La in the soi Miss Marjorie. SmYthe, 431 Kenil-. worth avenue, Kenilworth, ivili spend this week-end at Dertison university. Granville, Ohio, where she will at- beet, linon Steak, Tth, cut froni V Fresh Churned WISCONSIN COUNTRY ROLL BUTTER Ibo 'y a discount of 100/. on ail cash purchasos during ~arcn.I Forna. Broad- 15e