successes, andi it has been classih&ed as G*.ood, wholesomfeinelodrainia by the Better Films Croup of XiJ- mette. _With a setting in Sait Francisco Chinaàtowti, this oriental. draina, pre- sented on the stage originalli by :David Belasco, furnishes la fine ve- hicle for. Miss Hayes and NoNarro. The plot based èn the1 Republican revolution in China- and its s4bse- quent, effects on.'Westerný Chinese. population, gives, an oppo tunity fi)r gorgeouis costuming: and Vofl (erftl scniUc displays. -Both stars give 1ril- liant. performances. Irs. Robert.,McClure, 1215 1ake avenue, lias ceharge of the sale oi 1.000 tickets f or this. club. hbeiefit. Her commiiittee, ail of . whonîl caul be reached by telephone. are: Mliss Rosal».e Mii rs,,. . B.tiliord Mirs. H. C. Carroll, Mrs. George \Vil- liamis, Nlrs'. Harvey Craig, Mrs. R. 1), Qilar, Mrs. G. 1). Upson, Mrs. Hiar- ry Mons, Mrs. L. Skog, NMrs. R. F'. P. Kline. Mrs. G. N. Lamb, r~ H-. .0. Wleishaar, Mrs. Raipfli Potter Mrs. johin B. Brunibatugh. and MNrs. How'ard Brown. "In vicw of the fact that the a(I- mission is the regular thieater pr Ce the chiait'imat and licr conilmittee feel assured that ý'ou wiII avail vusle Dessert Bridge, Style Show for Catholic Club On St.' Patrick's day, the time ot. bright shamrocks, the ways and meaiîs departmient of the Wornan's Catholic Club of Wiîmiette is sponsoring one of the largest events of its year, a des- sert bridge and fashion show at the Georgian hotel at 1 :30 o'clock. _Mrs. IMr. and Mrs. A. B. Schultz will be the host-s. On March, 25, there wili .bc a. , dinner bridge, at 7, at which the hosts will be, Mr. ýand ,Ilr s. M. H., Denient,-Mr. and lMrs. JamesP *Havnes, Mr. aiid Mrs. Allan H.ouston, -and Mr. and Mrs. . J.. O. Swift. On March- 31,.Mrs. T. -G. Cook and Mrs. Howard W. Hiodgkins mill be hostesses at a bridge luncheon. On April 8, there will, be a Palmf Beach.dinnier dance; on 10,,a bridge luncheon; on April 22, a din- uer bridge; on , April 24, a. bridge, luncheon; on May 6, a dinner dance; (Al May 8, a bridge luncheon; On May 13, tlie aninual. concert oft~Banjo club of thle'Universitv Club of Chicago: on Mai, 29,' a- bridge luncheon, and. on May 30, a 'dinner dlance which will open the summier sea- son. The dctails for the-se affairs wil tw announce(l later. W rites Frolics Text Mrs. V. K. Spicer of Kenilworth has wvritten the text of the '"Frolics' of *33" which wiIl be given on St. Pat- rick's day at the Chicago Woman 's club. _Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt of Glencoe is chairman of the programn, and lier dauighter. Frances. wvill take part in it. Each event or act of the. Last Day of Scho ol l'le BPdue Penicil class w 'Il observe its final meeting oi the .season on April 4, at a prograin called Thie Last Dav of School.' liuteresting themies of the past vear ivill be read by the writers. Hostess for the mneet- ing Wil be Mrs. C. R. Erwvin, 615 W\arw%%ick road, Kenilwvorth. The. class lias fifteen north. shore inembers and Photo ýby Ca: M1rs. -I'Iarold i.. Ickes (An, i 'jlnarth Ickcs) of Wiinne4tka.ztý-J x Ckon "SltcLegislutioui' at tc< t>be .qiven bv teKepiiluor *Lci' i o ' f Wo>nen Vo(crs on Mon dI qfti'ri:woi (i 3 o'clock in th, R~iîIzorhaz,'cnu.e, ICi-lzcortli -11,s. ckcs. zwh ose hzi:band i .çCÉirý,'rV Of the initerior in Presi dcrt Fran klin 1.). Roosez'eit' clin 't t iw st rt 'rtsepta(ti*zi from flic s.ez'ct hsenatorial dis îrict of Illiliois. Airs. Ickes e Murs. .ruiups, are ivirs. Vaitér: Brewster,,Mrs. joseph M. ;Cudahy,- and Mrs. EarIl Reynolds of Lake, Forest, and Mrs. John' W. Gary of Glénco-e; f rom the Kenilworth Gar- den club, are,.Mrs.. Ma rk Cresap 'and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, and represent-, ,ng the Evanston, club are MËs.* William H. Colvin and Mrs. John H. S. Lee. The aninual business.;meeting will be- held June 2.7, at the Drake hotel, where the headquarter will be Io- cated. The remnain der of the time of >the annual meeting wiIl be ýspent on the north shore, divided between E vans- rI$ton, Kenilw.orth, Lake Forest, an~d the ýWinnetka homes of seve~n members of the LakeForest Garden club whiol live here. aMrs., Phillips and her copniite are pr eparmtg for about six-- hundred guests, many of whom will, they ex- pect, remain after the convenitioni to ,e visit A Centuiry of Progress. 'i. j: s- s in Session Next Monda y The Five guilds of the Church of the Holy Comforter in Kenilw;o rth will meet next Monday at Il o'clock in thje morning as follows: BishIop Stewart. guild with Mrs. Louis D. Joncs, 325 Richmond road, Kenilworth; BishoQ Anderson guiîd with y Mrs. Joseinh Mothers, Daughters to> Have Banquet Match 1 7 The Kenilu-orth club's Mfothiers - Daughters banquet anîd entertaiilnment proved to be such a great success l]st and its members are predicting with. al. sircerity that a most delightful evenîngý wi11 be in store for ail those who made their reservations by \Ved- tiesclay evening. The banquet i.; not restricted to club members, nor i there any age limit. 'It is even po-)S sible for womien who have no daugh- ters to acquire one or more for the evening. -Th-e hostesses Nvili be Mrs.: M. s. T. H. West,- -hapter of the ish Empire will ting on Friday at the home of Ashlanid, avenue. .Niir. andA *.vrs. Kingsley B. 354 Kenilworth avenue, Ken will. entertain at a Frénch Pr dinner on Friday evening, M: There %vill be twentv guests. mood,'avenuie., ,a****5 suLLL date, Uoflieri lave themn Brown, son of 1112 Eu'n- A. Browîr of 1 1 - W ilmette. .- ' t0 P'aul S. Mrs. Harry land 'avenue, T