committee, headed by Mrs. Arthur J. Dixon,, president of the Womnan's club, also bhas- nominated for reelec,- tion, *Charles M.Burlingame, 812 Greenleaf avenue, and* Mrs. Eunice S. Henderson, 2710 .Blackhawk ,road. whose ternis as members of the board also expire, this spring. Tbe president ofthe board is elect- ed for. a one-year terrn and. the other board,.members for tbree. years. Mr. *Burlinigamne bas been on the board. about five nonths, filling the unex- pired terni of F. A. Cusbing Smith, who.moved east. To filI a' vacancy on, the board caused by the, resignation of Ralph * Durhami early this year the commit-' tee from the parent-teacher 'associa- tion and 'the Womnan's club bas nominated' Glen lanson,. 2107 Wil- mette avenue. If elected, Mr. lason, wluo was a meer of th '4ae oldDist-rict~ No. 40 school board, wiIl have one year of Mr. Durbani's unexpired term to serve. Tells of Mid-West's 1Pioneer Architecture- Earl H. Reed, Jr., head of the Ar- niour institute department of archii- tecture, will give an illustrated lec- ture on "Pioneer Architecture of tLhe Mid-West" in the North Shore Art are now passing, and join with otb- ers in looking' for the. deep<*,r values, of life. President Roose- veit, in bis inaug- ural. message, %varned,ùu that truc happiness is not de- W .McClure pendent upon mon- ey, and, before he uttelred these words, he,*with bis family, had just attended a quiet cburcb service in, which he sought help for the great task -ahead of bum. Perfunctory attendance at such meet- ings will. only add to >tbe number pres- ent, but an attendance througb a sincere desire to participate in some of the deeper values of living wllweIl repay each inividual. Trhese Lenten services opeiied early this montb and have attracted capacity audiences at the Baptist and St. Augus- tine's churcbes wbere comniunity serv- ices. bave been Med to date, indicating that the people of Wilniette appreciate the pportunity afforded. Next Sunday's -_ 'ts Ill bc beld at tbe Englisb Lutheran churcb. It is hoped that the attendance will increase f rom nigbt to night. _____ jIe .3dr 59C Lig.sime, I9 Table Otangels Large Navels, 35 Young and Spimacla Çipbroadisaf,29 peck . . . . . . . Cultivatd quaiity,29 I:Pot RosatI Tender shoulder I6 cuts, lb . .....l6 Leg Or' Lamb Froma :cemified .pring22 stock, lb ..... ...2 e UMroinSta Jcyand tender, ......... ....... 7 Sausage MNeat Our owm make, MA Coei**Beef. Brisket, be&t in tovia 19 Frylng Chielkeis, 211 to 3-lb. average, *j lb. .. .. . . . . . . 2 7 of Mr. Keed's have taken him thliu- sands of miules' tbroughout the inid- west, That a valuable but fa t disappearing heritage o f pioneer architecture still remains is evidengwed by tbe nieru interesting exanifles he bas encounltered and recordedý lis collection o f slides miade through the courtesy of the Chicagýo Art institute gives a ne'w glinipse it 1ioneer historv. your cleaning. We cheer- Repairing, Altering and The 014 Time Tallor f Ave. Ph. WIl 144 covvui l.33e Brick, (Wisconin), IL 15c VINEGAR Heinz Cider, 7 quart hottue............1