Je'eIer Il WýjLNEBTBTE N w LXB;B 184 lisi"WILMETTE AV£. Tlepbon. Wulmett* SI Read the Want A d UGICB NN ma hlgh scbool auditorium, and inere wiII be bath reserved and géneral ad- m ission seats.'On Monday afternoon it 'was teported that two-thirds of the reserved seats had 'been sold. A different cast .will present the opera on each night, and the two casts were announced this week. Richard Oison is'.the -only student Who willi play the same .part both nights. He is to 'portray the Duke of Plaza-Toro. Other mnembers of the two casts are as follows, namnes o members. of the Friday cast .,appear- ing first: Antonjio, JoeHae and Walter Merrili; Duchess of, Plaza-Toro, Emma Bickbam and Ruth Seymour ; Casilda, Marion Barber and Sally Romig; Gianetta, Charlotte Wachs and RIildred MulIen: Fiarnetta. Reth AI 'The ther settings nave bDCCfinishead y the. art department. Most of the wonk wil be, completed. during spring va-, cation, whicb begins Friday a-fternoon of this week., Secial. changes musit be made in the..light circuits .for the lighting of the gondolaan for the spotIights5. "iGermnan. Jew" Subjeet at Temple Next Sunday "The Tragic -Position*,of the Ger- man Jew" -will be the subject of Rab- bi Charles E. Shulman's sermon' in the itmple of North Shore Congréga-, tion Israel ini Glencoe Sunday morn-, ing, April 9, at 10:.45. Music for the service is annouinced as follows: Adon OIomn.... Sulmer I3orchu ....Sulzer Michoinocho ...8.tlze Kedusha ..... . ..-- Stark-Shapirù Let the Words ..Suizer Anthem-'The Snow" -Elgar Solo-"Ëlizabeth's Prayer" Hard Froni Lohengrin._.--1 . Wagner Miss Berenice Taylor assisting Va'Anacbnu ....Bifder prepara- Largo . -Perlman à at work. iEloienu ..S.... the pro- b Green-I Mothers Hear Talk on bin-ic-ýrfrCh*Ae year's boards of the club at a bridge head of the children's department at luncheon at the club, bouse Monlay the Chicago Dental school. Assisting of last week. hostesses at the meeting were Mrs. _______________C. W.: Lerch and Mrs. K. Funk- B ob Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. houser. -William H. EIIis, 823 Greenwood ave - In May the club wilI have a joint, nue, has been home this week from meeting with the pre-adolescent Dartmouth. He is motoring back to group, the "alumnae" of 'the Young Hannver, N. H.,o Mondav ' Mother's club. '.S.ex Education" will WILMETT i W ave nieInformtion on t'ims Fudto Question IN, ais I. IP