Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1933, p. 34

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Becaiise of bis adventurésomne career and bis reputation as an *author and newspaper correspondent, an exceptionally large attendance i expected Àrhên E llery Walter ad- dresses- the- meeting of The, Neigh-, bors of Keinilworth on Tuesday. April 11. MissShre Ross is the pianist of the day., Special guests include' the presidents. ofý the Tenth district Womfen's clubs. Mrs Vernon Loucks will act as hostess.. Mr. Walter %vili discuss,"The Ger- man Youth Movemfent" which has. been described as dan intimate study of the effects of Fascism and. Corn- munisin on the youth of Germany." The recent turmoil and. the rise of Hitier to a German dictatorshi p with the suppot of, the -younger elements in the Reich bas given tbe, lecture a peculiar timeliness. Leaving the University of Wasli- ingtofi' as a tësùlt 'of an inf ection wbicb rowing caused and which later cÔst bim bis foot, Mr. Walter began the career whicb caused Premier Mussolini to calbim "The supreme adventurer." H1e bas traveled ex- tensively in Russia, Germany, Itaily, and Spai, and bias writtenl three books based on bis experiences. 0f bis most recent work, "Russia's Decisive Vear," William T.v<n Phelvc Miss Shirley' Ross of. 1321 Chesititt av'enue wiII bc pianist of the day ai the nweting of The Memibers are not allowed to takce guests to the animal meeting. Mrs. ti P. G. XMurbach and Mrs. E. J. Doyle tf of Winnetka are the hostesses.. 'l'lie Book ReView clagss'of -the w league, which bas .met under, Mrs.V Sidney Beec'h of 'Glencoe 'the paste fo ur year s, closes the current season e WVednesda-,. April. 19'.'At this meet- f ing. to be held.at Mrs. F., J. S.- Fa r- « reill'sbouse. ý, 14U:2 South Sheridan*< roa.d, Highland Park,,Mrs. Beech willt read Potwý',' Philosophy of: Solitude,", P and wvilI 'also review books for surn-e nier readiing.ý Wil mettie Womento SewE forCrippled Children m The Washington Home for Crip- es ple<1 Childreji is the next hencficiarv se Xoan's Club of Wilniette. Frida, P *April 7. To it wvoien of the village M intercsted in the nîaking of garruentsa for afflicted bovs aind girls are ini- vited bv, the departinent sponsoring -l the sew-ing days.g W\ork will commence at 10 and N. continue uintil about 3:30 ini the af- " tvrnoon. with a luncheon interval at fi wvhichi a speaker usually tells of thec wo.rk of the organization she rep- resents. Wilmette carried high bonors ai-- he annlual meeting and election of he Tentb district, Illinois Federatioi of Women's Clubs Monday of .tbiQ' wreek Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, former, president ofthe 'Woman' s Club -of Vilmette., the, hosteiss club, wac: elected. first vice-president. of, the district.:,Her office makes ber pro- gram- chairman. Mrs. Sam Dennis Grace Campbell 'Denn-is) a member of the bostes club, ,won first prize in.. the district- poetry contest for her poem, "Bondage." . Other oficers. clected Monday were Mrs. Earl G.. Vhitaker of the Rogers.Park Wo'm- n's club, presidenit; Mrs. Williami M. Barr -of. the Edgewater Catholie Vomnan's club, recoéding secretary; f rs. Henry Rhode of th1e Lakc For-, -st Wom'an's- club,, correspondinv, iecretary for one year to f111 vacancv. Eglvty poems were etereeiin tht ,etry contest. "A. Twelfth Night Frolie" Won second prize for Its authoi, [rs. Robert H1arvey Gault of the Ev- tnston Woznan's club, and "The Night hlft" brought the third prize to Mrs. Fessie Talbot of the Rogers Park Won- tn club. Honorable mention wa: ,iven to -Liiîes to a Son" by Mrs. M. *Guerault of the Browiison circle; Unsto a tDaughter" bý Zi&rs. J. A. lynes .of the Rogers Park WonmnY ub, and "Good WiVIl," by Mrs. Ml. G. lonen of the North Town club. is young, untraimclled by traditions or conventions, an ardent lover of freedom, a believer ini daring ex- Nort bridge Notes periments." Tbe regular meeting of the North- The lecture concludes the series' of ridge Woman's club wilI be beld at special programs of tbe Neigbbors the home of M'rs. J. H. Devine, 202(j of Kenilwortb for the current c4,b Kenilworth avenue, o11Mondav, year. It will be followed on April April 10. Mrs. Charles Ware, chair- 25, by the annual meeting and lunch- ma7n of the executive board of tlhe is luncheon Mrs. H-. A. Surins I<eview Books at Woman's Club Wednesdag Morning "The Provincial Lady in Lno. by E. '1,. Delafield, and "Life Be- gins at Forty" .by Walter Pitkin. are the books tn he revipurpd bv ttAr, c Mrs. William~ F. F'arrell, state rel dent. guest of honÔr for the afternoon niusic program. and reading of th~ prizc winning poems, announced thee stati- convention to be held in Chicago May, 14, 15, and 16, at which the evening pro- grams are to be stressed. She also cal)- ed attention to the Flower show July 1-7, to be put on by the garden devart- ment. The niorning session was given over to the report-, of officers and comittec- 'il have foi e party mc club. -at Womani s ,ulties4.ý ry guest Rogers' ýa activity of eh haslost no Year 0of financl e- a1 Sa :nston.

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