cepteci thé generous check presenteci ýy Miss Ruth Truska, -auxihiary pro- I gram -chairman. M rs. Dixon thank- ed the Juniors, on bebaîf of the club,ý not only, for the. gift but, for ,a corsage -eof-three -large ggrdenias which. she w.as wearing. Miss Truska, acting for Mrs. Wil- liam, Alger,. Jr.>, (Mary ,Mack), auxiliary, president Who was. unable to ble present, also, read Mis. Alger%. anhual report.' Briefly it sumnmarized the, cultural, social, andý philanthropic project carried, on so splendidly through the loyal coopération of board members,' comfmittees, and in any other workers, In a time of iinancial stringency the auxil:ary ýwas able, in addition to the contribu- tion to the building fund, to distribute more than two-hundred dollars to the Commnunity Chest and five or six oDther p1hiatithropc 'agencies, N&frs. Alger wrote, The subscription dances are being Ilscontinùed, MUrs. Harry Finney, ways and means chairman of the senior club, said, ini reporting that ;nstead of the dances, emphasis is be- -:ng placed on conducted tours. The annual luncheon scheduled in the Bulletin to take place at the Edgewater Beach hôtel bas been Excellent taste was shown by the Juniors ini tbe. selection of the il-. lustrated. lecture-recital by the Marx Oberndorfers for the program. The Peterboro Art colony. in New Hanip- ihire founded by Mrs. Edward Mac- Dowell to proniote the arts, in mcm- *ory of her hushanci, the composer, %vas described by colored slides and lame bas germînatea ini the New iing- land beauty of "MacDowel1's Magic Forest". as ýthe Oberndorfers cal, their program., ferconcluding,. Mrs. Oberndorfer explained the newest development in plans ,for a Chicago Temple of Music. She alsotold what is being dont by the Frîends of Music and other, Chi- cagoans to secuire the best hi :music for 'the Century of Progress. Luncheon for Guild Heads ý Mrs. Walter H. Williarns, '614 Earlston road,, Kenlworth, is enter- taining ýthe officers-of. the guilds of thé Church of the Holy Coinforter,'for luncheon today (Thursday). Mrs. Williams is the president of the five guilds. W. C. T. U. MEflN The Wilmette andi Winnetka chap- terter of the Women's Christian Temperance union will meet next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Henry Peaster, 853 Vernon avenue, Glencoe. fond« meats broiled to a urn ail sernd inan atmosph.r. of od-. fashi*oned -charm. 501 Devis Streef EVANSTON PA TRONIZE OUR THE WHITAKER PLAN Do.s away with the tiresoe and rep.ated relisting of properties affer the, intial* reqîs- /â 'AD VER TIZRRS First Sho-wing Of the Newest GRASS r-in (114 Maern f IFor rteriLnformtioni