"Fasnions Aire So Changing" and "Hurdy Gurdy Man," and then clap- I ped and stepped with the music, dem- onstrating that third grade .children 4recognize beats and counts in music. The Howard school boys' choi1r, composed .of boys of the filfth. and sixth grades, gave a most, enjoyable prograni.. After some 'vocal exercises,, they sang sevreral sacred selections *including "Oh, Corne Unto ý,Me," - Contemplation' and an old, French chant; then modern American sangs,, "Sihg WhenYou Are Happ.y," "Tur- key in the Straw" and "Cle.ar the Kitchen," and closed their program, lhumnming "At.Home on the Range.". Miss McKay, in speaking. of ob- jectives an -d values'in music for chl- dren ini elementary schools, said thit the general objectives in mnusic arc 'the same as in geheral education--he development of the individual chiild accor'ding to bis capacity. Difficulties ,in singing are oftei (lue' ta physical causes. Music gives a child dp'Ipor- tunity for self-expression, is a' ,ocial- izing activity and an emiotional out- ]et. Miss *McKay believes America is becoming mare and more music consciaus, and suggests the slogan, - "-Music' for every chi'ld according ta lis capacity and nieeds." Donald Hutchins, Melvin Nyltrnd. UN -REALÇANMNG FOR BOYSIe Airpiane vierv of thse camp tite. Thse large island is about a mile long. Hlidden by thse trees are 40 ~buidings, a0k Iet i ieds, ten- nis' and handball courts, basket- bail floor, etc. the norinating conmîttee, 'presented the following slate of officers for the coming year: Ivrs. J.' D. Kinnear, president; *Mrs. R. B. DeVinny,' irst vice-president; Mrs. R. C. 'Johnson, second vice-president; Mrs. Lowell' Todd, treasurer; Mrs. E. D. Lyon, recording secretary, and Miss Ruth Slown, corresponding secretary. The Parent-Teacher association is indebted to Mrs. Stanley Smith, fin- a bai, and Mrs. BrUi have visited the cm My dear "«Duke": For some trne 1 have a tise delay. kas bei., caused l<rgely by my trjiM 1 sPlendid thi*x' shat it as. I realize .,ow tsat a ugm- anadho i'asted Io write *I ofl n inappreciation of Owakoitxe, and, ig irsitIo Jet ermine misat il is tisat maies thse camp tie rit is a combhsation of mary thungs carefully chose. and Oakley Jenks, 54 Warwick, Winnetka, will returnffrom Vi college on Saturday, April 8,ý spring vacation. Mi ddlers .........lu $@ 8 Senilors...........id t. 20 f or his Il' 'N I