These reductions were made pos- sible, it was explained, largely as aý result of strict economies in the ad- mninistration of township affairs b)y the varions officiais, and also to the fact 'that tax collectio'ns have been larger than wvas anticipated when theý *1932 levy was'made. Ini the report of Mrs. Gertrude M. Thurstoti, township supervisor, a bal- anice of $3,996.72 was. shown in that fund,. and bier report as treasurer *sho wed, a balance of $9635.81--iii thé roàd and. bridge fund. Ini submitting bis annual report, Townisliip' Highway Cominissioner J. A. Williams explained that even though hé, la d made no major im- provements -inithe-township highways during ethe Past, year,: neverthe- less the%- aie in good condition and mnay be :niaintained at nominal, ex- p)ense this year. Týhis is 'Mr. XiI- liani.s last, year in this Office. Thé annual report of Health Offi-' cer Dr, . JIA. Orvis was also sub- initted at this timie. This wvas the saine report which was made to the T6wn,,iship I-ealth Board a short time ago and which appeared in the WiN- %NU'KA T.ALK. -j The meeting Tuesda.y wias lheld at the Toivnship offices at th e Winnetka. Village Hall, at 2 o'clock: Mrs. Thturs- i to>n Ires'Id as odeato Among the citations which com- prised the lesson-serxnon was the fol- lowing froni the Bible: "The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languished. and' fadeth away, the haughty pepole of the earth, do. Ian- guish. The, earth also is defiled un- der the inhabitatnts thereof; because they. have t.rnsgressed theý laws, changed-'the' ordinance, broken, the everlasting covenant" (Isaiah 24:4, The lesso n-sermon also included the following passages frorn the Christianý Science Textbook, "Science' .and Healtli with Key to the Scrip- tures," by, Mary !Baker Eddy: "ý Everything ýgood or worthy, God ,made.. W ,hatever is .valueless or baneful, He did n ote make--h.ence its uneality", (p. .525) .\,r. and Mrs. Herbert Bartling. Il(6 Fulle~r Jane, Wiarnc4tkg had an.appc- tizer partv before the Kenilworti club dance Friday night -o- Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt King, 711 For- est avenue, will have the H and WV dinner bridge club next Tuesda.y at their home. 1 .o-- Mrs. Staver Moulding, 934 Oak-- Wood avenue. entertained ber Read- ing circle last Tuesday for luncheon. 2 e FOiR BOTH Superior qualify o.k leather solesl and long weari- inq rubbe. heets put on any six. sboes. Sew.d* or nailed on. of service. Work don. w-hile you wait or cieliver.d free to 'your homie. Wiebôldt's Basemnt-Evanston Two olIdfriends gel together ~aga in FRANCIS QELERICH of the, Suburbain Beverage Co., INC. 2070 Il 7220 EliWood AI-en *1933. A. B. Co., Chlicago Ph1one: ]Rogrs Park 0M". Chicago, llinois