EASTER DRY'.CLEANING ..Value Thrill: É v e ir y individual C"n Wear anart, tle":'eloihes fo 1r Easter becausso S h o r e Line's- finest cleamn«n service which restores the originial beauty, lustre and custoun lines Of youar gariments, la avallable at, reacu Of 'ail. 85C pricoswithian CaIIed, f or and Deli vered Ail garsuents in our plant as late as Friday wiUll e dolivei'ed in tiano for £aster. Cashc Carry 6 .cNOVA CLEANSER-FRÉE E alPolish, one coat... .....5 Nail Cleanser, 65i-1 ......... 50c value.............. Both for -Corrective for dy rfl nails - Contains .11 and wilI not dry outi the nails., Pho ne Your A »e'"'iimale Todop WILMTTE4517, fleauty She 1 167 WiImefe Avenue r TweIvè Torments A I ein la f rrlta bi1i ty 1 )izziine. Nervotiiness Tired F~eeling Hligh Blood Pre.-suve Loss. of Appetite Sleeplessness, Hlardened Arteries Ploor Circulation pitremature Old Ag*e A LL t'ailie114, a1queie4 ly who wvi1I guarnteeif flot satlsfied. Keep Your BIood Youthful and Your Body WIII Retatint outli For Sale, at the Boulevard Drug Store' ELE-VE N<Tfl ND CENTRI, WVIL!.ETTE 429MI 1- .--- - ---- - nutriber oî radio programns.during the vision of the Wilniette Parish 'Meth- *past eighit years and lias also con- odist church. 'Mr. Terbtine is well- tributed stories and poemns to the known as a radio personality and bas leading magazines. Besides his radio also figured prominently in vaudeville work, -Mr. Aspimvall bas spent fifý for somne time. Ris versatile imita- teeti vears in1 concert and on the tions, conedy. andl powers as a y-en- stage.' trilo(Iuist inake bis poptilarity well- A group of ginghiam-garbed 'girls deserveil, and overalled boys will add a great Two. other stars who wlI be featur- deal to the rural atmosphere of the cd ou W\edInesday- evening are -Ma frolic by their exhibition square danc- and Bob," a siuigiiûg'team ifroni Knox- T'1hese nerfrirmers are the "rpcii THE PUBYLIC 15 CORDIAL L. INVITED TO ATTEND THE~ CHURCII SERtVICES AND V91T THE READING OOM01 Il Ridge Rd, Phono Walnette 3400'