oil change làa addition tb renaffng!youir 1ras nitvarunni 'leaning uolstery, we now fdeau nd 1adjusi roiii 'pàrk pings at no extra7eot. This :eâtire job for amy aake >céar euly costs Siclar Greasmg Stat" o Cerner Main St. & Lindleu Ae., J. R. Brandon, Lbesà.ee Phono Wihimette 377S. Read ýthe Want A ds WhOIOSonie and Dolicions romnpt Service end Lowest Péices I LUNCHEON DpaIJy Dinneer Uuilay: flaer 35e 50 L-B 601 RESTAURANT:asud CONFECTIONBRY Mai& st. 637 The Turks have'a word fèr ai They cail àt now. that the heàlth center, %which is af- filiated w 't h the, Chicago Tuùbercu- losis Inst itute, .as$an the niidst Of 'the anîiual Early D'iag- nosîs cmageV- eryone is being n.i- vited to help spreàd teknowledge that cuitisuimption is a ciônîmuic-able dis-: ease, that it ispre-ýý ventahie and that e a r 1 v discover - * I.ads tg) earlv re- coverv. Widespread Campaiga P isters, pamaphlets. IIovies andl other 1plîysaciais. i eaujs are, heing used &uve~w-yio reieredbv, ~ge of tuberculosis anid liow It can be vice versa. îrevented. 'l'ie local campaigai is ;t made 897 {1nri of the national niovenent sponsor- scliool child ed during the nonthi of April hy ail fond i tel tuit, affiliated with the National Tuber- parts of tIit tt(S5associationa, whicli the local cen- molre than ter i., througlh its connectioni with thie suane mnor ( 1igolîercute 'ie slganthis year covered ina is lýll)rciltsi,-Foii Vhuamn Ddprevîous %VC He et It? 'rTO \homn Did He G i e cuaducted 1) It? As a rnatter of fact, these two withi the li Various types of cases are. tlw -dctors 't l te caeranid 111 1932, local physicians nedical examinations of Ireai, listing physical defects eth. tonsils, heart and other ie body. It wvas founid that 400 molre i if these defects, rand sonie seriotis, were dis- 1932 than ivere found the ear by sinhiar examinations by the doctors ini cooperation iealth center:ý AçcordiiM to 'Act 1111 ~Uis l~ aiecei r y rs. liiez Vu. Iiss, R, N., is to prevent tuberculosis througlî pubhlic education. It also is on the aiert to detect the disease. but confines tItis work to diagnosis. Il is not a treat- nient agency. Hold Chest Çlinics Chest clinics are field once a nîonth at the ceater, wvith Dr,, Julitis B. N?ôvak of the Chicago Tuberculosis Iiistitute as 1 aigi i . rei iu jJie o>1t meiC ejI for regular niedical attention. During the past two years, more than. ever before, the health center work has been aI)preciated hy the enitire coin- iluility. Sijice jan. 1 of this year 900 persons have called at the center in per- son, besidles handreds of telephone calls ainswered by' the nîurse.. fali 305 sinalli chudren were given toxin- Mrs. George Kingsley, 2591 Curnnoî antitoxin to prevent diphtheria. roarl. Kenilworth, entertained her "Ai of the work of the bealth center bridge club at luncheon Thursday is done in cooperation with Wilmette of last week. 1%ý,