Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1933, p. 1

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for Annual Village Election Quiet Campaign Is Climaxed had given inost of his timie ini the past by Lively Voters'. League two years to servinig the Village, of Canddate' Metinghow he is constantly .triving to main- Canidte',%Metig. tain1 the financial integrityo V inette. by keeping the bugdet exactly 1Vlnet otr1 Ilgot teplis-in lune ith,.expenditures, and of bis Tuedav, .April,18. to elect. a Village attitude, toward the Harniony coin - presilent, tlîrceXVillage trustees a vnin illagetre asrr n( oic aOpposes Hawmony Plan itrt. "Personally Icani .see no..reason white twvo parties, have l)eef initc o the amnycnvnio, Ir'. field for -nai v eeks. there lias been Dubbs 'state.'If they differed they no open canmpaigning. dite verY la rge- hshul ave namned the1 points of dif- ly to the fact, nio doubt, tiat. one of.,ference. If they ,acquies.ed ini policy, the tickets :eianated witli the, Har- they should'have backedmyrc - 111611 convention - sl)onsored hvrcon numeros .- ienatins They did îîot proceed cîvieorgaixatons i idaccording to-the principles of.,har- inade ni) of represenitative citîzensr on-Ianstouhthtte wvhicIîlias as its prin.arY piurpose 'the, (i'îùiejo ae1' p)romotion, of Village elections that.1 (ciite npg shli b le free froîi bitter partisan * lighits inii ivhlîgeninie issues, are Passage ofR zevisea custoiia rjly con ftsed1 and overshad- -C d sýotoe o\ý,ed bIv niluor bickerings and ini- B. <3<,eth di iaryfostiitcdo <liilgence iii acrinionious personalities. Bes the juiirycnmiteo Harmony Makes Headway Iilage board, which is in charge Thle 1Harniony convention party of the revision of the Xilnette code, also. lias, eîdorsed Prvsmdeuit 1ubsstîlia s tnder consideration sm andl Treasurer Harrv Miller, canidi- .sui-ggestions froin citizens concerning dates for re-election -on the Village the new code, Trustee Harry C. partNvtçe+~I i n closed cati- Kinnie, chairmaru of the comnmittee, re- cujs-thus le; iavilig oiIN. t%\o canid(ates ported ýat an adjourned meeting of ()ntil tue aruno n\- tic . tj to h)attle> it tlhe Village board Tuesday night that ont at the polis for places oui tlic it wotild be impossible to adopt the hoard of trustevý,. code f or. at least two weeks. In the No political iîiaýS etiuon eantimie, Nfr. Kinne said, the coin- Ur i mainiirossings Stop signs on Main street at the in- tersections of Lake, Central and Wil- miette aeusare to be illumlinated. At an adjourneéd mee ting T.uesday night %the Villageboard. instiructed Vil- lage Manager> C. M.. Osborni to. have: the Work .done. This action w as taken on recommen- dationi of, Trustee Arthur Lee, chair-- mnan of thé streets and, alleys commit- tee, who, stated that the cos-t of illuminating, each sign would be about thirteen dollars., There are a total of fiîne signs Ïo be illumilnated, six for north- and southbound, traffic on Main. street, and three for trafic approachý- ing Main street, from the west on Lake, Central and. Wilmette avenues. ISiîîce the completion of all sections o1f the new throughi highway running parallel to *and irnmecjjately. west of the Chicago and Nýorth Western rail- way right-of-way f rom McCormick boulevard in Evanston to the southi limits of Glencoe, traffic has been un- usuallv heavy along Main street, Wil-, mette. which is a part of the highway. Rotariains of Towî .Plan Frolie on Arrangemen~ts are being, May 4 R. F. C. 'Agrees to Purlbnse Additional Block.of Wilmette Water Revenue'Bond The Reconstruct ion Finance cor-* poration has agreed to buy another jblock of Wilmette 'water revenue honds to t he. amount of $200,Oto àlid thé Village. in building its new, water worksý at the foot of Lake ave- nue. This was, Made known at an ad- journed meeting of the- Village board Tuesday, night, when a 'resolutionwa passe d accepting the offer of, the Fi- nan .ce. corporation to purchase, the bonds.The coporation had.previ ously advanced $50,000 to the Village in exchange for Wilmette water réveniebonds, * Ruth Counstruction Work Construction work is. being rushed at the water works site. Excavation %vork for the filtered water basin bas been completed, and laying of con- crete for the floor of the basin was more than haîf finished by the middle of this week. It was expected that this. portion of the work. would be counpleted by the. end of the week. ilrîciviuioi-atusauii orp' nizaton in- i %j A *s.JLIL eewii i oeau lnner in the bu terest-ec solelv, insofar as; élections a Magician in Wilmette high 'sch 0 eshl floe yai arecoucered.iiiproidiîg uifrin- Te Mn'sclu oftheFirt Cn-program inthe auditorium represent- pc are otierii(l.in roviili inorma Th Me's cub f te Fist on-ativeof high school activities. Plans tin for voters as 10 tuie issules il, the gregational church, Wilmnette, will pre-fr the meeting are in the hands of i camnipaigiî anîd hflc jualîhicatîouî fsntD.HranTrel mgcain an executive committee comprised of ta(iae.ltwo performances on the afternoon and1 the folloing: R. L. F. Beeee.M Woma Conrol Meeing i evening of April 22, at the Masonic ,himn T. E. Thompson, Lloyd Ibhis uutrestiîg imeeting nliade l>Os- 1 temple. Trhe show is planned as a Holister, Abe FelI, Arthur. C. F. l sibhi. by the Leagiue of X\ol1ielî gala affair especially for chldren. Pro- Gedge, Frederick Kahler, George W. w< \ trswas seld last Mlonda v %CliUuig ceeds ivill be used for the maintenance Tapper, Don E; Marsh, and Henry C. sai iii the auditorium of the HoNvard of the churcli choir, Tickets may be Wienecke. toi school, Il provided a Nvealth of _Aï r,-t._* ; iiely the lnearing wmill be post- ne.Reporte on Locil Lahor Building Inspector B. H. Platt tde a report to the Village board_ uesday night concerning the em-- lyment of local labor at the water orks. "During the 1ast week," he i/Vilmette residents were absent, Vïlà ýage President Dubbs, iuaauguirated ýhe schedule of talks.I -President Dubbs told 6f how lie ... . 1. .-32 it s .v............ u~ .~34-35 -I --------- organization state, and there i5 1no 4300 expense or fee. The course will be Wilmette -Parish Methodist chur'ch. >

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