NEW .DRESS.ES Fresh -in Style-Different in Detail. Anud So Sm irlTo Thos. who want to0b. w.ll may fi nd yoithful and becomutg frocks at Worthen's. Authentfic styleý in *very mnodel-refreshin in ~every line-color and fabric, y.t prkd so If s nspir ng fo offer such Smart dÀ.SS fashions et Such reàsonable iprIleS. Thue HAT, And 4f musf b. a MALLORY HAT Now $3.50 a$5600 One Gr6up Sefling *.t A Most Unusual Value Others. at $1 2.85 and $1650 $6.85 Tue Eait4Wùa/t{e ,,a14 Rollins Non-run top, thonno worry about runs, and only .$i.00pair, end sport styles. 'Tou will , like ou.r selection and1 the price. 5Oc-25c Some are prints and some are lace frim. 7 The TIES ln all the new Sprinq silks. Finest of colorings anid patternis. A wonderfiul i value,.nw . PICTORIALi PATTRN L~J t 1- Il - Phone Wjbyi 2655