Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1933, p. 40

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CAN BUSINESS EUILUD A GR EAT ÂGE q.. by WILLIAM KIMILLER Treeting TiM. Politiciens' Scheme, The.' co .mie-Plann'>Pan Tbi. Tehno>crais'Shout $2050 CERAN>LER1'S Fountain Square Evansfon 119 ad a nIIW one , UgdII, j. Jie 'ai worM of art and letters in Amnerica and abroad wlichlseerned perfect and substantial to. this. lady- who 'gazed upon them with the politeness. and provinciality of an,'.1eider New ýOr- Jeans. fin' her book, written i n rever- eut memory, Miss King, resurrects her shadows lui politeness'but seldom. ïinto life. Miss King, who, wrote "Monsieur MoItte," "New Orleanhs," "Creole Fam- illes of Lousiana,"! and. "La Damne de Sainte Hermine," is before alil other things a lady of her tim e and lier place. Al lier reactions and lier com- ments are:shaped by the patterns of female gent 'iliiy in the Newv Orleans of the. last century. She is al gen- tleness to targedy, ail iron to any deviation from moral rectitude. Se deeply fixed were lier 'religious con- victos that ghe found hierself boe- dering upon dangerous adventure lu attending 'a lecture by Renan ln Paris. There is much- awe and a littie futtering of the female heart in lier meetings with the great. But lier re- actions to them are usually conven- tional. fGDRE ' qjSCULPTIIDFANDI PAINT. The present volume, The 'Tragedy of Tofsto.%,,:by. Tolstoy's youngest daugh- ter,. Countess Alexandra Tolstoy, deals with the most cco1ntroversial issue be-* tween b er parentsin the closing years of their l Couuntest ives. h is discussion include agriculture, indus - try, the Jife of the workers, the coni- Munist par.ty, the.,financial structure, the legal sstemn. education. and the, Prison svstem and ; the authors are XweIl Sinîs., Kar I Scholz, George and Vera Douùglas, Jeroîne Dav's Aizada Coinstock., Allani K. Srnit, Flarrv C. 'Krowl, and J. 'L Gillin. -Thxe Soviets certainlv havea. wa .v of "selling.their goods,". and ln'thein high powered salesmnanship bas pr.ob- ablv r eached Its greatestý develop- ment.. They can ta'<e tourists around a nd-, show theni. a few factories, col- lective farnis, and dav nurseries ini such a wav that the visitors,,partic-: ularly gtlllil)le American disitors, think the whole of Ru'sia,.is teaniing ani seething with factories, and that'aIl Russiati cbildren are giv en devotcd: ~and .Jcwing ce by the Soviets. Tlhe truth of it is, that factories and col- lective faris and day nurseries irc, on such small scale that they are hardly even worth mentioning. In time, the Soviets malv build such a nation of whichi they' are now dreamn- ing; and aIl the more power to them,. but they are' a long, long wa ius.t ncow from any such ideal. The Soviets make mucli over the emancipation of women. They take Dritanic. iZee sICa us4 uiCsZi ct nt r' ' p-tional opportunites that they are bibliography brotught down to date of ~ offering the people, tbrough the radio, publication. The illustrations are Jealousy .was a 'dominant evil in the the newspapers,. and the theaters, and' Iwell made and grouped at 'the end of ToIstoY 'houisehoki. The father 'Nas yet these aie 'al nothing but sources the book. How fully the cuts' are jealous of his wife, and later 'of bis of and outlets for Soviet propaganda: carried to date may be judged bY daughters. The mother was jealous of The people, by this time, must hle the fact that the mnucli and variously her daugliters, and in a less degree the bored to tears at hearing continuallv discussed archaic Apollo of the Met- sisters were jealous of each other and the same sermnons over and over! ropolitan Museum is included. The their miother ln so far as their fatber's In the concluding article Mr. Davis authors clearly had an advaiice view. attention was concerned. According.to lmnsAeiasno-eonto'o XI general,' American collections are Countess Alexandra, on one occainlmnsAeia o-eonto i more' generously represented than.15 when sÎw was n)art;eîiîurlv affetd vRus.ia.. "If their. laws are disagree- Orringfon Hotel ldg... Evansfon' a then un- to he cemetery and arrive at the grave -without the, body,. iý

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