Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1933, p. 44

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Three tbousand candy eggs, wrap- ped in paper envelopes, will be dis- tributeci by the Easte.r unniy, prior to the start of the hunt. The pre- school, kinidergarten, and first grade childreii will.' assemble' with their baskets in the Howard school gym- nasium and will finid.tbeir -eggs ini the vacant field.'across the ýstre.et,,east of the Howard school. Moth ers are. re- quested:to Jet their children hunt for ,thieir eggs. The second, third,, and fourth grades will'assemble on the Village Green and will hutit their eggs be- tween the Vilage Green and Lake avenue, on.the, vacant 'lots there. Ail children inWilmette below the fifth gradeare eligible to compete. TJhe eggs will*be wrapped Mna evening at 7:30 o'clock in the domnes- tic science room of the Howardl 'school. 'Assislting ~th'e Easter Bunny, ivill be a commnittee composed of Me\fs. Herbert Leach, chairmanl; Mrs. H. 0. NTon der Hoff, Mrs. Erniest Free- mnan, ýMrs. J. F. Mfehihope,' anid Nrs. Stanley Johnson. Seek to Unscramble t 3-Way Cage Deadlock ' 'l'le settlimg of a tlirce-wNaN tic inr The basketball tests 'arc held 'each year in the last weeks prior to the spring vacation andg4tveral new rec- ord holders weredetermined as a.re- sui o tis yeàrst ess Thec- dren ýwere divided into;classes, accorld- ing to age, height, and weight and- the tests given separately to the various divisions. Alf tests were individual afairs. .mong the high records ahee this. year was a new1 record miade by, D)o rothy Davis of the Howard school, *who competed. i the Class C di-, vision. Iler distance for the basketr bail distance throw wvas- 67 feet;', sevei1 feet more tha'n the existing, record inade last vear by Sue Spinney. Stoip) sc bool1, of 60 feet. and more than the distance achieved Imv amny ember of any ciass in eithcer school. She also m iade a record throw in the basket- hall goal7 shooting contest? îna'king seven goals out' of teti triais, beating th e sixagoal record establisibed iast y'ear. Paul Lanig of Stoip school estab- lishied a nieN% boys' goal shooting rec- ord l'y making eighit goals out 'of 'ten trials, oie 'pmore thani the record establishied iast year of seven goals.5 Ffowever iii this year's tests, the 1932 record w,ý%as equalied several tiles. The results of the tests given to the trude, Kaplan, 3, goals; 12. Bessie- BÉouchikas, 2 goals;' Gwèndolyn Har- ývey, 2 goal; Alice Wagnier, 2 goals. Class c Girls of Howard: 1. Doro- thyDavis,.7 goals; 2. jean, Macdon- aId, 4 gýoals. . 1 1ý .Class D Girlsof -Howard: 1. Muriel janicki, 4 goals; Adelid oeen goals; Evelyn Schuber, 4. goals., IÇlass E Girls of Howard:ý 1. Irenc Baron, 6 goals; 2. Dorothy McUillan, 3 goals;, Helen Schaeffer, 3ý goa; Helen. Sparks, 3 goal s. Class F Girls of Howard: 1. Sarah Curley.- 5 goals;* Louise Graha. 5 goals; '3. Arln'e Rogers, 4 goals. Stolp, *schooî girls' goal shooti'ng records weire fot complete at the be- gin'ning of thé spring vacation and will be .published later according to Mr.~ D. Davis. Howard School Boys' Goal Shooting. Class A Howard Boys': 1. Bill Hayt, 5 goals,; James NVersino, ; goals; 3. John Versino, 4 goals. ICîass B Howard Boys:' 1. Bill H-oward, 6 goals; 2. Gordon Nevinis. 4 goals; Ed Johins'ton, 4 goals; Har- very Steffens, 4 goals; Phil Samuel- son, 4 goals; Julitis Kaspar, 4 goals. Glass C Hloward Boys: 1. B3ob Hall., 6 goals; 2. Bob Kretisch., 4 goals: Tom Carniey, 4 goals. Class D Howard Boys: 1. Royal have you, thgt have been won in cômpetition during tht last season will be. presented to. the winners. Tentative plans call for a Volley- bal ,gamne between two outstanid*in9 miens' teams. _This gamne wiIl get under -vaypromptly at 73. tthe close 'of this gamnée two girls', teams will show 'how basketball under girls' rules is reallya science. The. final game,of the B Basket- bail league,. between Van Deusen's and the. winner of the Winberg, Drug- Foffinan Florist. teams§ wiil take. the floor at. 9 o'clock. D'le tails of this ganie may be found elsewiiere on this page. The prizes will be given ot t at the close of this garie. Besîdes the b;tlls for individual. events and athletiic leagues, the trophies for the year round conipetitioii wvill be presented at this timne. A list of tlie prize win- ners, as wcll as the personnel oiý 1he- varions teains, w~iI I be published ini IINext \eWsVILNIETTE LinE. LEASE KENILWORT'H HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. A. L. J3revitz of Ev- anston are mioving May 1 to the house they have rented at 338 Met-. rose avenue, Kenilworth, îlot to 338 Kei1lvortli avenue, as %\as ,aunmmic- ed Iast week. LVC- Drngs-find themselves deadlocked 'for 'first place in the league with six- teei %vins and five losses. Monday 'night at 8:30 at the How- ard gymi will see the first step ini the battle for first place. WVinberg Drugs and Hoffmnan Florists will play to see which one meets VTan Deusen 's for the championship. Fridav night, the winner of' Mon- 1f.auto, 50 feét. -' goals; 3. Robert Christenson, 4 goals, IlGlass B Girls of Howard:l1. Bessie ',Glass F Howard Boys: 1. Dick' IDe-, Bouchikas, 60 feet; 2. Alice Wagner,' war, 5 goals'; 2. Marvin Haruîs< ,,4 49 feet; 3. Norma Heinricks, 45 feet; goals; Dick 1-offmeyer, 4 goals. 4. Dorothy Burgess, 41 feet. Glass A Stolp Boys: 1. Ed Mahle, lass C-Girls of Howard: 1. Doro- 5 goals; 2. James Streeter, 4 goals: thv1)ais.67fee; ? Batnce ea. James Lamib and EI Hess. each 3 58 feet; 3. Marjorie 'MacMillan, Clgas tl os .Jms feût; 4. Betty ýHoar, 54 feet. ' GlssB olp; B -os: 1. as Class D Girls of Howard: 1. Adel- %O-i Ir7'- -g- - s.; 2. J&Iohn Gl-E. on Mrs. NT. K. Spicer, 312 Essex road, Kenilwortîî, is spending severai days this wcek Mi Racine. Wis., as the houseguest of IMrs. John Simnions. John E. Hicks, 241 "Meirosc avr- nue, Kenilworth, spent last wt:ek wiih his son, Jack, at Duke uîest ini North Carolina. 0 o- ;* , Clàss E Giî -rls of Stolp: 1. 'Fra IAk'ely, '49 feet; 2. 'Lois Rosei Ifeet; 3. Mary Potter, 44 feet; 4. eu on ean and trac jmette board. the Wil- tecreation to wliiinérs î1î.

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