Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1933, p. 46

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lncâted at Wilniiette, S-'tate of Illinois. at the close of business oit the 25th day of MNarch, P933, as made to theie-Aditor f ubi Accouint.s of the State of Ill'i mois, puirsuiant to law. RESOURCES- Cash, Other Cash Resoirces anid Dule from lBanks.......... 3.129695.33 U.S. Goy'erunnient Jîi\'estmetits. Other Bonds. and 1Sectitities... [<oans onCollateral Sec ,ity.... Other 1J<oans............... loans O-I Real .sat............ )v erdrafts................. Balnking 1-buse, FIii-nituire ai Fixtures.................... Custoniers' Jiahility Under I ett ers of Credit . . .............. Cuistoliier-s' Jialilitvh con of Acce)tanics ............. ()ther Resour-ces ........ ........ 121,789.48 3471,210.16. 276,529.39: 973.49 1509001.00 None None Betty Doddls, scribe for rro<>p 3, writes that Helen Schiaeffer was in- vested at the troop',s last me11eting, and tbups was entitled.to wear a tenderf oot pin for. the first time; after some ganes, tbe.patroli worked on nature- quite appropriate for this timne of the vear. According to Sçribe Suzanne, Lyon, Troop 7 also added, a, new memiber; ber naie is Anita 'Pakoîneîîi. and she hopes to become a.fuil-fledged tender- foot soon. Troop.7's mectingWas also distinguished by the awýarding. of chevrons to patrol leaders and to cor- porals. Lorraine, PeecI4r received patrol leader.chevrons 'and Rtuth Mest- jian corporal chevrons for, Patrol .1; and Marilyn Prusiing' patrôl- leader, chevrons and Suzanne Lyon corporal chevrons for Patrol 2. At the samne turne, Scribe Suzanne Lyon was award- ded the scribe badge for the excellent worl she lias 4one ini repOrting 'the doings of her troQp. Speaking of badges, nine hostess badges were awarded to the scouts of Troop 9 at their last meeting; those recciving the hostess award we're Betty Jane Diltz, Rita Kipers, Carolyn Ledig, Helen Donnesberger,, Catbcrm ine McDaniel, Betty McDernott,- Rose- mary McDermott, Virginia NMcGurk and Margery Mintz. At the saine nieeting . tirk hpg2 yan rk on te the country tor lier beautiful andi graceful work wbich isalso noted for its. origmnality. She %as specialized in the int rrtation of ancient Gre ek dances for which sbe w*as excep- tionally well, trained in Europe. by the famous' Duncan family. : Amçong the Greek chorodramas,:in*wbich she performed under the 'direction of the Dunca ns,- are "Promûetheus,," "The Sevei Against- Theb)es." "Antigone."' and "Orpheus.» After comnpleting lier Europeain training in 1927, 'miss Huebert en-: ployed b.ler talents bv en gaging ac- ltively in a program of teachii g and group. production in the United States. In the saine year she danced, with Ruth St. Denis in New York anid was -engaged by Ivax Reinhiardt to perfor in ii is* tbree spectacles. "A.Midsuinmer Night'~s Dreanmt "Everyn an," and "Danton's *I>éathl." During the next two years 'Miss Huebert was featured in lier own trio at the Roxy theater in New~ York where she also appeared ini concert with the Donic dancers, an- other group of bier om-n creation. F~or the past few 3years Mliss Hute h'ert' lias been on the facultv of tlic Goodman theater in Chicago as ini- structor of the dance. She lias cre- LIARIL JTIF.1 Capital Stock ............. . 200,000.00 SurplIus........................ uLrdivided Profits m( Nùt*)..... Rescrv.e Accounlts ................. Deîiand Deposits............. 'finie Deposits................ 28,517-41, 73p575.57 728p987*,55 sworln to before nie tis. 6th, day of C. W. SCHAF: Notary (SEAt,) s to be many surprises. More arion. p 10 had as its guest at the last ,Chief W. H. Zibblc. head of department of W,"lmette; ac- to Jane. EtheL Newman, t112 poke of fire prevention, its un- e, especially for G.irl Scouts, Lstrated bis talk with stories rery and otherwise that hie had from. bis experiemice as ire JmLit us: part of thei exteni~ve solotour xnrougn mthe Michigan resort colonies last suiii- mer. .The program for the ëveniiig m-11 be announced later. Miss LulI1 Wright, faculty sponsor of the c'lub., and the girls are -hoping for a ,ca- pacity audience for this beniefit per- formance. The club's scholarships arc awarded only to those girls. who need to further their education i order to earn a living, it is explained. itumner.1 a fagot into thie ire,c 'easure, thiis1 saine turne a greeting turned over from lier ntou agood wisli Lne,

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