Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1933, p. 3

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is headed by Harry P. Harrison, 307 Abbotsford road. candidate for vil- lage, president, while Herman S. Hintz- peterý..212 Sheridan, road, candidate for pre sidenit on: the 'Kenilworth Econo y, ticket, heads the opposition party. Nominate Hamrson Mr.. Harrison was nominated by ,the Regular Kenilworth party to take,-the. place <of Ralph R: Hawxhurst as, Vil- lage, presidentý. Mr. Hawxhurst has ,.erved as. president since 1927, and was a trustée f or three years, prior to that. He., feit that he shoull retie. Three other trustees wlîose ternis eXu- pire this spring, Harry V. Crooks, Henry ýG. Zander, Jr., and Richard \Vol-fe,.were nomiîiated for. reelection hy the. Regular Kenilworth party. The party also'nominated GeOrge Rothermnel uiincumhent) for police inagistrate. M&mtzpr Hieada Ticklet Rutining on the Kenilworth Econoimy party ticket with Mr. Hintzpeter are WVarnier C. I,ewis, 201 Kenilvorth ave- nie, John T. Janette, 315 Abbotsford road, and David E. Elmgren, I'5l. Brier street, candidates~ for village trustees, and Brower Munroe, 724 Maclean ave- nue, candidate forpolice magistrate. 'l'le Keniilworth Assemnbly hall is the polling place for, both precincts in' Kcnilwvorth, The poils will bé ope)] C. P. Dublia 'one candidate for president and osie candidate for, treasuret re-cord- ed on. tFe:official. ballot received'at the polIs next Truesday_ W hil1e- -Mr. Dubbàs and mr. Miller h a v e received the en-, dorsement of bothý parties, their natnes will'appear, 0 n. t hi, Village Party ticket, that party having heen its candidates. J. B. Hoffman the fir.t* to chioose A brief biographical ,Sketch .of Charles E. Ramsel-. iîd ependent candidate for police magistrate, ap- pears at the -endl of this article. Bio- graphical sketches of the Harnîonv partv candidates follom.: Carl J. Zipprich, 6>23 Forest avenue, for trustee- Mr. Zipprici> is l)resideflt of the Zipprichi T e'a ti ,)g9corn- pany of Chicago. He lias 1)e en a resident of Vil- quartet and choir of teFlrst Con- grègational church under the direc- tion of Emiîy Robert. *This. service, is sponsored by ive Minmette - cburches-Wilmette Bap- tistf First Congregational, English Lýutheran, First Presbyterian and St. Augustine's Episcopal -, and marks the. final> joint observance of the I.enten season. The five participating churches wilI join ini a, three-hour service ini St. Augustine's Episcopal, church Good Friday beginninig at, 12 (noon) and concluding. at 3 :o'clock.- Ministers of 'the co-operating churches wil conduct the worship. < The order of service for the eve- ning service in the Congregational churchi is gnnounced as follows: Otgan Prelude, tGood 1'rlila3 Music f from "Parsifal' ..... Wagner Procesisonal }Jymn. "The, Son of God Goes' F~orth" Chant of Invocation Prayer of Invocation and Lor)id's Prayer Choral Res-ponse Antem 'Goto Dark Gethsqernane" Tht- I >o tlo Pi ti*î i \\ LM1-TI4FE. Seeks Permit for Refreskment Stand Building Inispector B. Hl. Platt re- ported to the Village board at an ad- jourined meeting 'Ities'day nighit that lie had received an application for a permit to builil what lie termned a -hot dlog" stand at the northwest C.B.Cohrn W. C. Farrar A. M. chapter Jj C. B. Cobra* l\o. 25,? of the ! Carbon P. Duabbs, 10 Michigan Royal Arch NMa- avenue, candidate for reelection asj sons, thtc Oriental E. H fildreth Village president on the Village ticke consistor-v and Medinali temple. Mr. ai d endorsed hy the Harmnony party Zippricli also is a niemiber of the %Vas borni in Franklin. Pa. He lias 1 iette Parisli Nlethiodist clîurcli, lived ini Wilmiette silice 1915, is miar- and durixîg the buildinîg of tlhe new% ried. and lias three children. He lias. churcli was a nieniber of the finance been au, execuitive i. various oil lu- coiiinîittee. He is mnarried and lhas Hlyin. ' 1îtiIurvey thje NWordrous, I3enediction and P.esponse 4rg;in Jostlude: -We ail believe in one Çiod. tCreator' ............Bach Suggests Repair Work Aln Sheridan Road Ti..- ig fwillnetie. :wbich re- animously. Tne dog catcher this year ai -will receive twice the arndunlt le as Un gýiven last year for catching a dog. 7ed uanignter; i (Continued on offl)r'ôtl- Boy N~orth Shore Area couticil of March 30, consistc Scouts.. For ten yas Mr. Eleaiior 'Jewett, (Cont.inued on Page.41)C. J. Bulliet, and which closed, on of four members,' ýez Cunningham, tomas .Tallm.adge-.

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