Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1933, p. 56

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Tharo wilI be artists well-knownf in the field of vocal and instrumental musicand lectures on a variety of subjects with :illustrations, book re- views, .and novelty numbers.. Mrs. Trhirza Mosher Parmenter is chair- man of talent. Tickets, may be. secured f or any one or, ail dates- by , telepboning Mrs. W. C. Gilies, Wilmette 3568; Miss Helen1 Fridmaln, Wilmette 242;> or Mrs. R. R. Marquardt, Wilmette 388.1 DRAWINGACCEPTED. Robert, the son of. Mr.. and Mrs.4 I. L. Simmons,, 1141 Cbestnut, avenue,. returned to Princeton Friday, haviiîgg cut ýshortý his vacation in order to fin- ish an important drawing. Another drawing of bis was accepted by the. Travelinig Art association which se- lects drawings amonginmnbers wbich are then displaed at otiier colleges. Robert is majoring. , l architecture and was one of the two seniors who received awards. He was a guest of Judge Tate in Washington during the inaugural festivities. SPOKE MEETING Spoke 4 of the Presbyterian churcht is meeting on Thursday afternooli, April 20, Nvith Mrs. Hector Dodds,. stores. Dr. Seitert emphasized the great. importance &of educating parents to having. their childr en immunized against communicable diseases. and the preference of bavýing thii done by pri- vate physicians. Mrs. Benner then read the-Cbildren's charter whicb was adopted- at the White Hous.e Conference on Child, Health and Protection. Dr. Beatrice Haw.*kiins, department child welfare chairman, was introduced and spoke to the group regarding the, child welfare program- tbroughout thé United States in general, and in 11W- nois pàrticulàrly. She stated that there is a child welfare commission f or the legion arnd conimittee: for the auxiliary, anid they work together harmoniously. We are ini Area "D" which consists of thirteen neighboring states. Each state bas its conmittee, a chairnian and two other mneml>ers. The 40 andi 8 and the 8 and 40 organizations also specialize in cbild welfare work. Ail workers, with a couple of excep- tionls, are volunteer workers. The general program is one of edu- cationi, legisiation and direct material ONE FIRE IN WEEK, The Wilinette Fire departinent was called out only once ini the week -end- ing. Tuesday,- April .11. .tast, Sunday afternoon 'the firemen muade. a run to 51o Fif th Street, where, a gas st ovewas causing trouble. There 'was-no dam- agexcept'f rom 1smoke, Firc Chief M7alter Zibble reports. HAS HOUSE GUEST Mrs. Mônroë' R.ý Venables, 908 Greenleaf avenue, bhas, had as ber house guest for ten days ber cousin, Mrs. E.* H. Robinson of Boston. Mrs. Robinson is the ýmother of the young author, and explorer, W. A. Robinson, whose marrnage to Miss Florence Crane was'a recent Chicago society event. H'AS BRTHDAPAR~MTY. Betty R~uth Friend, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Milton H. Friend. 800, Linden avenue, was given a surpriseý party by ber parents last Saturdavi evening on the occasion of her thi '--1 teenth party. Twenty boys and girls were entertained at dinner, I stayçd for dancing and gaines in the evening. Mr. and Mrs'.R. R arPart Hazel Anders of vvauconda, Mis, jenny Gratz of Chicago, Thomas Gallegqr of Barrington, and Russel Smithi of Crystal Lake. The 'bride and bridegroom willi make their-home ini Barring ton. HEALTH CENTER ,NEWS Monday afteriion,, April 17, froni 1 to 3 o'clock mill be the ext chest clinic. Dr. Julius Novak of the Chi- cago Tuberculosis institute will be in charge. The* next Infant Welf are clinic will 'bé conducted on Xedne,,- day afternoon, April 26, froni 2:30 te 4 :30 o'clock. HOSTESS TO OFFICERS Mrs. A. -E. Klunder. is entertaining the oficers of the philanthropy de- partmnent of the Xoman's Club of Wilmette at luncheon and bridge this Friidav~ at lier home, 9m Chestujîit avenue. BAKERY SALE A bakery sale is announced by tiie Anderson and Stewart guilds of thc Church of the Holy Coniforter in Kenilwo(--rtli on Saturdav, April1. froru 10 until 4 in the guild rooin. .1 e - mVil., wnois O lb aing iii LwrVIB.. college in Wisconsin, is couiing this week-end to be tbe bouse guest of Miss Irene Christophel, 237 'Green- leaf avenue, is at Lake Forest col- lege. The girls wvere ciassniate's at Ferrv hall, Lake Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Townsend, 1337 'Ashiand avenue, witb their daughter, Miss Mary Elizabeth. are providing that specifications for house1 Mrs. Frederi-e A. Troy ' of Evans- WVilliani C. Sellery of Wilniette. mothers and fathers at 'Normal be made ton, formerly of Wilnrette. left 01 who. is a freshman at Colgate uni- tighter; and a bill whïch wili provide. Saturday to visit hier daughiter, Mrs. versity, Hamilton, 'N. Y., bas recent- for lighit and heat ini some of thé living Dorotby Troy Young, of Forest ly been initiated in Sigma Nu frater- quarters at the State Training scbool His, Long Island, nity. He was expected to spen(l the f or girls at Geneva. 0o Easter holidays witl' his father, R. A The legion and its au,çiliary believe Mrs. johin Campbell of 815 Lake Sellery, 908 Ashland avenue. that children should not be taken f rom avenue bas as ber gue-sts over the, their homes solely because of poverty. week-end, Miss Sylvia Leonard and. Betty Schirei, daughter of Mrs. They endeavor to make cbildren happy Miss Ruth McDill of Nkilwallkee.! Noua Schrei, 327 Cumnor roàcl, Ken- and useful future citizens. They arrived Wedniesday. ýilworth, is leaving on Tuesday, April Along the Uines of education prob- 0 11- I,. for a visit with her uncle and spring holidays. 0o .Mrs. Walter Botthof, 156 Abing- don avenue, Kenilworth, was bostess to her luncheon and bridge club on Friday, Aprîl 7. is just an outline of the general ment projects. It would be im- e to gîve in this short space the id individual worlc aiong child Augustines clubouse-cardg,'daiicing, movies and lots of funi 1 Mr.. and Mrs. Walter G. Mcliitosh! and farnily, 1100 Greenwood avenue, Sewing meeting .Tbursday nigbt, left Sunday for tbeir summer home, April 20, at the borne of Mrs. JamexS Snug H-arbor, at Lake Geneva. wbere Barcus, 303 Seventeenth street. they will stay until Friday..

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