Wilmt.45~ 1126 Contrel Ave. èiALOI CLEARANCE I itBSALE, Wonderf4il values* i n :SP0R 1N G D RESSES, 'rangong in price from to FRANCES, TAUBERT 1183 WILMETTE AVE. l'ou flot only assisted but e, ticipated our needs with timé gestions,' and the, religi ous-cons of this city is grateful to you f, unfailing courtesy, and yot gratuitous publicity. Your vor k as publicist fo *munity enterprises s 1 alwaYs , Your assistance to our village .c and auxiliary- organizations h2 expert. The pastors of Wilmet .me -té.thank you. 1I arn su* churches al wshw might do, Yours sincerely, J. G. Hlindley, President. Wîlmette MÀinisters' REPLIES*'TO KINNE LET Fiditor, W1iLmewtIELIIE: XVith reference to Mr. Kinn ter whicha ppaed in your -is April 13, I submit the followin Mr. Kinne would have the of W'ilmette 'believe that thq water plant ,is goiàg to make profit out of which "practical vvwaleri AAFa >en an- shown fori vearý ms - ased on a. gre4tly uevalued .piat .Iy sug- estimiate is bàsed opi an inflated týo;- estimate. This 10w charge is not at tituencv ' , iptl .on of 183800cbcfe n Il comparable with the, legally re- for >'our allows only 2. of 111c, depreciation. quired charges which apply to a plant Ur fine On this basis the, cost. of. water fÉrnm built from borrowëd mroey to bc' re- the. new plant was,.stated to be 6.79 paid and copetey dprcad r, coin- :centsv per 100 cubic. feet. within forty years. plendid. O -hfofdeeiaonals Comparisonofý the Highland Park urhsfor*plant retirement. in 200 years. The plant and that of Evanston'will serve as béeé" îaw governing the building of the to illustratethe effect of debt, burden, :t ihwater works requires that retirement on cost, ire our:o f thelplat fshaîl be complete wvithin The Highland Park plant carrnes a it pub- ~a' period which shallflot exceed fort)y debt burden which is reÉfected in the, years or 2¼/% depreciation.- It is cost figures as shown in their, state- necessary, therefore, to correct the!ment for the year 1931. ýWith a Vilgeetinte of 6.79 cents per 100, pumpage -of 113,00,000, cubic feet, the union., cubic feet by adding the equivalent chargesfoinestadepeiin fE for 2%. depreciation or $1.11, per 100 arnount to 6.74 cents per 100 cubic R cubic feet,. making the -cost 7.90' cents, feet. per 100 cubic feet. Evanston, with' its plant 85% paid le's let- Wilmette has neyer used as much for and with a very sm aîll debt burden issue of ias 6700,000Q ebic ft in any single, toeproide, for, car4ies the rela'tiirely' n year, and froin january 1 to Decein- negligible charge of .63 cents per 100 people ber 31, 1932, the consuniption 'vas cubic feet. le new 62,200,000 cubic feet. It seems .prob- In the second place, the Evanston a big able that the water consumption with plant pumps so much more water, ly thethe new plant in operation will not (505,000,000 cubic feet in 1930) that nt can! 1 exceed 75,000,000 cubic feet in 1934. ail overheads are diluted, so to speak, es this Correcting for the reduced pumping when spread over the larger quantity ranted and other costs and distributing over- of water andi give a correspondingly >plant'head and fixed charges over 75,000,- lower wost. in cents per 100 cubic feet. at the 000 cubic feet, instead of using' the In v~iew of the above, it is in order stated in flated pumpage estinlate of 108,000,- that 'Mr. Kinne Ôr the Village officers water. ON0 cubic 'feet. we have' the- followinM i who havè assumed responsibility for is-if yE place! select the Our Food is excellent-- the Service is of the best -and our prices are ver.y reasonable. Ipropose to show that instead of The water works project was pro- 's an economic proposition. p)roducing wvater for 3.69 cents per moted by publicity setting up that an r To wilfully proceed witli the build- cubic foot, the Wilmette plant will ini independent Wilmette plant would' ing of a water plant promoted by' 1934 produce water at a cost of about deliver water to the vilage mains at risrepresentation and deception and 10.87 cents if al costs are Properly an appreciable saving in cost com- î.viing eonoi oss int in te takenitoac-n>a they must be pared to purchase froin Evanston.! ritersoionsevgteitees ithe case of the Wilmette plant, These figures show cleaniy that, by' of the citizens of Wilmette. financed -under the waterý revenue màking proper correction for gross M. W. Lauer, law. There can be no doubt of the inflation in pumpage estimates used 1114 Forest avenue, resuit. There will be heavy 'loss for in the Village publicity and correct- Wilinette. ~j apr ~ andarn I~c oem is out, i ùd am'c to