the muslc for the 1l oclock service will be as: followe: Organ Prelpde: "Ave Maria" ..... Bach-Gounod "Andante Cantabile" Widor Choir Anthem: ."Beside the Seal. ................. N eldluger Organ Postlude:."octa lo The $unday evefing services Wlll be contlnued throughout the unonth of MaY. Theie- services are held, at 7 :30 o'clock. Rev. Randail B.. Hamrick, theý assistant, minîster, *Hl1 preach next Sunday eveniing. The sermon thème, will be "The Reminant."1 The music for the seven-thirty serv- ice next Sunday evenlng will ho as fol- lows: Organ Prelude:. -VIp the Saguenay','. ....Russeil1 ..The Swan'* Stebbins Anthem: -. What of the Night".... ......... Thompson Offertory; "Seek Ye the Lord". Roberts Organ Postîide: "Allegro- (Sonata ln The Interuiediate and High Schoibl departinelts of the Church itchool will have a breakfast, next Sunday morning nt 9:30 at the church. The HIgh School league and Young People's group will have a joint meet- ing Sunday evening at 5,:45. Harold Ehrensperger will speak. Mir. Elren- Fperger has been editor of "The Little Theater Monthly." executive secretary of the "'Dramna League of Amnerica." a, teacher ln Northwestern unlversity m<hno, of ,speeh, registrar of Garrett Charles', 1roY 1Knobel. On. Thuruday a fternoon (todaày) at 2 o'clock the Ladies' Aid and Mission- ary society is ging Its annual Easter Coffee -at the, Church Sunclay School. rooins. An i'nteremting -programn will be. offered and refreshments wilt ho served. ,English Luthera» Seventh at dGreenleaf, Wilmette "A House of Worsip" Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor. SUNDAY SERVICES .. ....9:45. a.. u Mornlng worship ....i. l a. mu. Cantata "The Crucifted' ...7:30 p. m. Sunday, April 23 we will celebrate our twelfth anniversary with the Rev. Roy Catlin, D.D., president of the Illi- nois Synod of the United Lutheran eCch: i 1wAmia gving the auu4ivr sary message àt the niorning service at il o'clock. In the evening at 7:30 o'clock the choir wili present George B. NevinSi Cantata, "The Crucified." On Thursday evening, April 27, at 6 :30 o'clock, we will have our Anniver- sary Fellowshlp dinner. To make it possible for aIl to attend no tickets will ho sold. A free-wil offering will be reevedI. Make voiir reservations, hv leaa thé meeting. The tupn. wanuDe, "Problerns About Praýyer." Ail the young people aire Invited.> <âi' Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock the four-huùndredth annlversary 'of the birth of William of Orange, surnamned The Sueént,*fiIl be celebrat ed, at a large gatherlnprai the chapel of thé University of Chicago, under th e .aus - pices of 'The Knickerbocker: soclety of Chicago and the history departmcnt of the University of Chicago. lnn which Amnericans 'of- Holland-Dutch descent wll largely participate. JuÙdge DeYoung and Dean Shalert Matthews will be the principal, speakers. The Rev. James. T. Veneklasen will have a part in the pro- gram. The, Spokes of the W.-oman's society wi Il meet as follows: Spoke 3 ýwith Mrs. nobert Swaiff, 701 Laurel aveniue, Tuesday at il o'clock. Mrs. Quayrle willl hoe guest and will speak on "ýIntéestlng Phases of ýChineme Life." Spoke 6 with Mrs. R. M. Johnston. 719. Laurel avenue. Tuexdair at 1;~30 olock ;Spoke 8 wIi. Ifrs. E. G. Harris, 344 Oak circle, for 1 o'clock luncheon. with lies. Nevin Pomneroy, assistant hostess; Spoke 11, with Mrs. Fred Simmînds, 338 Wood- stock avenue. Kenllworth, for an ail- day meeting. The prayer meeting will be held Wed- nesday evening at 8, o'clock at thé, Woman's club rooms. A new series of studies will begin. You are invited to ý pieet with us.1i A. -service will be held in -the uncom- Yonan, Judge Mary Bartelme. and Prof. Herbert L. WIllett. Theç regulair wèek-day aàctivitios lare scheduied as fellows: Tuesday-4 p.m.Gr Scouts. Camp pire Girls. Tuesday-7 :0 p.; m.--Tiroop No. 2, Boy Scouto. ¶hursday-4 p.. m.-Junior choir re- hearsaL. Thursday-7 :15 P. «m.--Sen lor choir rehearsal.. Thursday-7 :30 p. m.-TI'oop No. 1, Boy Scouts. lirlday-73.,15 p. m' - Érown les. Fridayý-7 C30 P. m.-Senior Camp Fire Girls. 1ý Saturday-9 :30 a. m.-C'ub Pack No. 63. Kenilwortlh Union Kenlworth *avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert JL. Willett, iMinis.telr Dr. Willett's subject' for Sunday,. Apri 23, wili be '"he' C.hallenge tro xht, Monday, April 24, will ho the laeI meeting of the Women's guild' for the season. The hours are from 10 to 4 o'ciock. The women are asked to corne in for as much timne as possible. Lunoh- eon will be served. The Sunday school will meet as usual at 9:45 o'clock. Ail children bwtWvet'n, the ages of 3 and the hlgh school are* invited. ing at 1 o'clock. anid there. WIII De sewing in the aftemnoon. The following divisions wMEjUMee Friday. April 28: FIRST-12 :30 P. M.-Lutncheon-Mrs. HJ. 0. Crews, 1219 Ashland avenue. SECOND-10:30 A. M.-Mrs. E. M. Vstafford, 936 Sheridan road. ITHIRD-2 P.Mr. A. UT. Fuessle, 15214 Hiýhland avenue. *No-W that th2 Kt. Joh»I' s lp J. 88V ViF88ws societyVL3wiii n*8'J8U --*--- April work meeting at the home of Ms. Temnadby ttecuc r George Larson. 301 Sixteenth street, lThenga mean pbos o teury apre Wilmette, Thursday afteirnoon, April 22, all-day, and Saturday, April 29, aIl- 20, at 2 o'clock. ýdy o e h uligi odto o The Senilor Luther league .wuîî nieet dayetoservhe bupilding.n ndton for'h at the chureh Thursday eveiîng at grohnsrincionnApror the and togtath o'clock. grunds lu cond io fo eg- spring and Junior choir rehearsal Friday atter- sme.Wr ilbgr ohStr days at 8 o'clock. Ahl the men andI jînon at 4 o'clock.. boys are urged to have a share. Senior choir reliearsal Friday eve- ning at 7:30 o'clock. .r.. qh i tA &iàyilifbrv n ce. Petersor> wIll care for the children dur'- ., I teiseBDl u oering the morning worship.j A luncheon meeting of the North End. iten sason ls ove circle will b. held Monday, April 24.C r frthItsbeat ef- Our Sunday school meeta at .9:80, at the. homne of 1fr.J. D. Roth, 11241I The *muslc for the service next siiin- day will include the following: Prelude: "Allegro Giubîlante" .Fedeirleiîn Offertory: "Sonata Adagio" .... .... ....1Mendelssohn Choir .Anthem: "Turn Ye Even to 'Me" ... .. - . ... .... .. H arker Postlude: "Chorus of Shepherds" ......Lemmelns Momning worship la at il o'clock. Ail depa rtments of the church school con- vene at 9:30 for worshlp and instruc- tion. riday', May' 5. there iu to ho a n's party at the chureh. AU! ,e asked to reservre.tbis date for ,t get-together! Ly, April 28, the young people Ad their monthly Party at the> Sunday the. Junior Girls' choir'