Meats restrictions woulia fot be violtîc. The hIlo pe. bas -been expressed tbat there, may be co-operat.ion 'of, this nature on the part of the merchànts tintil the passage of laws .ât Spring-. field, when the, villages will, then know wvhat further. steps rnay legally 1e taken.: In. Evanston an injunction bas been fi led. against the enforcement ofAthe charter provisions, it is announced. ilnette1 was representedý at the conferenice byVillage Trustee Arthur, ,Lee- and. Village Attorney Willis D. Nance. W\,innetka was represented by Vil- lage P resident William B. Moulton. Trustee Raîpli M. Snyder, chairman of the law comrnmitte, Trustee William H. King, Jr., chairman of the public safety committee, Village Attorney. Frederic~k Dikitnson an~d Vilage -Manager H. L. Woolhiser, 1The Glencoe representatives were Village President August C. Babize. Trustee George E. Schuniacher, Vil- lage Attorney Alexander H. Marshall Village Manager George R. Young an~d Thionas J. Lynch. There w~ere also representatives froin Evanston and Highland Park. mette, 15 giviug a Ieeilvcu plu- grain, playing in illustration Of hier comment upon his life. and works, the Sonata in A Flat (Fuiieral Mfarch), .and Rondo and Capricciosc (Rage Over a Lost Penny). Her programi on April 27 will be on Schu- bert. GLJESTS PROM MILWAUKEE anniversary message. There will be' special musical nunibers by the choir, anld 1Mrs. Fred Lechier wilI be the soloist. in the evening at.7:30 -o'clôck the. church choir. under.the direction. of Mrs. "May' Belle Hagenow-Jackson, .will present George B. Nevin%'Easter cantatia, "The Crucified." Dr. Roy G. Catlin BACK <FROM TRIP .Mr. and Mrs.. Roy A.. Hopkins, i 322,'Greenwooôd avenue, retur ned Saturýday from a'two weeks' tnoto r trip to Washington, D. C., w he re they vsited t hei r daughiter. Mrs. George A. La Rocque. While in the Judson Large, 1942 Thornwood ave- nue, returned Moniday: from a- week's outing at Ferench Lick Springs. 1020, LMETrE 2556 L AVENUE Z, ILL. parents, and also live at 1322 Green.ý wood avenue, returned Saturday fromn a two mionths' stay ini Ocoee, FIa. Paul C. Clovis, 314 Oxford roa d, Kenilworth, is in New Yoirk on a *fseeVUDg OO.a............... ASPARiAGTJS, fresh, green, large buech...... PEAS, extra'sweet, 3 l »;. . . . . . . . . . 29c 29c aiii. t.y ...........~ ORA~NGE8for Julee,2 2 doz. Bob Main St. at Lindon Ave.. Phon Wîlneto 334 -Wieboldes R Bu2w4Evaio's A. PETER FOX DELUXE BROU LERS, MILK-FED LEG 0F VEAL FRESH Pork Tenderloins Lb. 29C IChoice of Ofly cut) CHOICE NATIVE Sirloin STEAK Lb. 21C PORTERHOUSE ... . Lb.. 29c Y Phone Wilmette 3334