Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1933, p. 16

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"In the ground mc '*the playgi .of anl 'extr, dren throu beneficient for nmany Iuxury of c thing fabri ýmaids: and kecp the c played bec, the quickèr play life, ti and women "We knô luxury ofi that it.is n( but a nati instinct thal but can be1 The jnstinc 1 m J. vçment, " Miss Enderis, said Hvnnbgnin t7ooka h roun waHosde ot oward scbool gymnasium. a'ý-.a uxury provided chl- The tbreie games will be, staged be- àgb the kindness o6f some tween Howard- and Stolp school eiders. In facti play was1 teanis.. Tbe players may be 'drawn niany years considered «a from, any gýrade in the scbools but: hidood- acetinS nl ust .confoirm to the weigbt classifi-' îcated by motheri, nurse- cations of the, tbree groups. The pee- kindergarten: teachers to wee player s may not weigb more hildren content. Children than 90 pounds, the ligbtweigbts may -ause they,,wïere children; weigh from 90 to 110 pounds and the r, we led theni out of thi .s heavyweights must weigl more than te quicker lt* made. nien 110 pOUstde. i of theni. The games are being lieid, acceord- w gow thatplay 15 tiot a, ing to'Daniel M. Davis, directoro cbildbood but a ,necessity, the physical. education departmnent Dt, a fabrication of bunfians, an d also of community recreation,.to, ur-implanted instinct-an secure, funds for medals for thé an- it'can neyer be crusbed out nual track and field meet beld be- ,sadly perverted or starved. tween the pupils of tbe two scbools A may fade but the habit ini lune. Because of the present need -ouh h _ aü«Àtwas .ifr .tconomy, f£wsforth e 4..udal ill remain. Children in- cannot be sectired from the regujar esire, the impulse to play. scbool funds, it is explained. but must ) not inherit games. Games be raised by outside means. The tivities are acquired from pupils of tlhe two scbools have pro- rougb observation or . i- moted this evening's: gantes for that Case Àr~I<umro:: purposle. our juvenile court ae and scientlficaliy aa ('ei agers IVili Clash onucdplay cae. WeW 1about the boy problean or. obIem when in truth thé- T m ro o il record tinie for, Wilmette but also, Iay dlaimu to establishing world's records. ]Recreation a.uthorities admit- that their, daims arc justified to somne ex- tent but. find it. difficult to bave thýem upbeld and get theni- the deseryýed recognition because the first National Jig-Saw, Puzzle association bas not yet been founded, and until it begins to funçti.on, the local records> cannet be recognized. Winner of. tbe contest for, school cIiildren, was Bob 'MattbeWi, 1312 Maple avenue, Who finisbed a 100- piece puzzle in exactly twenty-four minutes, two minutes abead of1 Van XfcQuide, 731 Elmwood. ,Wbo took tWe.nty-six minutes to complete bis. Ja'ck Randali finisbied in time to claim third place. cornpleting bis puzzle ini tbirty minutes, just one-baîf minute abçh,ead ofErick Smuelso uVhoý fnish-~ ed ini fourtb place. The senior iournameint contestants were given 2-piece puzzles to solve. and tbe winner, )une Hayes, l"» Asbland avenue, completed bers ione hour, twelve and one-baîf minutes. Bob Mattbews, the $mnior champion, sought- permission to dom- pete witb bis eiders, and scored in the senior tournament also. Hie annual ceremony of awarding tro- phies and medal1s to winners during the past year will take place. C! P. Dubbs, Village presidenit, will. inake the, awards -to -th e -seventy- five memnbers, of the. various winaing teamis.- Robert -1. johunston, chair-' niait Of the Playground and Recrea- .ion boardý,wilj be one.of the speak- ers. Another speaker will be Harry C.* Kinne, representative to the* Rec- reation board front the Wilmette Výillage board. Other members of the Recreat ion board, 11rs. .Herbert j. Leach,'-Henry Powler and George E~. Leal, iwill be honor jg;ests of the evening. Director Daniel M. Davisý PI.. Exhibition 0Ca.,. In addition to the awarding cere- mionv, a prograin of entertainulent has beir plaenet wih dt llt cÔ1ist of an exhibition volley bail game be- tween the Methodist and Baptist nien's volley hall teanis, an exhibition girls' basketbali game between the Kudas, winners of the 1933 basket- bail tournament, and the Porters, wvinners of the 1933 girls' basketball league, and the final game ini the men's »*B" basketball league to de- termine the championship of the league. This garne will be plaved be-, eventlon is one of tues of pIaygroundsi Sit la not the only 2urn on the invest- ,t. We could speak e mental values, the values, the social, organlzed play. Each' itself would provide itable perlod of dis- ralues, however.. do S& Van Deusens - - ------ ---g a assistant -in charge, of the contest. silips during the 1932-33 seaso will' the Howard gymnasium before an be: Baptist volley bail team winners undisputed cbampionsbip can be Summer Athietie Plans for the fifth consecutive year; Hoff- claimed. mann Florist .basketball emwn At the close of the regular 1932- to Be Given Tomorrow ners of the, men's "A" league; Huf 33 basketball season, April 5, the Announcements of the summer Boiers, winners of tbe Nortb Shore Playground and Recreation board's ath.letic and recreational program men's. basketball league; Porters' "B" league bac! ended in a tbree-way wbicb the Wilmette Playground and girls' basketball team, winners oîf the tie, witb Hoffmann Florists. Winberg Recreation board will sponsor this winter league; Kudas,. irls' basket- Oa' ound, wrîe, imanship. wer ofl , and -s. - the outatal and social q-onipellaati( mente they at lengtha moral or, the cli vlce lone of thi 3

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