tire game. [n the first inning N.ew -Trier pulied its , biggest 'threat when O'Kean walked, took second' on a, pa ssed ball, and was advanced to third wben Blaylock hit a. Texas leaguer single oâver short. I-owever, with only one out, Hohifeder and Sindin l>t fanried.. In. thé' fourth 'inning Sind-, i tg .Made a technical bit when the 5enn catcheir touiched bis bat.' Fred ,Kaspar miade the only ýother bit ýof the game, the first double, of the scason in the, 8th inning,.but he wvas out stealing third. 'Senn made five hits and two errors. Saken, >3b . Waliaceif. w'oy, se s lxson. C 8ampsom, cf P'oster, lb Skoglund, if Adler, r! Lemanne, 2b WalIin, p A B. 4 4 4 4. i 3 3 31 ?NEw TRIRFl AB 'lYKean, s lados, ss,. Watt, rf........2 Kahler, rf > , ftIayl'k, et Bal, et ... . .~ Iz1e-L><n, jl 1 Thorisen. 2b1 Homann, 2b2 H-anson, 3b> PaIk'brg, ce Wilson, p1 Po.s1und, p . 1 .a,,par, p 1. . Ff-indley, p > . 629 Johnson batted for Her Bucher batted for Hom Senn................ New Trier ........o o. t) <I o o o o o a S) j> o Stuff«f ceYe nil Silvj., " Ioap t1o foc Sr COSTI NO MORE A T SPA ULDING.GOR4AVs oclock.