CGômmunityHealtb, Relief and Unemployment to Be Dis- cussed atMeetiingMonday C ommunity welfare problemüs ofvi- tal interest to cvery citizen of Wil- mette. will be discussed. at- a meeting to be hcld Monday night, Aprîl 2,at 8 dock in the Howard--school audi-, toritum under, the, auspices 0of th e Wilmette C i v i C league. This meet-. lng will constitue the, stated April meeting ,o f t he Civiic lcakgue, but it is to be open to thillagers havd the publichand iinii~ted and are, being urged to attend.- It bas been an- Dr. M. 1 j. Seifert nounced that the progranm, w h i c h is to be ini the nature of an Open forum, wilI be devoted entirely to a discussion of welfare problerus a-ý they affect this conmnity. Speakers will include Dr. 'Martin H. Seifert, WVlmettt hcalth coînumîss.îlner. C. Wilncttr 1-ealth departnient will bc discussed by Dr.. Seifert He will dwell particularly on those sections of t he proposed nieuvillage -code that relate to public health. .Uneniployinent Northiýmu the the me of a talk by Mr. Schultz, who is directly in charge of, unem- ployment relief in Wilmiette. Général welfare, work ini the vil- lage is .inked di- rectly w:th uneëm-. ployment. relief and bas béen bandled by Mrs. N or tham, who bas consented to gave a talk about Civic league of- ficiais ,bave ecm- phasized the fact that tbe meeting C. C Schltmis open, to ever- one. The part' of the -program de- voted to Civic league business will be short and will be confined to the nounced. E.very resident of Wilmnette is a potential member of the Civic leagüe, ifor the anembership in the league is iopen toal citizens. The league holds Lluncheon meetings once a month il) the city and quarterly meetings in) Wilmette. The meeting ncxt Monday is onie Sales of 1932 New Trrier Highi school tax anticipation warrants are in progress, it was announccd at the high school offces this week. Whilc these warrants cannot be dclivcred until June, those purchasing warrants at this tirne are .accépting receipts for thé- money: for which a 1932! warrant J....J1111-.. I1 l22 ...11 k.. .élivered. Corne over, and be sure to bring the children!1 It. w.ill be Open. House at the printing establishment of Lloyd, Hollister mnc., 1232-6 Central ave- nue, WilImette, ýpublishers of Wm. .4EI-rE IairE, Saturday afternoon and evening, April 2Z. Corne at 2 o'clock orý any. time after that! Comipetent guides will be on the job fromn 2 to 9. p. m. to conduct' compicte tours of the entire print- ing establishment. We're doing this, for two rea- sons. Pirst and foremost. to, af - ford our friends an, opportunity to witnless the operation. of the business that produces yoýý com- munity news-magazine...Setondly, to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the e Idmication of our mçclernI' printing plant. Five years ago at the formai tiedication we welcomned more than 2,500 visitors. We're prepared to' 'welcorne that number and more this Saturday afternoon and eve- nbng. We have grown. Yon wjll want to see the changes that five short years have brought. Favors for ail! Please accept titis as a personal Peggy Petersen, 10 years old, 1518 Spencer a venue, was struck by south- bound North Shore Iii.e train No. 514 at the Central avenue crossing Monday morning at, about 8 o'clock. She is in the Evanston hospital suffering with severe bead injuries. Although she had iiot regained consciousness up to Margin in V Truste Gui ed by 3to2 illage Vote Ina comparatively light -vote, the complete Village party ticket, headed by Carbon P. Dubbs, candidate for re-election as Village president, was victorious at .the poli5 1in the *annual Village election Tuesday, April M8 President Dubbs. and Harry . W. Miller, Village party candidate for re -ë ection -as treastirer, both of whom had also been endorsed by the. Harmony party, received a total of 2,771- votes, eaéh. John, J. Peters,-- Village party candidate for police magistrate,1 unopposed by the Har- mony group, but who found opposi- tinintepe nof Char-es E. Ramsey, an independent candidate for that' office, received 2,316 votes. Ramsey pôlled 790 ballots. Wn by 3toZ2Margin Interest in the election centered upon the candidates for Village trustees, ivith William C. Farrar. linton B. otneesp hur Lee, rty, op- Edward AlIcn ,igA. Eet Lbfrary Truat... J. R. Harper and Luther W. Ben- son, unopposed candidates on anIn dependent Library ticket, were ré- elected library trustees at Tuesday~s election. VULVb WVI tit>'tipr voted at its regt night to have street repaired. ri UL mtugie rage .... .....- Public Fonnu , .....1 R.ecretiop Page .........16 Society Pages .. . 30-31 ewvciK ý vote$ werç