" Com'upainy ot rwelve assistan~ts, in "~ young artist who has appeared ex- tensively throughout the leading cit- ies of tbis Country antd Europe. As muCh as for. its beauty« and artistry, bher work. bas won attention for its originality in tbe creation o new' and. signiicant dance formns. She copies no. dancer or -school. tbough sbe is tborougbly schooled. in the traditional forms. Sbe bas donc intensive researcb in tbe Greek sys-ý 1ém -of* movement, based upon, ex- haustive study of Arcbaic: Greek, sculpture and Of vase figure paintings. *and bas also absorbed tbe basicprin- cÏPle of tbe German modern dance expression. NewDomm Ç ycle-. *Recently ýshe created an entirely * rew individual dance cycle, some of which she presented with a groiup at the Goodman ftheater, and others of which sbe perforzned in an extensive solo concert tour 'of the resort cities of Micbigan. *Many of these num- bers will'be included in ber Evans- ton program, which is also to be given shortly at the Goodman tbeater and New Trier H:igh school. The outstanding ballet to' be per- formed- by Miss Huebert's dance Miss Diaia Hnbtrtafqears firre i opte of ,hgr far-ored dance numbers, "Re7,oit." a >urely crea- 'ive pièce of dýrnmc nd rhythoWc seoQUCence. rich in color and dramatic quaiityV. Auxiliary WilI Give The Evanston will present its Sunday eveningi ana jacoD- raI4JIJVIISIIT. .LVIss gt- Meyer was for several years organist for the Cburcb, of. Chrîst Scientist- in Glencoe. Miss Rounds'is direcétor of Music for the Presbyterian cburch in Wilmette' Tbese Musicals are befing presented by Mu Phi Epsilon sorority and two programns are given in the, afternoon, one at 3:15 and tbe otbcr at 4:30. Sunday's -concert is as fol- If Thou ThY.1Heart Witt Gi ve Me .....Bach *Homeward...........Strâuss Aedh Wlshes.-for the Cloths ouHIeaven Animal Crackers ........Hagemnan Into the. Llght.............. Laforge ..Fiora Waalke.q (Ermna Rounds, accompanlt Sonata ln A Major .. ... .. Vivaldi Valse Lente ........ Czerwonky Humgarian IDance No,.1 .......... _ .... . .......Brahins-Joachlmn Luu lee B utlerý, (Jacob lianneinann, accompanist) Av-e Maria from "The Cross of Fire' Flora Waalkes Brc Concerto P Minor.......... n Mlaestosoopn Ruth Tegtmneyer (Orchestral Parts (Second Piano) Cornnfi Byington) to Musie ý. S~. Poei while volumesabout music andmu- sicians are being printed bierewith: The publication, of a new volume, Beethoven,1 by Frank HoQwes, coin-' cides happily with, the Beethoven cycle just now being. given by the, New York Philharrnonic orchestra. .A récent, article on "How to Appear -Musical"ý declared that, aIl you bail to. do was to say, after a concert in loud tones, "Af teaIl, Beethoven, îs Beethoven." Asg r Howes say. "Beethoven bas always ,been regarded (rightly) as a 'chara'cter,' a composer of strong and interesting, personality. and. even as a kind of philosopher. Mnd, and 'character- are written clearly, ail over bis mu-sic." Conse- quently he sets out to analyse the compositions of Beetboven's critical period and to, show how tbey refiect ,hfs-mind t!d'peishality. Me is care- full flot to carry this too far: "By means *of key-relationsbips and the disposition of thenies you can con- struct a recognizable picture of a mental struggle, a spiritual emancipa- tion, subniission to fate, the mastery of happiness and so on, but you cani- not by putting dominant and tonic harniony into sharp juxtaposition... signify that Napoleon bas met witb opposition from British sea-power or bas anticipated his imperial dignity by becoming Consul for life," time t thz e 'i eatre 1Feina in Parig in- leading dramatic and character roles of choro-dramas by Raymond Duncan. Later, in Amnerica, she danced with Rutb St. Denis. in New York and was engaged by Max Rein- hardt to perform in tbree of bis spectacles, T. Aid Scholsmship be a.social hour and tea. with M&rs. Ganmma cbapte W. R. T. Ewen, president of the Mu- Mrs. Copthorng sic club, and Mrs. Fred Meyer, one of several norti of the sponsors of the auxiliary, pre- of ber songs. siding at the tea. tables.~ The assisting lows: bostesses will be Mrs. R. H. Blan-. chard,. Miss Ruth Stuber, Mrs. C. G. Dawn Chearon ,and the Misses Georgia and Waterllly Jean Pettibone.. Tattered Tree 1 LL" iqjjli ýi L ta.. tt a :r house in Evanston. ne bas tised the lyrics bh shore poets for some The program is aýs fol- .I. fH1ugh Aspinwall by Jessica Wesi v olin. ~unerto, as weii as .the "Heiligenstadt Testament." In earlier volumes in the series Sir \V. Hadow bas treated Brethove,,'s Quartets Op. 18. and A * Forbes Mibie, Beethoven's I>iaIo frte onîttas (ipt two part$). Other recent titles in.these authori - tative little paper-bacl<ed books whichi cati be carried to a concert in your inside pocket. are Strauss "The Roe ' (-.n .al " k.. v F Dltm... culty isector ot rl toriuni theater on S jMay 21, imçler the, mous barn- Italian Woînan's club andl the Royal the. Audi- Italian Consul Gentral. The bènefit is afternoon. for the Italian babies of Chicago, and es of the. tickets are to be at popular prices.. £Ulty is