If iM Bttie' Bacopte of L.,Znz- ton. i Iob <e çlw of jthe misanlqi. t Ai the bri<4jc teaand ~Ifash ion show. theil' oisan's gsdld of St. Ags ___ in'slPisci/'al charch is yHi;ýng at SIunw'nee CutvClub Prida.v ai- tcrnioop*, Apr-il 21, ai 1:30 o'clock. Thispituri. is tri)-g-r-.-~j.. portrait of Vliss flari-m'. l'le music programi for parade will include Gos bowling teams wil have.a dinner par- ty on Wednesday, April 26, at the club. The men will bring their wives, and the women their husbands*. Pie will be 'awarded to the winning teams. Pi Beta Phi Luncheon at Fait Grounds, Apr. 2 9 jPi Beta Phi.will have its Founderc? day meeting, Saturday, April ý29, in the Blue Ribbon restaurant of: A C'en-, tury of..Progress exposition at 12:30 o'clock. The luncheon wvill befor the Seventh Chicago Area .Alumnac club, whîch includes the Northz Shore club), and also for the active chapter on the Northwestern campus;. Mrs. Robert H. Hardt of Niles tenter is general chairman. Th.e speaker of the afternoon wil be M'tss Martha ItcCrewr, administra- tive assistant to the general manager of A Century of Progress. She is a member of the George Washington university chapter of Pi Beta Phi. Mrs. Charles J. Merriam of 757 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka, is in charge of reservations. Circle Plans Luncheon 976 L indr, Ave. Winnefka 55 If schfu npac.kiàg alilth. new Lots Of sport cloths--frocks andi coats for town - orne adorable evnn owns-.uantities of new DRESSES .o$650 HATS from. $ 250 o 10/ d4iscount for cwk Splendidly tQearing CHIFFON STOCKINQS 79c a pair-2 pair for $1.~50 dental music froru somne of the liglit operas. The niother-daughter tri! that is to play consists of Erna: Akely, pianisi,' and Frances all Bly-the, violinist and cellist. GuidaElect Off icers A mxeeting of the five guulds of the Churcli of the Holv Cointorter in 1 ake avenue. 'a FOR ,REASON No. 4 WINNETIC I WEEk DAYS - NdiNE TO -NNEI to $49,50 $18,30 .- 1 'ý 1 1 1- 1! 1 , i . ', ,