who had recently visîted the schôol told of, their observations id<tim- pressions. *This is a special'philanthropic prof- ject of thé club, in harmony witb other clubsof the Tentft district. anici the progranm hadj beén arranged for the roe of giving -members a mnore. intinmate, knowledge, tbereby fostering a Rreater* interest in the school. Friday, April 21, is sewing dav for the fschiool at the Wilmetie, Wornans club. -and Northridge.'niember- %vit! participate. Those' unable to spend the entire day'from, 10 to 4, are urged to givè as rayhours at possible'to this ve- thy cause.' hirs. Robert Marle, 2041 Thorn- wood avernue, is a new nimber %vek comed into the club at its last mneet- * Mrs. R. C. Quinlevan, chairmait of the .nominating comjnittee. reported * the selection of the siate of offilcers t or the coming year to he el.ccted at the May meeting as folIowvs: Mrls. Leouard Van Deursen. presi(leît; Mrs. Stanley Johnson,vie>r- ident: Mrs. H. B. Ingersol, secretarv; M rs. William Huglg'es, treasuirer. Ernia Rolplds. ztNIthee igh- te'cuIh Centutry, Singers tv-hose di- rector and accompanist she is,' u'ill be at the of rK.4 eitturtit 7Tuesday, April 25, b give.thse ait- vital licheon /'rograin. Miss Rounds is ranust and choir direc- for for thse IWilette Presbytes-ian cisurcli. .-1nniioun)c~e;et of thse pro- grain is giv-en ini detail oitihe club page. Has Surprise Party : , ag' No. 287 of Chicago, will presideý. After the meeting, which wiII include initiation, refreshments wilI be served. Attention of -the niembers- 18 called to the >fact that- the patron and the mnatron of tlhe Wilmette céhapter, Mr., anld -Mrs. Joseph 0. Converse, wl serve at Providence chapter, 5411 AUDITORIUM 'USOATER Friday & Tuesday Eves, Msvar B1 LAWRENCE. TIBREIT "Emperor Joues"andii P&Ogiiat" Tilkeýts at LYON a ]RXALTr Ali Iavis Mt 48. UI Ne Extra Charg e âar. mniey Johnson asics ait dliii- dren wvho are attending to be at fier home, 1925 Thornwood avenue. at 9 :30 o'clock. The next executive board meeting will l>e held at the home of Mrs. \Vil- liam UEdmonds, 1935 Greeniwood ave-. iitn e, on Tiiesdav- afternoon. April 27. iny; was born* on Easter years ago. PROPERTY SEEKERS i Now, Just In Time for Thin&Spring House-Cleaning Tikof iti For jusf I c more Mhan if costs fo repaper à room, y@oa may have 2 rooms repaperedl And fMis includes papers.of every desired typel Three days only ..until Saturday . .. et Mis price. 1 Room , I0 Roils....................$.5 Hl. LeeC, 3 B.T. Rc and rs.WEEK DAYS - NINE TO, ESTiMAIfls FOR PAPKRINS 0Fi ALLI. CINDS WITNOUT CHARGE WallPaper Shop-In Our Batement . WIENLDT S-EVANSTON On Dei4,s Street Wilm.ltf. 1100 Biggest Wallp8er Event Of the Entîre Seeson I w