meetings so that the scouts mignr attend Holy. week 'services.- But now that the Easter bunny is past1 histr and the new sprin g bonnet bas'be initiated, scouts restime the- projects that tbey laid aside. Although Troop 9 did'not meet last Friday, th e members celtbrated Eas- ter witb a grab-bag, supper held ini the St. Francis, Girl Scout room;?, each scout brought something to the feast,' and until she, opened ber pack- age, pone of ber scout sisters knew ber contribution. 'The resuits were satisfying, if. not exactly a correctly balanced meal. Mr. Smith, a. visitor f rom Kansas City, and a scoutleader., w as ýthe guest of the troop; be led the girls in games «and songs, and Troop 9 unanimously voted hitm a "jolly good scout." Trnoop. It&held no ~regula4 meau4ng) but Tbursday found many of the scouts putting tbe final touches on their nature note books. Information about wild flowers, animaIs, trees and insects bas, been collected, and the girls may well be proud of the re- sulti.. Troop 1's poster contest ended on, Being the owners of the model na- tional home, the Girl Scouts bave to set both the standards and tbe pace for the celebration of. Better Homes week, April 23-29'. So believes Mrs. William Brown Meloney, founder of tbe Better Homes movement. which the many childrén whô,wott wbile the,,"Deeds of, Dan", sei in~ progress.. Many,,exceIlen bave- been_ received in. respo the query, "Children, wbNval you do. if you were Dan?" It is bloped by Mr. Hurst contest judges that. Wilmeti dren-will'face a Il their life pi with the courage and ýintellige dicated in the many.fine 'lette sent in during the contest. Goodbye, Dan,, and good li Dorothy Knudsen's prize-i letter for the concluding 'Di Dan story reads as follows. 424 Prairie &ve April 13,1 à fail of a Mms William in 1923 as a w4 Mrs. A. W. Plants.-of Evanston ;t judges will be the bride's matron of honor, thanking and the bridesmaid is to be Miss te letters Caroline Herr of Wilmette. Francis riesè was Howard -of Chicago, is to be Mr. tt replies Rkeeves' best 'mail and the brides ionse to brother, Robert Wolff, wifl' usher.. twould- The out-of-town guésts' who are comüing for thé., weclding' are the and the bridegroom's father and mother, his te 'chil- brotber-in:-law .and sister,-.Mr.,_ and. problems, Mrs. James' Hamnilton and their son ,ence . and daughter, James'.andMissg. Rose*- :ers they. mIaryHamilton, and. Charles Gaisley and Buck Ben.der ail of Wisconsini uck! Rapids. Tbe. bride and groom will postponie .winning their honeymoon until -next sumnier. eeds. of They wl be, at borné at 4111 Bel- plaine -avenue, Chicago, on the north- ,enue west iside. DL Miss Wolff was enitertained at a 1933. kitchen sbower by twenty-five of lier e a.sked friends on April 5, at Mrs. Plants' gtàýýof hr 'O. Miss f dhâ .Witt of Evànston st record was co-hostess. Last Tuesday even- Il ""y1 ing Miss Herr gave a surprise mis- ilred.' 1 cellaneous shower, and yesterday Sharies afternoon Mrs. L. F. Monaban of would't Wilmette was hostess at a linen Sharp shower in Miss Wolff's honor. White Elephant Sale to Benefit Grove House A white elephant sale for the ben- the, Tinkerý e ntertained ýys andiuse anu v it is, the model o: , says home.. Naturz te set the star Bell Better Hornes their The week a.. Inpally for a in.> set aside. deonstral ized what a. failure meant be' more câiteful. It was very ckY did flot even b~ave faith ,or he wouldn't have hesi- Dng. Le 'Deeds of Dan" each week iri LirEa and like them espe- because each plot is so ditf- Your truiy, 4hy Knudsen, 12 years ohd, Morris Wilson, in charge of îneen- tire sale; Mrs. John Stuart and Mrs. Frederick Scott, in charge of clothes - Mrs. James Houghteling and Mrs. ,Francis Hardy, in charge of millin- ery; Mrs. Charles Mordock, men 's. clothes; Mrs. Cutbbert Adams. and Mrs. Ralpb Hobart, in charge of-bric- a-bra Mrs of Kenilivorth tfschool,--iowevèei, wli J .vacation is over. New to play Dorothy bers of ie .pack -S at an spring.