For Tresurer Harry W. Miller 186 220 For Trustees Walter C. Farrar 146 Clinton B. Cochran 144 Arthur Lee . 145 For Magistrate John J. Peters 157 HARMONY PARTY For Trustees James B. Hoffnian Edward C. Hildreth Carl Zipprich. 57 53 56 INDEPENDENT For Magistrate Charles E. Ramsev 27 131 135 136 224 186 183 177 173 141 111 137 112 134 108 143 130 108 140 126 101 142 131 103 20' 184 338 127 135 128 228 282 183 153 224 136 166 228 145 164 231 149 174 196 142 145 .145 122 156 165 305 209 236 164 125 127 126 81 119 123 125 76 125 125 133 81 73 '63 INDEPENDENT LIBRARY For Trutee. J. -R Harper 71 19. .uither \. Benson . 71 184 78 109 87 73 105 71) 78 102 82 6 56 45. 78. 113 141 127 91 104 104 89 107 104 108 73 80 42 72 41 -2 (1 93 51 7 35 1,352 1,174 1,195 7 90 58 75 - 56 .Names.. written in for various oi4- and votes cast in each instance are re- corded as follows: For Village Presi- dent: Earl E. Orner, 5; George Red- ding, 1 ; Albert N. Page, 1 ; for Village S a m Treaksurer: Herman T. Reiling, 1. Precinct polling places in the election w€re as follows: 1, Village hall; 2 Vil- lage hall ; 3, Byron Stolp school; 4, Byrun Stolp school; 5, No. 421 Fourth The St. Fra street; 6, Laurel avenue school; 7, store at 1143 Greenleaf avenue; 8, store at association will 1217 Wilmette avenue; 9, No. 1443 Wil- balFriday afi mette avenue; 10, No. 1222 Central ave- 2:30 o'clock. T nue; 11, Fire station, 829 Main street; 12, Hoffman hall, 609 Ridge road; 13, for the coming store at southwest corner Lake ae onue the programin fo strea suhws cornr Lke aenu the rogrm1fo ncis P. T. A. News .. ancis Parent-Teacher l meet in the school ternoon, April 21, at he election of officers year will be part of DELPHIAN CHAPTER MEETS The North Shore Delphian chapter held an organizing meeting on Thurs- day, April 13, in the Blue room -of the Orrington hotel. Visiting members were present f rom Ohio and Iowa. In addition to its regular program, this club is studying peace movements since the Peace of Westphalia. Out-of- town Delphians or others interested in I -ln Ail its Branches LOWEST AUTO ]ATES ean be plald monthly JP. COLLIA Ses center St., Winnetka Winn. $840 Res. Winu. 8 Rl LThomedWaNs ]RUG CLANINGV Awaken Mr. and Mrs. William T. Osgood, 1225 Gregory avenue, have returned fron -a week-end inotor trip to Clar- ence, Mo., and Decatur, Ill. They, visited Mr. Osgood's relatives in Clar- ence, and Triends in Decatur. -o- Hugh S. Peterson, 212 Warwick road, Kenilworth, has returned from quite a long stay in Arizona, and on Tuesday he left for New Orleans. W metteN wiNE uette 28-f9, en's clubs, Mrs. Robert G. HalliweII, Lee Roy Wilcox, 1511 Elmwod ave- persident of the Better Film group nueWilmette, bas been awarded a of Wilmette, and Mrs. William Fitz fel he a Patrick who previews the moving pictures for the benefit of the St. Cha cso athe Uni13rs.Tho Francis children. fellowship was awarded on the recom- A very interesting afternoon is mendation of the department and the planned for the mothers, and a large Dean of Students. Mr. Wilcox re- attendance is expected. ceived bis S. B. degree from the Uni- versity of Chicago in 1932. 1642 Onington Ave., EvanatOn cleaning services- commend themselves to home makers who appreciate more than ordinary perfection in work- manship. Drapes, curtains, blankets, UNI.0'77o I 1.