Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1933, p. 40

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Thi-s -will- be one of the' council's biggest get-to-gethers and is con- ducted nnainly for the benefit of the public to. acquaint: it :with. the Boy Scout. work -in the north -shore coin- munities, and with thé sumhmet camp. ,Ma-Kaý-Ja-Wan, conducted. by tbe North Sbore Area council. -Besides Bob Becker's presenltation. there wiflbe several, added att ra c- tions. Robert F. Lot; .nôted Chicago mnagciani, will put on a prograin of entertainment. Mr. Lètz, wbo is in- terested in scouting, plans to attend Camp -Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan this summer for a number of days and furnish soine entertajuiment te thé boys white .there. Amongý the, higb lights of the program will be the presentation.of the ilver Beaver aWard te two men of the council;- the naines nflot to be divulged until that, time. This award is made by the national scout counicil te 'those mncontributing .uistad ing services te boyhood and to their communities. Last year the awards were made to Albert, P. Snite of Highland Park and Charles F. Steele of Glencoe. Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wani wiIl be an- other big feature of the evening's program. Complete announcements will be made of plans for this sum- mer and anopportunity give n boys to rezister for camp. Camp, soiws, past'f ew.years, and it 'became neces- sary to rely almost solely upon con- tributions 'f rom individuals and churchesto. meet the budget req4uire-. ments. Dr. Smith. immendiately plunged into this task and. bas been successful to date ini raising seven- eighths of the $80,000 current bud- get. He bas.traveled widely, cover- ing 10,000 mles-mostly by auto- mobile-visited and preached ýat tweénty-six chrrc hes and eight- col- lege chapels. The financial, probletu, however, has-,by no means claimed aIl of1 Dr. Smith's time and energies. During his' first year 'as president he has directed the , orgaizaition of an alumni association knowri as the Garrett Fellowship which is world wide in scope and encompasses tlassesas-er bacek as 1-8M., Theceuvdl-. culum of the school has been reorgan- ized on a more practicai basis. A new worship service bas been established for the school chapel and Dr. Smnith has supervised the creation of a literary document bearing the titie, "A Drama of 'Divine Destiny," recounting the car- lier history of the school and elabor- ating upon its services to the church. Garrett Institute, one of five theo- lngical seminaries of the Methodist i ~ ~Mnag-a~ ~ 1-1 the group. Its classes started before those at Northwestern university *witli which it is afiliated. The student roll is 316. Dr. Smith. Nvho bas held several pas- tomates irn the' Chicago area, long since established a reputation as a builder of fine church edifices, bis latest achieve- ment in this respet was the magnifi- cent Gothic structure in Wilmette which ranks as one of the finesîu I rexerence, sucn as almanacs andi year-: books, and >bookcs. for pleasure or recreational. readinig. The recreation- i books include volumes 'for ittie folks,, for',pupils -in the intermediate grades, and for the upper grade chiu - dren. Social Scientce GCroup GIn the social science group MIiss GayîonI ligts the* following as some of the new books:; Williams' "Rlo- mance of Modern Railways in Eng- land," Whitbeck's "Industrial Geog- raphy,". Milton's "London and Paris," Osgood's "History of, Industry," Howes "India,"ý Williams'. "Romance of Modern Engineering " Allen 's "Europe", and Franck's'"Vagabonding Through Gerniiany." "Pathways in Science" by Craig is a collection that was purchased for the littUc folks,. Anong. the other. new natural science books for the younger children are Teeters'ý "Early jour- neys in Science," Lange's "Good Times in the Woods"~ and Cormiack's "1Muséum Comes to Life." * Naturai Science Works New natural science books for- the older chlldren include, arnong others, the followlng: Collins' "Boys' Book of Expetrinieeats," 'sloane's "M~ectrieal, Toy aiieys comiUAeLV, ie v mage ouaru~ voted Tuesday night to grànt a per- mit -to Clarence W. Hubbard of Lake Forest to erect a sales stand and conservatory on the new Skokie high- way south of Avoca road for the pur- pose of sel ling vegetables, flowems, plants and other poducts grown on the poperty. The permit is subject to cancellation at any timre by the Vilho'e board.,A çnnuiar permit was Miss Wigley was with the ExtenZ of 'I sion division of the United States de- and E partment of agriculture and homo fn]( econoniics for ten years. She is a wînge graduate of the School of Home Wîgw. Econoinics; Oklahoma Agricultural Ameri and Mechanical college, and bas also '"By1 done graduate study at the University son, of Chicago. "le ments' by "by by g Sie, Tent.4 i,ýý ;5VV UinsoU W' 'and Barnes' *-Man w "«picture strip" books are: "Wheel, SaIl and. ýphenson. "Tepee and Ish, "Wild Animiais of rse, "Byrd's Dogs'" and for Byrd" by OBrien, id T{nrçu's" kv teùhen-~ "Tucký- six months she has things of life.. Miss Wigley was born iton hospit, relati ves. Jin the mountain countmy nearCht Thursday. n-

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