Thurs.. Fr1., April 20-21t Orne or the lineat famlly pictures we bave ever 8howui. "&A LADY'S Andy Clyde Com.dyw-Traveloque Krazy Kat Cartoon-'News Sat., Aprit 22- with, Ed Wynn. (The Fir. Chief), BonMunoheusen lin. "The Meat Tikt"--Com.dy-Mickey m'Ous. Ol 0WTime Fre. Photogrphs to Al ÇhiIdr.n ai e aine. r; 10 Fa- ilfh%- ing- in hie home, pantry which he has flot vlsited ,for three . years. Ralph Sprijngs forth from pantry and. greets groggy Night Editor -Wlth a. mile, a handshake and a. cigarette. Mo(vie star and Night. Editor slump Intq easy chairs while RaIph gives hghights of' How New Trier. Heiped When we aeed. Ralph Bellamy tu give the, home 'folks a few sayinigs about New Trier, he really "brokç down and confessed." He said lie didn't inger at New Trier as long as be migbt bave done, because be couldn't bring bimself to realize. that studies were as important as dra-. matics., Besides, the rules and regu- lations were somewbat botliersomie to him. ýWhiIc .sriling tiroigl a ahazc of cigarette smoke, Ralph .ý told of a "nioble experiment" wbiclb was not appreciated by F. C. Windoes, hca<l of the New Trier Physics departmnent . . . It seenis that Ralph liad felt a craving.-even though be was il]ii i school-to take a few puifs from a cigarette. Not being afraid of thie dark (be's not afraid of Nighit Eçli- tors, either) Ralph found a gloonîy The story has a wealth of thrills deftly Înterwoven with high-powered laughs. Skilfully, adapted- from Stuart Palmer's beàt-selling 'novel, the plot is plausible, fst-moving and surprising..' The setting alone swings the pic- ture out of the ordinary. In duplicat- ing the New York aquarium, the producers have performed a master- piece of set building. The autbenitic- [:ty is said to adhere to the most min- ute details, even to Oscar, theý peui- guin, and the seals. ing role ,in, a Broacway production. Then to Hollywood!1 Does he: i,wtake a rest 1» ýthje' sitfr-fimclçI West We11 4bar*dly, folks, bardly. The producers don't give. bim a chance to sleep overtime. Wbile a picture is being filnied, be bas to work even on Saturdays and Sundays so that the chances for a good "blue Mondav" are siniply ruined. He takes bis roles so> seriously that tbey actually haunt bum night and day until thc produc- tion is finished. After working Theater. This startling motion, ricture rnarký1 an innovation in. screen présentation.* depicting as it does, a. vivid, dramaî of the Northwest woods, ini truc na.r- rative form, and, pr esent ed :aIniost entirelY by, a cast of animaàl actorý. The thrillin»g climax is a desperatc fight, bet.ween a police dog, andia' puma, which bas killed the- doig" master. <In bis blind'anger over .tht- lossof bis friend and master, the dog reverts to type and in a frenzy of. raipc attacks the most dangerous animiai; to be found on the North' Anerica 1' continent. You'Il laugb so beartily that vt)n*il cry ýWhen you ste e"Tbey Just .Had wi( Cet Married," the comedy wb ich Ilàa- been hailed as the fuinniest inotion1 Wilmette theater Sunday, April2. with its two leading roles played hy, the screen's great man-and-womaî. comedy team-Slim Surunierville ian ZaSa Pitts. HeWe' Thrilling Filmn A reporter creating a story for tih. sake of a sensational scoop, a p)rose( cutor "playing politics" and a mother greedy for personal publicity dooini ae innocent boy to the electric clrh1, Fiy'-OswaId Mon., Tues >- i raveiguea ed.. Thurs., I nost fade in the cloud of smoke, then j1uSVw1I, 4 11a11 imi taL 4IU Aio re suddenly becomie more distinct. Ralph quent drcçhings while he' was repeated, this act witb gusto until aboard a model of a ship. The water Mr. Windoes suddenly emnerged f rom for the storni scenes was copiously thesmoe coud an tod Rlphsupplied by . overhead tanks. This t he bacod been d og Ralph meant five weeks of work wh'ile being realized then that he had entered soaked to the bone. Stanley Fields pubic ifeeve a a igaett smk-was swept a mere forty feet wbile eublcfoe haben lingare th 'ose.trying to keep bis place on the, model clouds directly into -the ventilating si ~rn uho ae rn system for the benefit of students i~ neotheovradaks Helen MacKellar, a stage favorite for years, gives a performance oi great depth and feeling, as * Mary Holmes. Ever since the loss of lier golden voice Wben ber son was horii Mary bas nourished a great biate for bum. She persecutes and reviles iIm at every turn, refusing to let bini taki. ber out of the bovel in wbichi she.liveç- in squalor. Wben he. falîs in love the stage andi sctq (Curtain) ,i. ne vi marrtage Ded. Mr. tpascal also adapted it to the screen in col- laboration with, Maude T.. Howell.