DOES TOUR CAR USE~ TOO MUCII oil? We guarantee perfect com re- siofl and oih control. Lew cost; guar- anteed resýuits Work done in your ongarage, If deslred. Ph. WInnetý- kaL 1731. 8ILTN50-3tp sa ]POR RIENT-ROOMB NICEIY FURN. LIGHT AIRY RtOOM. M. S. home; fan'. of 3 aduitsi Pr!V., I.av. Plenty hot water ail time. Beau. bdygarden; flear beach. (ood transportation; garage. Ph. WilMette 85à. -1 S2LTN5O-lýtp -E- WOOD1ED SEC.; NR. ýLINKS; bea&u. Ige. front or arnîr. rmf. for gen- tiernan guest., pri., 2 baths, quiet new éor. res. 11/2 blks. from"L-.. Rrft. opt. Reaîs. Willmette 1297. 82LTN50-1 te 1 OR 2 FRONT ROOMS AND'SLPINGl. porch. -also thiMd floor, wltb bath. Mea> optional; garage space; nr transp. Ph. Wilmette-1253. I.OVEILY LARGE 2 RM. APARTMJiNT, Éeidence IiKgbborhood; hot water heat,. wood burntng ffreplace; porch; Igara ge; garden; near -sthool and transportation. Redueed- rentai. Ph. Wlnnetka 1921. ý 92LTN50-1tit 2, ROOM-v APARtTMENT IN LINDEN Crent. Large living rooim wlth In-a-dor bcd ; kitchenette, dînette; tule bath; f reo refrigeration. Rea.s. rent. Wli- mette 500. 92LTN50-Stp 5. RM. APARTMENT, GARAGE ATT., water heat, olec. refrlg., furn. $40, unfurn. $356. Aiso 4 m.' apartment, heated, garagqe space, $30. WiI. 4263. 92LTN50-ltp 6 RM. FLAT AND SHOP AT 1238 ÇENTRAL AVE.,,WILMETTE 2 AND 3 LGE. RM. HEATED APT&~ CALL &T 1937 WILMIETTE AVE. e2LTN50-ltp 71 R O O mDUPLEX-4 BEDxtoomgS; good locèation,' near, transportation; .ehools, park. Neëwly decorated. Ph. OÎNE 3-BUOOM; oNEl 2-ROOM MODPIRI apte., .nlcely fur'nlehed. ReasonabiE Close to transp. In Wlnnetka. Phoù Winnetka 690. 93LTNS-ltl es WANTED TO UENzT--FURN. APTB. le PLANNING SUMMER TRIP, WILI. occupy for Protection. furnlshed apt home, reasonable, rent consldered, by* remponsible party, excellent ref. Câll Wbitehall 4100, rooni 2106, betweeri 7 and 8 p.m. 95LTNçOrltii es HouSe" TO UHARE YOUNG .MARRIED COUPLE WOULD Ilike to sbare apartmen t, > or bouse wlth another Young couple ln order to reduce expense-s. Calil Wlmette 3376. 96LTN£,5-ltlp LL RENT NORTH1 rk. 4 bedrni..slSpg. bot water; (Costi Cali Wlnnetka 1800 97L50-1to rETKA b ouse. 2 baths, ex- room. Lake Forest 97LTN5-ltp, nt A 3. ROOM F0] Ph. Willm ni tp i..l~ow't play blind-man's-buf f w wIth the place you want 9 I . ..i- , 1 0., 11, VW. 1-.c. . ....5.$6 ,6 rnis., eip. pcb.. 1 b., 1 e., g. -ý... 4 5 rnis. bunga., sun. pcb.., H.A. H., No p gar... ........ ....... 4 APARTMENT......, 4 3 rmrs., 1 b.. heated. Large rmà..... $25 4rnis., 1 b., heated Ig. llght rjnis.. .$35 3ri., 1 b., heated., Elie. rof... $46 p4 rnis. and.kitchenette, elec. rot., Other good Maues, houee and apart- ments, .fuýn. and unfurn., al aimes. hOffce Open 9 a. mi. to 9 v ., -Dally and Sunday 526B. H. BARNETT 56Centér St.. Ph. Winnetka 965 COLONiAL HOME ON LARGE LOT in -N. E. Glencoe. 5 bedrms.; 3 bathe; breakfast rm.; 2 ecreened porches; oil heat-;2 car gar. $110. Brick. home,.*tile roo-4 bedrme.; 2 bathe; iav.; brkf ut. rm.; 1. screened *pcb.; oci heat; 1 car gar. $106. On wooded lot brick bungalow-I bed- rmes.; 1 bath.; 1 car garage; bot wat- er; coal; near tranisp. $50. ANN MOREhAND 663 -Vernon Ave. Glencoe 806 *1LTN50-ltp OVERL.OOKING INDIIAN ]UILL CLUB --charmn'lg New England cottage, 7 rnis.; 3 baths; 2 car gar.; oilhbeat; refrigeration. 1 yrs. lease $100 per mnonth. J. L. FLOYD CO. 34Center St. Winnetka 3603 97LTN50-1tc 1Y OWNER CHARMINO UNFURN. XA.r~.v IN'IA, 2 blocks trom station, ail, miodern. convenlences, hot water heat, plaster basement ceiing, firepiace, Ilbath, 1721 Broadvlew Ave., High- lan Park, inquire in garage. 97LTN50-Itp !G REy SHINGLE WUI4ONiAL. l large rooms, 2 tlle baths, 2-car garage. Giencoe. bargain. $85. Mrs. Fuller & Win. Pickard 746 Elm St. Winnetka 32L~-122 o *.e 4300 AdTaker' uce If ZL .a504tp L-- rucé 92LI