witt i rene Castie McLaughlin mak- ing lier first return to the stagýe since ber retirement ten years, agoû. The play will' appear in Skokie sthool. auditorium, Winnetka,, Friday, April 28.. In addition- to the attraction of Mrs.McLugbln'sreturn,' bowverr there is the added interest, for. resi- dents ýof the nortb-shore, in the cast- ing of thé play. Bob,,Wamboldt, who directs it,. and who got bis training in .Hollywood, has. cast "Return to FroIly" ýto >type and in so, doing bas Selecteéd some. of the, best known amateur talent on -the north. shore. Guy ýStuart' Bailey, who plays- the lead, lias been known as -a comnpetent actor for many years-an 'amateur only hbecause be chooses to be one. WeII Knowu Players This is also true of Sam Otis, whom the north shore *nuws -as atalented comedian, of Roberta Thorne Ellis, Guernsey LePelle.y, Harry Kinser and ail the others of the cast. 11rs. M\cLaughlin in her first speaking part is sai1d to reveal that she might as eaîly have made an international reputation for herseif as an actress as wellI as a dancer. The play, 'R.eturn to Folly" is sclheduled for an eastern try-out this A Cappella Choir Gives Types of Saicred Music Beautiful and irarfed effects :in tope l-and dynamic s, ïieresting >interpreta- tion and the excellent quality of youngi voices1 were noted in the program of sacred' muûi presented Wednesday evening, April, 12,_ at the Wilmette Parish. Methodist cburch Iýbà the Ili- nois Wesleyan A Cappella choir un- der -the -direction 'of Dr. ,Arthur, E. Westbrook.' Pour types of religious choral music were offeired:,selections f rom tbe music.of the Roman church; chorales- drawn, f rom the.literature of the Protestant reformation; church music influenced by the Russian school,. and Negro spirituals and folk songs., Miss Aima Abbott . who appeared with the choir as both organist and accoimpanist presentçeI three.- srgan groups in whîch she. won praise for ber skill in performance and in variéty of registration. VASSAR CLUB, MKET& .- The regular montbly meeting and tea of the North Shore Vassar club was -ihid- Monday at the home of Mrs. Phillip Merrili in Evanston. Mrs. Addison Millard, also, ofEvans- ton, was assisting hostess. A short Harold JEhensperger of the Board ofPageantç of the Met ho- dist denomination -uil 1addrsess a joint meeting of the Higk SchooI' league and Poung Peo pie' group at the WiImette Paris/i Afet hodist church Sîrnda~y aftern.oon, 4ipri,2$,. at 5:45* o'cIock. Mr. Ehrensperger was fornienlv edi- tor of the Little Theater Monlthily, executive secretary of the Drama League of Amenica, a teacher in, the Northwestern university school of speech, and registrar of Garrett Bibli- cal institute. He is a well known radio lecturer. r ire %..niet Walteur .ibbie reports. L-ast SatUrday evening at the diii- ner bour the iemen were called to the homeë of Mr$. Robert A.' Steitz, 514 Maple avenueè,where a gas. stove was causing trouble. No ire c- curred and there was. no damiage. On Wednesday aftennoon, April 12, the Wilimette firemen extinguished1 two boaràd' fence ,tires, one at '718 Nitnth streèt and the other. at 423 Eighth street. The blazes, wereé started by burning' leaves, Fire Chiei Zibbde states,',but resuited in' only sligbt 4dam- age. Sparks f rom a neigbbor's rubbish burne r set ire to the roof of the John Stonner residence, 427 Ridge road, shortly before noon last Wednesday. The damage resulting wvas estimated at $50 by Pire Chief Zibble. BACK FROhM BERMUDA M.\rs. Burt Dennian, 21 Linden ave- nue, and ber daughter, Miss Dorotby Dayton and son, Draper Denman, and a scbool friend of Miss Dayton, Miss Jean Dunbar of Wheaton, spent the spring vacation in Bermuda. Miss Dayton and Miss Dunbar' are attend- ing the Katharine Gibbs school ini Boston. Last Monday Mr. and wMrs. Dennian returned froni Lincoln, Neb.. L.ollegv Humor and other magazines, andI bis radio sketch heard over NBC e'.ery morning-The Adventures of Phyllis and Frank-bas made Iiistory ior its sponsors. Mr. Ware is an of- ficiaI of the Society of Midland Authors and it is whispered that the l1ocal literati are looking forward to Hiîcplay with more than ordinary; in- terest for the author bas reversed the' ustal American custom of orais-, road, Kenilworth, came home from the Evanston. hospital on Saturday anîd is convalescing from an opera- tion for appendicitis. -o- Mrs. William. Tayler,' 631 'Abbots- ford road, Kenilwortb, left last Fri- day to spend Easter witb Mr. and Mrs. Clive Taylor and their daugbter. Miss Helen, in Barrington. . 1 luw r.nImwood avenue, were the The governor of the state of Illinois 0uestsdrigsin vaton f lias designated. the week biàginning Mrs. Dougiass McLaiîî at ber home Apnil 23 as Health Promotion Week iii, Springfield, 111. and Child Health Day. We urge the o- people of the community to take an The Frank Daeglings, formeriy of inventory of their bealth at this timie 2000 Beacbwood avenue, have moved and to consuit their famiiy physician, to, Chicago. Thieir son-in-law and their famiy dentists, or to cali the daughter, \Ir. and Mrs. John Craig, Wilmette Healtb Center, Wiimette bave taken an apartment on Lunt 2402 between the hours of 1 and 2 for avenue in Rogers Park. anvy informantion nrtainine toi helh10 me p Veni l jay3W li gotu"i *ti: t of. the Storm,t' Mrs. .McLaughlin's pet Mr. and Mrs. John Co, sanctuary located near Deerfield. Tbe fleld, entertained their ciu play, bowever, is béing presented flot and bridge on Saturday as a beneit, but, as entertainiefit.15 LJ iesuay mornnng from' Natalie Smth ot Ubteago, as- her week-end guest. 0071 Greenwoocj ave- Addison Righter; 1221 Asbland ave- y on a' business trip nue, bas retunned from a, week's na. business trip to New York.