REm LAWýN MOWER grass "TCUTS, WH.EN YOU PUSH, IT CUTS WHEN YOU PULL". Note TA... Exclsive Fet. ra The first important' improvenient ini nîowers for many years. It cuts faster and more easily than any other mower and does many things nîo other mower can do. Saves hours of trimming arouid edges and walls. Can be used at close quarters without damaging overhanging plants. Adjustable for height of cutting . instantly. Cuts heavy, growth of gras easily. STOP IN FOR DEMON- STRATION! A lifetime mower~T 1 for oniy' ................ rangeas, bath fix-, tureB,, eto.» Cait BASKET, Foi. the kitchen. Large' size. 19C DIVERTER put lit on your gaàs tove t») eliminate fumres. S'pecial soc BRIDGE SET Tlable cover and tour napklats. Crepe paper. 8 ets VIGORO 4 Squ<rce 1'otr LaI 0-l.bag $1.1 50-lb. bag $2,, rea# o, 25-lb.bag 81.501 A N 1 t-ioiuifli s Knotoa Lau'ia Prodiuct SioIded rubber' (;oôd (1utiity. Ver foot GOOBRICH MAX ECOIN %,-inch, 50-ft.' Iength with ûoupllngs. , -iiich. 50-ft. It.ngth with eoupllngs. 110SE'NOZZLE Ram King Guaiated f or-. ever. $1.50 value. While they ast 75c W ATERIlN G CAN WIth long spungtt.- Get one for y.our gardeni. Bach LAWN SEEDS Ouir Seeds Do Not C ontain T'imothy t 0 P,- chewin g. sIJ bclover and per- per lb. 2 10-lb. bag, per lb. - 25-lb. bag1ýJ, per lb. .27 PAILKW-AY. annot be <lassed wlthj ordlnary cheap tllxtuie',ý 5-lb. bag, per lb.,; fe 10-lb. bag, pet lb l 25-lb. bag, per' lb..i Alsm, SlaadY, Ky. Bluegrass, lRed I .qo, WhIte (lover etc R~ê*ê~p FOX- suppokrting clitnbiîtig and bushy vegetable: afid fiuwerm. :3-f. per doz. PEONy SUPPORTS Each tir GARDEN $TARES Wliré-Doz. lie OUT-U-IWM WEEDER Il -2-4 'OR. NOURI, DAILVý i 1 : 'A - i-;,ý