v. oacnusg. it iz bucmg naiied witf a great <frai of enthusiasm. The fashioin showing, it is announc- ed, will be most compiete. It wiiI include sport dresses, afternoon and Sunday evening froclcs, tea gowps and form 'al attire. There will 'aiso be a showing of beach fashions. Hats will be supplied by*Miss MacMahon., Alt costume jewelry and acces sories' wjiilbe shown byj. ÉE. Worthen, Who is exhibi ting ail the dress fashions. Amofig the reservations for tables which hbave. been received are those by Miss ' Vivyenne Morin, Ms George Ortseifen, Miss Marion Ort- seifen, Mrs. S. Morand, Mrs.ý William: P. Kinselia, Mrýs.. George McCarthy, Mrs. Peter McNamee, Mrs. Daniel Cunningham; Mrs. Robert Maàrkham, and Mrs. Alfred ýRohol. Those Who have reserved two tickets are Mrs. William Genner, Ed- ward Schager, Mrs. Arthur Hughes, Mrs. Peter Barton,, Mrs. J. Jan- e tte, Mrs. Otii-Rich, and Mr;s. henry Marten. Mrs. George 'Ortseifen and Mrs. Charles. Bartoii wili pour. Cocktail Bridge Musicale. Planned bg Women Voters Mrs. Oscar Hebei wiii open her home at 1210 Sheridan road, on Mon- day, May 22, at 1:30 o'ciock, for an afternoon of bridge and music for- members of the Wilmette League of Women Voters and their. guests. There wiII be a limited nuinher of table with Gondoliers, wiil entertain with vocal numbers, and two taiented young Musi- cians, Russell M. Pelton. and Richard Bireley, Northwestern university stu- dents, Will present accordion music, Mrs. Lewis, B. Ermeling, and Mrs.' Oscar Hebel, Who, have had charge of the, prograins of the Wilmette League of Women Voters, Mrs. William Reli- f eld, league finance chairman, and Mrs.: W. S. Hedges;, social chairman, have charge of arrangements for the cock- tail bridze. 1>1 ar. anal *The ceremony will be perforrnedi the evening at 8:30 o'clock in thi Lady chapel of St. Luke's churel Evanston with the Rev. Dr. Huber Carleton of, St. Augustine'sEpiscopa church -Wiimette, and the Rev. Deai Gerald Moore of St.- Luke's officiai ing. A reception in the churci house -will foilow the wedding. MissMary Best of Minneapolis vil be Miss Boddie's maid of honor an( Miss 'kathtrn Castor of ýEvanstot wiii attend as bridesmaid. Ail wer. classmates at Carleton coilege. Ed, mond Benoist of Winnetka.wili servt Mr. Shattuck as. best man, 'and. the ushers will be the bride's two broth- ers, John and Oliver Boddie,' and Ed- wardr Cronwall 'of Oak Park. Kath erne Ellis of Wilmette will be so. I)rano soloist before the cere.mony. 1The bride andi bidegroom wiii gC to Michigan on a l)rief honeymoon- l)1ostponing their real wedding, jour-' ney until June when they will take a motor trip through the ýeast, par- ticulanly the White Mountains and the Berkshires. They wiil make their home in Rogers Park. Infant Welfare Head to Be at Wilnmette Çenter The regular meeting of the Wii- mette center of the Infant Welfareý Society of Chicago will be heid Mon- day, May 15, at the Woman's club, as usuai. Mrs. Raipb Ilorween as hostes.s chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Harry Barnbili, Mrs. H.G.* Bersie, Mrs. Harry Craig, Mrs. H. A. Fin- ney, Mrs. M. C. . Hccht, Mrs. E. Earl McDow, and Mrs: lýester E., Mee. Mrs.. Telifer MacArthur, president of the Woman's auxiiiary of the In- fant Welfare society; wiil be the.guest. of honor and sàpeaker, teiiing of .the aims and, needs of 'the Organization, she represents. Con gregational Guild Plans Pro gram Friday The Woman's guiid of the Congre- gational church. is haviniz its rprnk.. Photo by Mathew Francis Cigaret girls play by nao means an unsmibo riant Port in any society bene /11. ('Iosen , for their attrac- tiveness, Ihey. lend color to those affairs wzhere they ve nd their w ares. Two, zvhose pleas tb buy vigarcis zwiIl be Iteard ui the gay ca,-nival and dance Satturday eve- niiag of ihis z( eèk for 11w benefit of thse Wilinette ce nier of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago will be Miss Retty Ba3,liss of Wibnttee ui the le ft, and Miss Helen Holden Of Kenihevorth. A suggestion of that alluring Casino in the prinçipality of Monaco whose shores are lapped by the bright ýblue waters of the Mediterranean, will be in its -simulated Monte Carlo games w hich will. transform Shawnee Coun- try club witb a form of entertainnient whose popularity seems to remain un, ceasing. Dancing and refreshments will rvr ar aens maut niave neyer oefore been open to the public wili be seen. The four hostesses, and the special features of their gardens, are. Mrs. Cari Miner, 344 St. Palos'road, Gien- coe, rare and beautiful rock garden; Mrs.. Walter Primiey,, 125 Mary street, GIen.coe, a greeni garden, ever-' greens, and. rare shrubs; 'Mrs. Lan-, sing B.* Warner, 201 Sheridan road, IIubb>ard Woodà, beautiful woods and lovel-y, Italian gardens on the* lake; Mrs. Frank Payne, 191 Wenitworth avenue, Glencoe, spring gardens with tulips and apple blossomüs. TÇa wili be 'served after 4 o'ciock in Mrs. Payne's garden. The gardçns in the tour are within aý short walking dis- tance 'of Mrs. -Payne's and wiii bc opehed at 2 o'ciock. Tickets for the garden visits and, for tea may be bought at the.gate of any of the four, or niay be purchased from any niern- * Hill-'King Weddig'e Te iiuEvnt of May 10 Temarriage of Mrs. Maud Sippy Hill of Chicago and Thomas Ross King, son of Mr. and Mrs. William. J. Kýing, 611 Forest avenue,* took'place Wedniesday afternoon, May 10, at the. home of bride's mother, Mrs. Bertram Welton Sippy, 5615 Woodlawn ave- nue, Chicago. The ceremony wvas performed at 4 o'clock by Dr. Horace J. Bridges. The bride, who was given away hy' ler brother, Bertram Welton 'Sippy; Jir., had as ber only attendant hier sniall cousin, Nona Amn Sippy of La Grange, wvhile ber twin cousins, Kennèth and Francis Sippy, and the bridegroom's, nephew and niece, Paul and Katherine * Kapindof Madlison, Wis., wliere ribbon bearers. John W.- Ctùlen, Jr. of Wilmette served Mr. King as best- man. ýThe wvedding was. attenided by only: the famtilles and a few intimate f riends. A. small reception followed., Th1bie 1and bridegrom. have de- parted on a honeynioon by motor, through the soutb and the east. They wiil lie at home to, their f riends after june 1, at 125 Kedzie street. Evanstan. 16, at 12 :30 o'clock. 0 . of M. to Sew Order of Martha will meet for sew- DINNER DANCE FOR JUNIORS ing Monday, May 15, at the home The junior members of Shawnee of Mrs. Thomas G. Chambers, 622 Country club will have a dinner dance: Washington, avenue. Refreshments this Friday. wiil be served after the sewing. "&F A1*Drri A1 vu Tulip time in Mrs. Charles D. Ew'er's garden and an exhibit of interesting quilts and tea in her borne at 1111 Ash- land'avenue on May 22, is the pro-' gram sponsored by . the North End cir.cle of the Congregational. church. Arden Shbore Notes The Wiimette board of Arden. Shore will have an ail-dav meeting comlhençing at 10 o'cioclc Thursday, May, Il. at the. home Qf Mrs. S. D., MePherron, 531 Linden *avenue.