Color andi Comf orti Your Ho0me Smartatrcie awnini wIIad to the beatrtu ,ort~ of Youir home. Let you 140W ittie the awnlr need will coat. Rehanging and Cl.m1i Cus*om Mede'Awnbin PHONE WILMETTE 9 PAUL H.. GATHER( AWNING SERY[ 2411 Thomwood Ave. m Your Lawn Mi m-- fln& p[ e11 WE TELL Y Selnd for bookiot, l'une 'ain 55M «Sà Ftidays & J. OIVE 140-%60 %W Huron Se.. .c ot o as ~*iLL .U VUW ug.i-ews zain ~also a Shriner and a member of the Timber lands or woodsa on nichame fromhe the rdd is in- zarden Club Apollo commaîidery inù hicgo.He e nial to al il jd f es, aeb~ hc perswe h oti n issuvtedby iswiow' rs va fowesut it jured. iSaxuer. yhs ioMrE« happens thatt the forest preserves, Then there is the shooting star or Funeal ervies or M, Sxerrailroad right-f-ays and. broken American cowslip, just now coming Sotfuneral hvce orMil.18 at wooded land, are, ail that remain into bloomn, found ini the semni-shade were held Monday afternoon a available for' *sefreeborn floivers, or open sn with t cluster of star- ISctts fneal om,. 11.,Greenleaf AIl open. level 'land is "settled, up"m l 7f avenue, under the auspices of th e oludr uliatono pstrd. owers at. the tip of the. bloomi Wilmette, Odd Fellows lodge.' Burial Even th 1e wild lands are frcquently s eeach' one pointing downward, too plceat osbil cmetrd altogether an' interesîing offering,, _______________ urnd oer, akig i lird or he.especiaîîy where found. in generous Ihardy plants to endure.,adrte hc patns n r It seemsthat the wild flowers are adrte hik.ltins n r Mrs. BeatriceIMcDoniald oe tec fmao htilf Imost profuse just when the ,w6od-oenstretch oi,ôfeao hatpyisomet .Tiaken by Death May 21 -Iand' are soggy and streamns and foln -serelywldoffs. ahpyhm Mrs. Beatrice McDonald, 10341 ponds are spedotoasodis- eflos Chestnut ,aveu, Wlet, id hearten thýL less determined. explor- 1400k for the jack-ini-the-pulpit, IlIs that Tuesday night, May 2, at. St. Eliz- ers., In' order to seeail the wildan thuhiisfoye bom nd coni- abeth's hospital in 'C'hicg. Ms flowers close up, a pair of top boots. it is interesting from the time its teliYOU McDonald hiad, been in the'- hospital tully water-proofed, is quite essential. cone p)ecstetpsu n h for four weeks.ý She was the wife Four 'buckle, overshoes will do fairly bellwort, Iwith its modest- drooping Iio ofThmasMconad, ndbesde well, but ordinary .ubbers %vill great- bell of 'yellow, is worth seeking out. li er husband is survived by five yolang, I.y litnit the possibilities of a timber And so month by month, the wood- children., Beatrice, Thomas, Edward, jaunt , st . lands offer beàuty and entertainment, CornneandGenvieeand by three The boggy flats and sballowpod to be enjoyed and conserved. Study :,sstes nd wo ioher, Te unealing sur.prisin iaeyst wof t e aîthaof these lovely .wild lings in t1heir ,COAL :ser andsw r r The funra' an y 11 s placeg dspae ofthnw er- ta ntveaunts will continue to teach ICE - ing frorn the résidence to St. Francis or marsh marigold. This is a wood- 1 methodu of good gardening. OVIm6fe Xavier church. Burial 'was at Ail lan'd offering whieb is not at all wel! Saints' cemetery. known, and seemingly because theý wr-ods are so inaccessible at its blooming tinme. Like the niertensia, il L go hu iir LNeeds Re.seedig UseI revels in the sloughls; of the back iig.timbers. t The closely wooded areas which (Wdmette VUnù 46) UIOULEVAIW are flot spring-flooded, will usually Meiners who attended the regular 1>e quite weIl stocked with the an- mieeting at Mrs. E. H. .Vog.t's last Mie aw rssS e mone hepatica, i bloomi now with Monday> night were well repai,1d Iby MixedLawnGrassSeed several shades of pink and lavender hearing Miss Patsy >Flentye, play a It's easyto avoid havin¶ an unevon. splotchy- combinations,. In similar locations, group of two piano nunibers, "Lento," Ioolffg Iawn-aiid it'aiepnse ar p teplxdvrct (timber phlox) by Cyril Scott, a "Valse Caprice," and the bare spots, then seed the whol h? ng.Roe -I' thseaphenoredivaricGeotg Pound Of fine seed wilJ renew 20 square foot will soon present its cheery blue Tesasaeco.Mr.erg of Iawn. lUe Boulevard Grass seed contain- blossonis. Bassler, Poppy Day chairman,. by tng Astoria Bent at 40e a P~ound or Lincoln The spring beauties and dog-tooth reading an article regarding Poppy Park Seed! at 25e a Pound-for fine reuie violets (.adder tongue violets) are Day. and a 'message from the national Askeu denier for N*Tta, tbe aew'I spread abroad in the semi-open tii- presîdent, Mrs. S. Blackburn, aroused torti b tat wlI mot buanjour lwma. bers with great lavishness, but are more enthusiasm regarding the day ah their 'best in just such wild sur- adisatvte n a beh OU HOW TO GROW A LAWN roundings. The flowers themselves, complete hier list of workers. " 'Six Stops In Maklng a Good Lawn" are quite interesting and dainty, but ran Ta. rolc,"rhrsdstif7 P M, h te grde, o fotSho up very Friday, May, 12, at I 30 p.. ni. the t P M,$udas f7 . .prominently and become enmeshed in auxiliary: wilI sponsor .a dessert bridge, R E~IlI' ~ ~r ggrasses a n d o ther undesirable at the home of Mrs, Lea J. Orr, 1002 B JO H N S E.flC growths. The flower of this dog-tooth Greenfeaf* avenu .e. : An enjoyable, 1< AGOPonMORE68 violet is itself, very choice, but coi- afternoon of cards s' epla nned, and __________________________________paratively few of the bulbs produce there are very atractive table prizes flowers in~ any one flowering season. and door prizes. Phone Mrs. E. H. The bulbs 'have to first. attain a Myrland, Wil. 1252 for your reserva- luiL IV1 blooming age. This so calle.! violet tions. The F. D. CLAY West D.erfi*Id1 mPiote Landscaibe Servc# INC, Deerfield, Illinois tirsi isi cm e garejen of M rs. F. B. I nUMPà u& RAIINGcou MacKinnon, 321 Leiceste road, Painting ad Deoaigewaar an coratrng where its members wilI iwalr 1033 MAMN'STREET rangement of' flowers for the living Wiimette 2378 Jand dinîng rooms. They will also ____________________________ sit the.gardeni of Mrs. William Belt.u 2 Abingonaenue.